Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
District Multi-Purpose Center, Corner of Walnut Street and Gratio Place, Green Cove Springs, FL
February 21, 2023 - School Board Workshop
Date: Feb 21 2023 (9:00 a.m.)
Invocation  (Erin Skipper)
Call to Order  (Present: Erin Skipper, District 1; Mary Bolla, District 2; Beth Clark, District 3, Michele Hanson, District 4; Ashley Gilhousen, District 5; and Superintendent David S. Broskie)
Workshop Items
1. Review Draft Agenda for Regular School Board Meeting on March 2, 2023
Book Challenges_2 21 2023 Workshop Presentation.pdf


  • Recognize State and International Science Fair Nominees - no discussion;
  • Recognize Spelling Bee Winner(s) - no discussion;

Consent Agenda:

  • C1 Minutes of School Board Workshop on January 24, 2023; Student discipline Hearings and Regular Meeting on February 2, 2023 - no discussion;
  • C2 Approval of the Revised 9-Month Employee Work Calendar - no discussion;
  • C3 Proclamation #23-09, Clay County Agricultural Fair - no discussion;
  • C4 ENA WAN Contract Amendment to add Spring Park Elementary - no discussion;
  • C5 Personnel Consent Agenda - no discussion;
  • C6 Summer Programs Manual - no discussion;
  • C7 K-12 Academic Services Out of State and Overnight Student Travel - no discussion;
  • C8 Approval to Advertise and Notice of Public Hearing to Approve amendment to School Board Procedures Manual for Library Media Services (Media Services), and Procedures Manual for Instructional Resources (Instructional Materials) - *see comments following Discussion Agenda
  • C9 Proclamation #23-10 to Establish School Social Work Week - no discussion;
  • C10 Proposed Allocation changes for 2022-2023 - no discussion;
  • C11 Monthly Financial Reports for January, 2023 - no discussion;
  • C12 Budget Amendment Report for January 31, 2023 - no discussion;
  • C13 Approval of the 2023-2024 Payroll Calendars - no discussion;
  • C14 Deletion of Certain Items Report February, 2023 - no discussion;
  • C15 BID to be Awarded - no discussion;
  • C16 Schematic/Preliminary/Final (Phase I, II, and III) Plans and Specifications for Lakeside Junior High School Restroom Renovations Buildings 2, 1, & 3 - no discussion;
  • C17 Pre-Qualification of Contractors - no discussion;
  • C18 Change Order #2 (Direct Purchasing) for Spring Park Elementary School - no discussion;
  • C19 Schematic/Preliminary/Final (Phase I, II, & III) Plans and Specifications for Montclair Elementary School Electrical Panel Replacement - no discussion;
  • C20 Annual Florida Inventory of School Houses (FISH) Certification - no discussion;
  • C21 Substantial and Final Completion of Orange Park High School Front Entrance Security Enhancements - no discussion;
  • C22 Middleburg High School Safety and Security Single Key Access Initiative Contract Award - no discussion;
  • C23 Change Order #5 for Orange Park High School Front Entrance Security Enhancement - no discussion;
  • C24 Keystone heights High School Safety & Security Single Key Access Initiative Contract Award - no discussion;
  • C25 Orange Park Junior High School Restroom Renovations (Building 1) Contract Award - no discussion;
  • C26 Change Order #2 for Clay High School Restroom Renovations - no discussion;

Discussion Agenda:

  • D1 Human Resources Special Action A - no discussion;
  • D2 Human Resources Special Action B - no discussion;
  • D3 Proposed Allocations for 2023-2023 - *see item #2 on workshop agenda

*Roger Dailey, Chief Academic Officer, shared the attached presentation re book challenges, highlighting the following:

  • Florida laws governing book challenges - Florida Statute Chapter 847.012, FL House Bill 7, FL House Bill 1467, FL House Bill 1557; the requirements and applications of each law were discussed;
  • Status of book challenges to date - evaluation process and status of current book challenges was provided; the process of procuring books was also discussed;
  • Parental control options - parents have options to restrict students or provide access to selected materials;
  • Barriers to the process - this is an unfunded mandate and the time and consideration given to each challenge is considerable; multiple perspectives also lend difficulty to the process.
  • Moving forward - how to manage purchasing requests; suggestion to include district oversight to ensure the appropriateness of materials and statutory compliance are correct;

