Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
District Multi-Purpose Center, Corner of Walnut Street and Gratio Place, Green Cove Springs, FL
October 29, 2024 - School Board Workshop
Date: Oct 29 2024 (9:00 a.m.)
Invocation  (Mary Bolla)
Call to Order  (Present: Erin Skipper, District 1; Mary Bolla, District 2; Beth Clark, District 3, Michele Hanson, District 4; and Superintendent David S. Broskie. Not Present: Ashley Gilhousen, District 5.)
Workshop Items
1. Review Draft Agenda for Regular School Board Meeting on November 7, 2024

Superintendent Broskie noted Item C2 Independent Contractor Services Agreement between School Board of Clay County, Florida and RSM US LLP for Internal Auditing Services, and he indicated that an item would be added to the agenda for the advertising of the consensus reached on Option C of the Growth Presentation.  He further invited the board members to contact him directly with any questions or requests for additional information on any items.

2. RSM US LLP Presentation
RSM US LLP Presentation 10292024 (3).pdf

Clara Ewing, Managing Director, and Matthew Blondell, Director of RSM, shared the attached visual presentation discussing internal auditing services their firm can provide under Florida Statute 1001.42(12)(l) to include ongoing financial verification of the district's financial records, a comprehensive risk assessment of all areas of the school system every five years, and other audits and reviews as the Board directs.  RSM would work to assess needs, identify and prioritize risk, develop an internal audit plan, understand and assess processes, test compliance, perform data analysis, analyze causes, evaluate results, and recommend remedies for improvement.

Board member discussion included managing established timelines, collaboration practices, and the inclusion of statute and policies, when applicable, to identify any gaps or specific revisions that may be needed.

Jeremiah Blockier, School Board Attorney, reviewed the draft Internal Audit Committee Guidelines and the Audit Committee Application.  Based on qualified applicant availability, the proposed guidelines will be revised to allow the board members discretion to appoint an Audit Committee Member outside of that board member's district.   Mr. Blocker will also research the need for a committee member to complete a Financial Disclosure form.

The board reached a consensus to move forward with the application process following the approval of RSM's contract on the November 7th agenda.

3. Volunteers Presentation
Volunteers Presentation.pdf

Karen McMillan, Coordinator of Family and Community Engagement, and Paula Summers, Family and Community Engagement Specialist, shared the attached visual presentation re visiting and volunteering with Clay County District Schools. Levels of access were discussed as well as associated requirements. The registration process and volunteering policy were shared.  Additional information is available in the CCDS Volunteer Handbook.

Mr. Broskie pointed out that this policy is part of the board's initiatives outlined in the Strategic Plan.

Mrs. Clark noted that greater parent involvement equals greater student success and indicated that addressing the affordability of fingerprinting could occur on a 1:1 basis.  Mrs. McMillan advised that schools and programs are making site-based decisions as necessary.

Mrs. Skipper indicated the importance of this program to her and shared that she has been receiving positive feedback from parents who appreciate this added safety layer.

4. Discussion of 2025 Legislative Priorities

Superintendent Broskie provided the draft 2025 Legislative Priorities for board input. 

Mrs. Hanson shared some details based on conversations at a recent FSBA board meeting that included half-day and full-day VPK programs, funding, and the new bus schedule considerations which should include surveying parents.  Hurricane relief was also a recommended priority for districts that sustained major damage.  Under administrative efficiency, FSBA recommended requesting an increase to student funding and empowering districts to initiate conversations re absences after ten total absences of any kind vs ten unexcused absences.

Mrs. Clark proposed verbiage that would "increase" rather than "continue" funding for school safety infrastructure enhancements and would like stronger language associated with portable reduction.  

Mrs. Hanson discussed funding for PreK, Adult Education and Virtual Education, and Mrs. Clark would like to include funding for PreK, which Mr. Broskie suggested could be added as a request for additional programs to enhance student readiness.  

The initiative to maintain and increase unrestricted funding of the Teacher Salary Increase Allocation will be further defined by verbiage that will specifically include experienced, veteran teachers.

Kelly Watt, Chief of Staff, will make proposed revisions and re-send to the board for consideration.

