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Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
September 5, 2024 - Regular School Board Meeting
C3 - Authorize the Superintendent to Explore a Direct Contract with RSM US LLP for the Retention of Internal Auditing Services

Florida Statute 1001.42(12)(l), A school district may or, in the case of a school district receiving annual federal, state, and local funds in excess of $500 million, shall employ an internal auditor. The scope of the internal auditor shall not be restricted and shall include every functional and program area of the school system.

Gap Analysis


Previous Outcomes


Expected Outcomes

That the Board will be provided information sufficient to move forward with the engagement of internal auditing services.

Strategic Plan Goal

The district and board would ensure financial responsibility and transparency.


Approve direction for the Superintendent to explore the delivery of internal audit services through a contract with RSM US LLP.  The program would involve an audit committee along with creating policies and procedures in accordance with Florida Statute 1001.42(12)(l).

Ashley Gilhousen, Chair, School Board of Clay County
Financial Impact
To be determined based on contract.
Review Comments

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