Following Mr. Dailey's detailed presentation, board member discussion included the following:

  • the removal of inappropriate materials based on statute
  • the length of time for the process to be completed
  • the importance of fully completing the book challenges correctly so that there is sufficient information to consider the challenge
  • the location of challenge forms and list of challenged books on the district website
  • whether the lowest age in attendance at a school is being used to consider removal e.g. at K-6 schools, materials appropriate for upper grades may be inappropriate for younger students; it is expected that legislation will be expanded to include up to 6th grade as well
  • providing media specialists with better guidelines to assist in the process
  • how to incorporate the differing cultures of schools in this process
  • the inclusion of common core in some materials, with portions of common core still relevant and taught in schools
  • the possibility of creating rubrics to assist media specialists with evaluations of books
  • the desire to err on the side of caution

Bruce Bickner, School Board Attorney, discussed the proposed amendments to the School Board Procedures Manual for Library Media Services and Procedures Manual for Instructional Materials that would shift some challenged books to a sequestered location, available to be checked out with the permission of a parent meeting requirements.  Vicki Kidwell, CCEA President, inquired into when approved books would be returned, and Mr. Dailey advised this is being worked on as quickly as possible.

2. 2023 - 2024 Proposed Allocations Presentation
2023-24 Staff Allocation_Workshop Presentation.pdf

Superintendent Broskie reviewed the attached presentation and allocation package presented to board members under the guiding principles of stability, fiscal conservativeness, flexibility, and transparency and which incorporates student projections, the opening of a new school, and revised school attendance boundaries.  An overall summary of proposed allocation changes at schools and district offices was provided, including the financial impact of recommended allocations.

Mrs. Clark inquired into the sufficiency of ESE facilitators, and Mr. Broskie advised many ESE allocations have been added based on need and balanced with fiscal responsibility.

Mrs. Gilhousen requested information re the addition of 11 guardians (school safety officers), and Mr. Broskie stated that the Department of Education and Education Commissioner Diaz have challenged schools to increase their guardian positions.  School campuses have been analyzed and guardians are being placed, in addition to the existing school resource officers, at campuses with a large number of students or at schools more remotely located.

Mrs. Hanson asked about the proposed new instructional allocation serving in the communications department, and Mr. Broskie responded that the desire was to have an educator to have that position.

Both Mrs. Hanson and Mrs. Gilhousen requested more detailed information re the individual costs assessed to the proposed district allocations.

3. Transportation Presentation and Discussion
February 2023 Transportation Update_2 21 23 Workshop Presentaton.pdf

Randall Crawford, Director of Transportation, shared the attached presentation on transportation, highlighting the following:

  • Transportation Leadership
  • Transportation Year in Review
  • Transportation Facts
  • Recruitment Process
  • Synovia/GPS/Student Ridership
  • Parent Concerns
  • Area Manager Daily Duties
  • Plans to Improve

Discussion included the parent call log, security, and the cost and benefits of additional technology as well as the smoothness of any transition process.  There are schools willing to pilot this technology.  Mrs. Hanson would like to explore ways of promoting transportation so that parents are encouraged to utilize this option for their children.  The funding source, ability to fund, and fail-safe budgetary options available were discussed.

Mrs. Skipper proposed exploring private companies to engage bus drivers when needed.  Mr. Crawford has previously explored this option and found that these companies are also experiencing a lack of available drivers.  

Mrs. Clark asked about the bus drivers having access to pertinent medical information on the students they transport, and Mr. Crawford advised this has not always been done in years past, but they are currently working on providing access and getting all staff enrolled in a medication safety training course.  Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Bolla also appreciated the positivity of Mr. Crawford.

