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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
September 5, 2024 - Regular School Board Meeting
C17 - Interagency Agreement Regarding Truant Children

The Superintendent shall be responsible for the enforcement of compulsory school attendance laws according to F.S. 1003.26.

Section 1003.27(4) Florida Statutes, requires that DJJ, DCF and SBCC enter into a cooperative Interagency Agreement that clearly defines each department's role, responsibility, and function in working with habitual truants and their families.

The parties recognize that a collaborative effort is necessary to share information regarding truant children, and to fulfill the objectives of Title 34 CFR Sections 99.3 l(a)(S)(i)(B) and 99.38(a) and (b ); Chapter 984, Florida Statutes, and Sections 39.0016, 984.151 and 1003 .27( 4), Florida Statutes.


Gap Analysis


Previous Outcomes


Expected Outcomes

School Board of Clay County (SBCC)
Role of the Agency: SBCC will identify students with attendance concerns, including students who have 15 or more unexcused absences (habitual truancies) within a 90-day period and refer students and families to CINS/FlNS providers if the truancy is not
remediated by school interventions.

Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ)
Role of the Agency: DJJ provides non-judicial services through its CTNS/FINS providers and institutes j udicial proceedings as needed for eligible students pursuant to the authority of Chapter 984, Florida Statutes.

Department of Children and Families (DCF)
Role of the Agency: DCF investigates allegations of child abuse, neglect or abandonment by a parent, caregiver, or institution. DCF provides shelter care and foster care services pursuant to Chapters 39 and 409, Florida Statutes.

Strategic Plan Goal

The parties have developed this lnteragency Agreement to encourage cooperation and collaboration among the agencies when providing services to truant youth in Clay County, Florida. This lnteragency Agreement does not impose additional mandates or burdens, financial or otherwise, but is consistent with the signatories' existing statutory and administrative responsibilities.


The School Board of Clay County would approve the Interagency Agreement between Clay County District Schools, Florida Department of Juvenile Justice and Florida Departement of Children and Familes (Circuit 4).

John Steinmetz
Financial Impact
Review Comments
Interagency Agreement Regarding Truant Children (2).pdf