School Board of Clay County
District Multi-Purpose Center, Green Cove Springs (Corner of Walnut Street and Gratio Place) |
May 28, 2019 - School Board Workshop
Date: May 28 2019
(8:30 a.m.)
(Mary Bolla)
Call to Order
(Present: Janice Kerekes, District 1; Carol Studdard, District 2; Tina Bullock, District 3; Mary Bolla, District 4; Ashley Gilhousen, District 5; and Superintendent Addison Davis. )
Workshop Items
1. Review Draft Agenda for Regular School Board Meeting on June 6, 2019
2019 Jun 6 DRAFT Agenda - Board Review 05.28.2019.pdf
Consent Items C1-C5.pdf
Consent Items C6-C9.pdf
Consent Items C10-C26.pdf
Discussion Items D1-D3.pdf
Property & Casualty Renewal Ppt 2019.pdf
- Perfect Attendance - no discussion;
- All-Star Athletes-of-the-Month - no discussion;
- Coastal Spine and Pain - no discussion;
- CHS Criminal Justice Academy designed as a model academy by NCAC - no discussion;
- C1 Minutes of previous meetings - no discussion;
- C2 Evaluation Instrument for School Board Attorney - discussion about the bullet points under the performance indicators; Board members will send input to Mr. Bickner for further revisions to the instrument;
- C3 Personnel Consent Agenda - administrator reappointments will be added next week; Mr. Davis called attention to the job description for Registered Behavior Technician Master's Level;
- C4 2019-2020 List of Physicians/Medical Facilities to conduct physical exams - sent 20 letters; only 4 responses received;
- C5 CTE Student Field Trips - prior approval for FFA field trips;
- C6 K-12 Student Field Trips - no discussion;
- C7 Revised 2019-2020 FLYCA Calendar - no major changes from last year;
- C8 2019-2020 Interagency Agreement with Dept of Military Affairs - contract renewal for FLYCA;
- C9 College/Univ Agreements for Student Placement - St. Leo, St. Johns River State College, St. Josephs, Florida State College;
- C10 Continue Training in Safe Crisis Mgt for ESE Employees - annual agreement for professional development training; the number of restraints continue to decline;
- C11 2019-2020 School Health Services Agreement - annual agreement; required by the state; the agreement defines our relationship for the Dept. of Health;
- C12 Proposed Allocation Changes - the 11-Mo. AP at Bannerman increasing to 12-Mo. position;
- C13 Budget Amendment Report for April 2019 - no discussion;
- C14 Monthly Financial Reports for April, 2019 - no discussion;
- C15 2019-2020 Payroll Calendars for Summer Schools and FLYCA - no discussion;
- C16 Deletion of Certain Items Report - May 2019 - surplus items deleted from inventory;
- C17 Bid to be Awarded - awarded to Jeff Excavating for concrete and asphalt work;
- C18 Interlocal Agreement to Sell Low-Priced Fuel to BCC for use of Firm and Rescue in Keystone - 3.45% administration fee charged;
- C19 Change Order #2 (DP) for FIH AICE - additive returning $21K back to the contract;
- C20 Continuing Services Contraction Management Firms Contract Renewal - continued services for projects under $500K; only 3 responded;
- C21 Change Order #8 for FIH AICE - for infrastructure storm drain; an increase of approximately $28,000;
- C22 Pre-Qualification of Contractors - routine;
- C23 Final Completion of LES Re-Roofing Bldg. 1 - no discussion;
- C24 Final Completion of FIH AICE Testing Facility - no discussion; Jim Connell will retire June 12th; Mr. Connell was thanked for his help with the AICE project;
- C25 Adoption of Resolution retroactively granting permission to remove/dispose of WES relocatable building - to remove portable from inventory; total loss due to fire;
- C26 2019-2020 Food and Nutrition Proposed Meal Price Increase - increase in lunch prices only; lunch prices have not increased since 2017-2018;
- D1 Fleming Island Junior High/K-8 School Construction (Submitted by Mrs. Kerekes) - item added to open the conversation;
- D2 HR Special Actions - no discussion;
- D3 Advertise the 2019-2020 Student Handbook and Code of Student Conduct - this item is being stricken from the agenda for further review;
- D4 2019-2020 Property/Casualty/Active Assailant Insurance renewal submitted by Arthur Gallagher - standard renewal; Joi Van der Voort used attached PowerPoint to review the renewal and pricing; overall premiums are estimated to not exceed 8% increase; this item is being moved to Consent;
NOTE: Item numbers for the June 6th agenda will change due to revisions made.
A short break was taken before moving to the next agenda item.
2. Discuss Projected Growth in Clay County
CCDS Projected Growth Update - May 28, 2019.pdf
Minutes: Superintendent Davis used the attached PowerPoint to identify projected areas of growth in Clay County, projected school needs, the financial cost to the district, and the timeline for projected growth. The First Coast Expressway will drive the increase in development in Clay County. Mr. Jim Fossa, the district's Coordinator of Planning, assisted by reviewing the data identifying projected school needs. The overall project growth will bring an estimated 13,564 new homes and 5,831 new students to Clay County with the completion of the expressway by the year 2025. Board members agreed that a proposed sales tax increase may be inevitable at some point in the future.
3. Discuss District Millage Plan
Proposed Millage Revenue & Expenditures May 28 Workshop PPT.pdf
Minutes: Superintendent Davis stated this item will focus on an overview of the millage revenue expenditures for safety and security, and the proposed expenditures and timelines for the next four years. Dr. Michael Kemp, Assistant Superintendent for Operations, reviewed a four-year proposal which identified the priority projects proposed.
Questions from the Audience
Superintendent Comments
School Board Comments
4. Board Member Remarks
Minutes: Due to several Board members being out of town, the June 27th Regular meeting agenda review workshop was moved to Monday, June 17, 2019, at 10 am.
(11:13 a.m.)
Superintendent of Schools |
School Board Chair |