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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
June 30, 2022 - Regular School Board Meeting
C9 - Addendum A to 2022-2023 UNF Dual Enrollment Articulation Agreement

The Addendum A is for the High School Virtual Teaching Academy.  

A collaborative agreement between the University of North Florida and the School Board of Clay County for Dual Enrollment purposes.  This agreement allows Clay County students to enroll in college courses on the UNF campus for both college credit and high school credit.  This agreement outlines policies pertaining to Dual Enrollment and the roles and responsibilities of each entity.

Gap Analysis

This Addendum A must be made in order to continue this offering to Clay County students. 

Previous Outcomes

The purpose of adding this addendum to the agreement is that students from Clay County who have enrolled in courses at UNF, would qualify for this academy.

Expected Outcomes

One of the goals of Clay County is to increase the number of students who participate in academic accelerated programs - Dual Enrollment being one of those programs.

Strategic Plan Goal

The District will work closely with UNF in order to better advise students on the postsecondary opportunities available to all.  Students who successfully pass a course earn acceleration points for their home schools while preparing themselves for college level work.


Approve Addendum A to 2022-2023 agreement between University of North Florida and the School Board of Clay County.

Roger Dailey, Chief of Academic Services; 904-336-6904;,
Treasure Pickett, Director of K-12 Academic Services; 904-336-6918;
Financial Impact
Approximately $500.00
Review Comments
220152 Addendum A to UNF Dual Enrollment Articulation Agreement.pdf