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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
September 5, 2024 - Regular School Board Meeting
C16 - Contract Agreement - Walden University School Counseling Interns

The School Board of Clay County has a current agreement in place with Walden University's College of Education providing interns from programs preparing individuals to enter the workforce in the education field.  Both parties have a common desire to amend the Agreement to expand the number of facilities to be used as "Field Sites" under the agreement to include all schools within Clay County, Florida and under the governance of the Clay County School Board.  An amendment to the original Walden University agreement for the placement of interns shall to be changed from "Grove Park Elementary" to "all schools within the district."

Gap Analysis

Current and prospective school counselors rely on Cay County District Schools for placement at internship sites to ensure their completion of School Counseling Master’s degree programs and state certification requirements. This continued agreement is vital to our placement of qualified school counselors. 


Previous Outcomes

Intern placements have successfully completed required field work to progress towards their degree programs and state certification requirements.

Expected Outcomes

 Increase placement of qualified school counselors.

Strategic Plan Goal

Goal 4: Safe and Positive Learning Environment. A district wide plan ensures that students at all schools have access to quality counseling services to support their mental health and wellness by increasing strategies that specifically address student resilience, positive behavior and life skills.


That the school board approve the amendment to the existing Walden University agreement as submitted..

Kellie Guilfoyle, Director of Climate & Culture
Tabbatha Johns & Erin Colon, School Counseling Specialist
Financial Impact
No financial impact to the school district is expected.
Review Comments
200029 Walden Univ FINAL (1).pdf