School Board of Clay County
Teacher Inservice center, 2233 Village Square Parkway, Fleming Island, FL |
September 14, 2023 - Special Meeting (Public Hearing on the Budget)
Date: Sep 14 2023
(5:05 p.m.)
Call to Order
(Present: Erin Skipper, District 1; Mary Bolla, District 2; Beth Clark, District 3, Michele Hanson, District 4; Ashley Gilhousen, District 5; and Chief Academic Officer Roger Dailey (substituting for Superintendent David S. Broskie))
Agenda Items
1. Review the 2023-2024 Final Millage, Rolled-Back Rate Calculation, and the 2023-2024 Budget (All Funds)
Summary Budget Final Hearing.pdf
Final EFP Presentation Capital Rev Sources - 9-14-2023.pdf
Minutes: Prior to hearing the agenda items, Chair Gilhousen read a statement into the record noting revisions to the agenda:
"Final adjustments to the prior year's (2022-2023) expenditures have impacted the 2023-2024 proposed final budget and necessitated a need to revise some of the items and attachments on the agenda. Revisions are as follows:
- Item#1 - Review the 2023-2024 Final Millage, Rolled-Back Rate Calculation and the 2023-2024 Budget (All Funds) - item reflects corrected total under "financial impact"
- Item #2 - Public Hearing for Comments on the 2023-2024 Budget and Millages - item reflects corrected total under "financial impact"
- Item #8 - Adopt the Budget (All Funds) for 2023-2024 - item reflects corrected total under 'recommendations" and attachments (Budget Summary Report and ESE 139) have been revised
- Item #10 - Resolution 24-04 Adopting the 2023-2024 Final Budget - item values in table under "description: corrected and attachment (Resolution 24-04) has been revised to reflect correct total
Dr. Susan Legutko, Assistant Superintendent of Business Affairs, used the attached visual presentation to review the rolled-back rate calculation, final proposed millages, and the 2023-2024 budget for all funds. The total millage levy is 6.404 and the total budget for all funds is $596,998,307. A tax increase was advertised because the millage rate to be levied exceeds the rolled-back rate by 12.10 percent.
Mrs. Gilhousen noted that the local percentages are significantly higher than what is reflected in previous years and that it is important for the public to understand that, as the local tax base grows, the state's contribution decreases, and the financial burden of education falls more greatly on local residents.
Bryce Ellis, Assistant Superintendent of Operations, and Dr. Michael Kemp, Director of Facility Planning and Construction, used the attached visual presentation to highlight project changes subsequent to the tentative Educational Facilities Plan, projected new revenue, and district capital outlay expenditures. Board members' questions included how priorities are determined for funding and, specifically, how needed playground repairs may be addressed.
2. Public Hearing for Comments on the 2023-2024 Budget and Millages
Minutes: Chair Gilhousen opened the public hearing. With no one coming forward to speak to the item, the public hearing was closed.
3. Adopt the 2023-2024 Required Local Effort Millage Levy
Motion |
Motion that the Clay County School Board adopt the 2023-2024 final proposed required local effort mill levy of 3.156 with a proposed amount to be raised of $60,520,294. The RLE millage includes basic RLE of 3.151 and a prior period adjustment millage of .005
Vote Results ( Approved ) |
Motion: Mary Bolla |
Second: Erin Skipper |
Ashley Gilhousen |
- Aye |
Mary Bolla |
- Aye |
Beth Clark |
- Aye |
Michele Hanson |
- Aye |
Erin Skipper |
- Aye |
4. Adopt the 2023-2024 Basic Discretionary Operating Mill Levy
Motion |
Motion that the Clay County School Board adopt the 2023-2024 final proposed base discretionary millage of .748 with a proposed amount to be raised of $14,343,847.
Vote Results ( Approved ) |
Motion: Erin Skipper |
Second: Beth Clark |
Ashley Gilhousen |
- Aye |
Mary Bolla |
- Aye |
Beth Clark |
- Aye |
Michele Hanson |
- Aye |
Erin Skipper |
- Aye |
5. Adopt the 2023-2024 Local Capital Improvement Fund Millage Levy
Motion |
Motion that the Clay County School Board adopt the 2023-2024 final proposed capital outlay millage of 1.500 with a proposed amount to be raised of $28,764,398.