5. Aaron Feis Guardian Program Information
Guardian Education Program.pdf

Matt Boyack, Director of Safety and Security, shared the attached visual presentation re the Chris Hixon, Coach Aaron Feis, and Coach Scott Geigel Guardian Program.  The inception of the guardian program was discussed as well as the program's fulfillment of requirements set forth in Florida Statute 30.15.  Training, screening, and certification requirements were also outlined.

Board member discussion included confirmation that this program is currently deployed and the need to consider expenses for salary, equipment repairs, liability insurance, and training.

6. Growth Management Options - Oakleaf and Lake Asbury
Growth Management Presentation.pdf

Paul Bement, Supervisor of Planning, shared the attached presentation to outline and discuss options for growth management in the Oakleaf and Lake Asbury areas.  Presentation objectives were as follows:

  • Growth and Growth Management
  • Address / Balance School Capacities
  • Relieve Near or Over Capacity Schools
  • Simplify Transportation Routes
  • Portable Reduction
  • Fiscal Responsibility
  • Timeline

The benefits and challenges of three (3) options were outlined.  Heather Teto, Chief of Elementary Education, discussed the instructional benefits to students of Option C, which involves redistricting the high-growth areas - 

  • Growth management
  • Cost savings
  • Curriculum Variety
  • Acceleration Options
  • Curriculum alignment
  • Development of Independence
  • Increased Access to Programs and Extracurricular Activities - athletics, band, chorus, art, clubs
  • Longer Investment Period - afforded by a three-year timeframe in junior high
  • Resource Allocation
  • Impact on Current Elementary Programs
  • Administrative Readiness

Option C would utilize the 32-classroom wings currently being constructed at Lake Asbury Junior High and Oakleaf Junior High to provide capacity for having 6th-grade students at specific elementary schools attend their respective junior high school one year earlier.  This option is estimated to eliminate 85 portables and is a current model in 65 of the 67 Florida counties.

Benefits and disadvantages of all options were thoroughly considered by the board.  

Mrs. Hanson discussed the readiness (maturity) of 6th graders, potential for increased seamlessness in curriculum gaps due to vertical alignment, and the potential for resource teachers to possibly increase their time with students, generating additional planning time for teachers. Mrs. Skipper noted that parents of younger students may view this as a safer option and that this is likely the best option for now, although high numbers at Lake Asbury should continue to be examined.  Bryce Ellis, Assistant Superintendent of Operations, noted the need to maximize the use of current facilities prior to building new schools.  Mrs. Hanson would like the utilization of unused, available portables to be considered over utilizing closets as learning spaces.  Mrs. Bolla noted her involvement in prior expansions, noting that each school is unique and all parties worked closely together to make successful transitions.

Mr. Broskie noted that an item would be added to the agenda for advertising the option selected by the board. This would be followed by hosting information sessions for parents and guardians to discuss the transition, share information, and answer questions. Additional feedback will also be obtained through surveys and forums to ensure parents and students participate in this process. A final vote on this matter will be held at the December board meeting.

7. *Safety and Security Quarterly Update (closed to public)*

This item was addressed following the conclusion of all other items and comments, following a recess, from 12:37 p.m. - 1:12 p.m.  This portion of the meeting was closed to the public (1:12 p.m. - 1:46 p.m.) for Matthew Boyack, Director of Safety and Security, to present a safety and security quarterly update to the Board.  Per section 1001.212(13)(c), Florida Statutes, Office of Safe Schools (OSS), the requirement to provide quarterly reports in a public meeting shall be met during the November 7, 2024 regular board meeting.

Questions from the Audience  (None)
Superintendent Comments
8. Superintendent Comments

Superintendent Broskie provided the board an update on wireless communication devices, reviewing the current policy, how students are being educated on this policy, and student violations of the policy.  He also noted participation in 21 school improvement walks, completed instructional observations, the naming of Clay as a high-performing district, and the Principal of the Year and Assistant Principal of the Year named for 2024/2025.

Discussion with board members yielded that the December meeting will be held on December 12th and the workshop for that meeting will be held on December 2nd.

School Board Attorney Comments  (None)
School Board Comments
9. School Board Member Comments

Mrs. Bolla referenced the CESPA contract on the consent agenda and noted current and previous considerations given to a variety of secretaries and bookkeepers.  She would like to encourage thought be given to compensation for the elementary school principal secretaries because they perform job duties that include being both a principal secretary and a bookkeeper.

Adjournment  (1:46 p.m.)
Superintendent of Schools School Board Chair