4. Review of Strategic Plan Process and Board Member Priority Input
Strategic Plan - Board Input (Feb 2023)_Workshop Presentation.pdf

Superintendent Broskie shared a presentation on the Strategic Plan process and Board Member Input, highlighting the following:

  • Strategic Plan Process
  • Strategic Plan Goals
  • Board Input

Five goals for the 2023-2028 Strategic Plan were identified and board members were asked to provide a top priority as a potential item within one of the five established goals.  Board member initiatives brought forth are as follows:

  • Mrs. Skipper would like to examine literacy and reading and focus on extra resources in K-3 to ensure student success, including possibly hiring an assistant, particularly in kindergarten classes, to allow small group instruction.  She would also like to implement an ethics class and increase parent support in schools by having a PFA individual at each school communicating with room parents, parents, and administrators, reducing stress on teachers.  
  • Mrs. Bolla would like to focus on the development of instructional personnel because there is an increasing number of new teachers from a wide variety of backgrounds and this can be an opportunity to provide experienced and novice teachers to train by example, ensuring that development is made available.
  • Mrs. Clark would like to review cell phone usage at schools and would like to explore a free state investigation of the school district police to ensure community members who have concerns regarding the police department.
  • Mrs. Gilhousen sees an opportunity in K-6 to teach history.  She advised a K-6 history curriculum has not been identified, and this would be a curriculum opportunity to explore and include in the next adoption, rather than waiting for this learning to occur at the secondary level.
  • Mrs. Hanson would like to re-position budget information on the district website under the school board section along with the policies so that the public can access it more easily for greater transparency.  She also supports bringing back engaging learning because fun has been lost in the classroom.  Moving away from Chromebooks and textbooks and working on engaging students on a level that matters would serve to nurture a love of learning.  She believes there is a need to find ways to better support teachers and provide them with a sense of satisfaction as well as adequate compensation.  Authentically listening to teachers who feel free to talk openly about discipline in the classroom, multiple meetings each week, and supporting those teachers so they do not feel as if they are responsible for all crises affecting students would include communication as a component of retention.
5. Legislative Priorities and Lobbyist Update

Superintendent Broskie shared the draft 2023 Legislative Priorities with board members.  He advised he has had numerous meetings with the retained lobbyist and has discussed and received assurance that the wording of the priorities is correct.  

Three (3) different appropriation measures have been filed - 

  1. expansion of school choice item seeks to expand the Montessori program to a second school;
  2. increase workforce development by adding a CNA program to Orange Park High, where students could walk to Orange Park Medical Center, and a pipeline of nursing candidates could be developed to support the medical needs of the community;
  3. expansion of Elevation Academy due to a current waiting list and inability to support all students with this program; having two shifts of Elevation Academy at its current location would be most doable given current space restrictions.

A brief discussion followed regarding the full expense of the expected increase in voucher scholarships.

6. Status of Legal Counsel Search
Status of School Board Attorney Search_2 21 2023 Workshop Presentation.pdf

Brenda Troutman, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, provided an update re the status of the School Board Attorney search, highlighting the following - 

  • Overview of Legal Services Provided
  • Benefits of On-Site Attorney
  • Similar District Hiring for School District Attorneys
  • Advertising Process
  • Application Process
  • Next Steps

Mrs. Troutman distributed envelopes to board members containing resumes and suggested each board member choose their top five (5) candidates, bearing in mind the needs of everyone supported by this position.  Suggested dates for interviews were provided and will be scheduled soon.

Mr. Broskie commented that 90% of the work of the school board attorney is done through district staff.

Mrs. Hanson questioned the need for an onsite attorney given available technology.

Mrs. Bolla does not believe that one (1) attorney is sufficient for a district this size.

Questions from the Audience  (None)
Superintendent Comments  (None)
School Board Attorney Comments  (None)
School Board Comments
7. School Board Member Comments

Mrs. Bolla thanked Mr. Dailey for his diplomacy and patience and Mr. Crawford for his contagious enthusiasm.

Mrs. Hanson appreciated information provided by Dr. Legutko at the Finance Forum and commented that Dr. Legutko is well-respected around the state.  Mrs. Hanson sees the value in out-of-the-box thinking and would like to ensure positive changes in needed areas such as reading, budget, and student achievement.

Mrs. Skipper also attended the Finance Forum and appreciates the opportunity to bring back knowledge of what state officials have been doing.  She also supports having a new perspective to ensure forward movement.

Mrs. Clark appreciated the presentations given today, particularly the information provided re book challenges.

Mrs. Gilhousen thanked staff for informative presentations that reflected evidence of effort, thought, time and strategy to benefit the board.

Adjournment  (1:05 p.m.)
Superintendent of Schools School Board Chair