Vote Results ( Approved ) |
Motion: Beth Clark |
Second: Michele Hanson |
Ashley Gilhousen |
- Aye |
Mary Bolla |
- Aye |
Beth Clark |
- Aye |
Michele Hanson |
- Aye |
Erin Skipper |
- Aye |
6. Adopt the 2023-2024 Additional Voted Operating Millage Levy
Motion |
Motion that the Clay County School Board adopt the 2023-2024 final proposed voted millage of 1.00 with a proposed amount to be raised of $19,176,265.
Vote Results ( Approved ) |
Motion: Michele Hanson |
Second: Mary Bolla |
Ashley Gilhousen |
- Aye |
Mary Bolla |
- Aye |
Beth Clark |
- Aye |
Michele Hanson |
- Aye |
Erin Skipper |
- Aye |
7. Adopt the 2023-2024 Total Millage Levy
Motion |
Motion that the Clay County School Board adopt the 2023-2024 final proposed total millage which will equal 6.404 with a total amount to be raised of $122,804.804. The total millage rate to be levied is more than the roll-back rate by 12.10 percent.
Vote Results ( Approved ) |
Motion: Mary Bolla |
Second: Erin Skipper |
Ashley Gilhousen |
- Aye |
Mary Bolla |
- Aye |
Beth Clark |
- Aye |
Michele Hanson |
- Aye |
Erin Skipper |
- Aye |
8. Adopt the Budget (All Funds) for 2023-2024
ESE 139.pdf
Summary Budget Final Hearing.pdf
Motion |
Motion that the Clay County School Board adopt the final budget for the 2023-2024 school year as follows: General Operating in the amount of $417,769,509; Special Revenue Budget in the amount of $84,370,919; Debt Service Budget in the amount of $7,541,680; Capital Outlay budget in the amount of $96,627,335, for a total Final Budget of $60
Vote Results ( Approved ) |
Motion: Erin Skipper |
Second: Beth Clark |
Ashley Gilhousen |
- Aye |
Mary Bolla |
- Aye |
Beth Clark |
- Aye |
Michele Hanson |
- Aye |
Erin Skipper |
- Aye |
9. Resolution 24-03 Florida Department of Education Resolution Determining Revenues and Millages Levied
Resolution 24-03 ESE524.pdf
Motion |
Motion to Approve Resolution #24-03 determining the 2023-2024 Tentative Revenues and Millages levied for fiscal year 2023-2024
Vote Results ( Approved ) |
Motion: Beth Clark |
Second: Michele Hanson |
Ashley Gilhousen |
- Aye |
Mary Bolla |
- Aye |
Beth Clark |
- Aye |
Michele Hanson |
- Aye |
Erin Skipper |
- Aye |
10. Resolution 24-04 Adopting the 2023-2024 Final Budget
Resolution 24-04.pdf
Motion |
Motion to Approve Resolution #24-04 adopting the Final 2023-2024 Budget
Vote Results ( Approved ) |
Motion: Michele Hanson |
Second: Mary Bolla |
Ashley Gilhousen |
- Aye |
Mary Bolla |
- Aye |
Beth Clark |
- Aye |
Michele Hanson |
- Aye |
Erin Skipper |
- Aye |
11. Final 2023/2024 – 2027/2028 Educational Facilities Plan
EFP 2023-2028 FINAL 9.14.23.pdf
Motion |
Motion to Approve final 2023/2024 - 2027/2028 Educational Facilities Plan
Vote Results ( Approved ) |
Motion: Mary Bolla |
Second: Erin Skipper |
Ashley Gilhousen |
- Aye |
Mary Bolla |
- Aye |
Beth Clark |
- Aye |
Michele Hanson |
- Aye |
Erin Skipper |
- Aye |
Presentations from the Audience
Superintendent Comments
School Board Attorney Comments
School Board Comments
(5:45 p.m.)
Superintendent |
School Board Chair |