Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
Teacher Inservice Center - Fleming Island High School, 2233 Village Square Parkway
Artwork provided this month by students at Doctors Inlet Elementary School.
January 4, 2018 - Regular School Board Meeting
Date: Jan 04 2018 (6:00 p.m.)
Invocation  (Rev. Bill Randall, St. Simon Baptist Church Orange Park)
Pledge of Allegiance
Call to Order  (Present: Janice Kerekes, District 1; Carol Studdard, District 2; Betsy Condon, District 3; Mary Bolla, District 4; Ashley Gilhousen, District 5; and Superintendent Addison Davis. )
Student Showcase  (Fleming Island Elementary School Drama Club)
Recognitions and Awards  (None)
Presenters  (None)
School Showcase  (Bannerman Learning Center)
Scheduled Citizen Requests
1. Elizabeth Crane - Report on Insurance
2018 Jan 4 - Insurance Handouts (Crane).pdf

Ms. Crane shared the attached information on the district's medical claims experience as well as her perspective on the district's insurance.  


Presentations from the Audience (Public Comment)
2. Public Comments

Scott Norteman - Charter school students' access to district activities

Jennifer Burghart - Teacher Autonomy & Insight Survey

Consent Agenda
3. C1 - Minutes of School Board Workshop on November 9, 2017; Workshop on November 27, 2017; Student Hearings and Regular Meeting on December 7, 2017; and Workshop on December 15, 2017.
2017 Nov 9 - Workshop.pdf
2017 Nov 27 Workshop.pdf
2017 Dec 7 - Student Hearings.pdf (Confidential)
2017 Dec 7 - Regular Mtg..pdf
2017 Dec 15 - Workshop.pdf
4. C2 - 2018- 2019 Employee Work Year Calendar
Calendar - Employee Work - 2018-2019.pdf
5. C3 - 2018 Exceptional Student Education Extended School Year (ESY) Calendar
School Board Member
6. C4 - Recommend approval of proposed mediation settlement agreements resolving all claims brought by Plaintiffs Lisa and Sarah Pirbazari in Pirbazari v. Clay County School Board, Fourth Judicial Circuit in and for Clay County, Florida, Case No. 2017-CA-00242
Human Resources
7. C5 - Personnel Consent Agenda - January 4, 2018
Personnel Consent Agenda 1 4 2018.pdf
8. C6 - 2017-2018 Salary Schedule - Section IV, Miscellaneous (Substitutes - Minimum Wage Increase)
Minimum Wage Increase documents.pdf
9. C7 - 2017-2018 Instructional Evaluation System
17 18 Clay - Instructional Evaluation System- updated Oct302017.pdf
Instruction-K-12 Academic
10. C9 - Approval of Out of County Student Travel - K-12 Academic
January 2018 - Student Travel.pdf
11. C10 - Renewal of "Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU) and the School Board of Clay County" agreement.
January 2018 - Embry-Riddle Dual Enrollment Contract.pdf
12. C11 - 21st Century CCLC Grant Program Agreement
January 2018 - 21st Century CCLC Grant Agreement.pdf
Business Affairs
13. C12 - Proposed Allocation Changes for 2017-2018
Allocation Summary - January 4, 2017.pdf
Business Affairs-Property
14. C13 - Monthly Property Report - November, 2017 - Furniture/Equipment
Furniture-Equipment Report-November, 2017.pdf
15. C14 - Monthly Property Report - November, 2017 - AV Materials
Audiovisual Report-November, 2017.pdf
16. C15 - Monthly Property Report - November, 2017 - Software
Software Report-November, 2017.pdf
17. C16 - Monthly Property Report - November, 2017 - Vehicles
Vehicles Report-November, 2017.pdf
Business Affairs-Purchasing
18. C17 - Deletion of Certain Items Report - December, 2017
Deletion Report-December, 2017.pdf
Deletion Report (Attachments)-December, 2017.pdf
19. C18 - Pre-qualification of Contractors
TableBoardBackup, 1.4.18.pdf
20. C19 - Guaranteed Maximum Price of Fleming Island High School AICE Testing Facility
21. C20 - Final (Phase III) Plans and Specifications for the AICE Testing Facility at Fleming Island High School
22. C21 - Final Completion of Doctors Inlet Elementary Fire Alarm Replacement
Adoption of Consent Agenda
23. Adoption of Consent Agenda
Motion to approve the Consent Agenda with the exception of Item C8 which was moved to Discussion and Items C19, C20, and D3 that were withdrawn.
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Janice Kerekes
Second: Mary Bolla
Janice Kerekes - Aye
Carol Studdard - Aye
Betsy Condon - Aye
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
CCEA Update  (None)
CESPA Update  (None)
Superintendent's Update and Presentations
24. Champion of Change

Jeremy Bunkley, Director of Information & Technology Services, was recognized for his hard work and vision to make Clay County competitive in the 21st century technological world.  The IT Department has worked to make every classroom in the district wireless, and technology more readily available to all students. 


Discussion Agenda
25. D1 - Controlled Open Enrollment (COE) Plan for 2018
Clay County District Schools COE Plan_2018-2019.docx.pdf
Motion to approve
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Betsy Condon
Second: Janice Kerekes
Janice Kerekes - Aye
Carol Studdard - Aye
Betsy Condon - Aye
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
Human Resources
26. D2 - Human Resources - Special Action - A
Special Action A 1 4 2018.pdf (Confidential)
Motion to approve
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Betsy Condon
Second: Mary Bolla
Janice Kerekes - Aye
Carol Studdard - Aye
Betsy Condon - Aye
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
27. D3 - Human Resources - Special Action - B
Instruction-Instructional Resources
28. C8 - Permission to Publish an Advertisement for K-12 Science Textbook Adoption (Pulled by Mrs. Gilhousen)

Mrs. Gilhousen expressed her concerns about the state guidelines and standards and her desire that students have the opportunity to learn about all the theories pertaining to the origin of life.  She was also concerned about students being taught about reproduction in a coed setting.  Board discussion followed.

Motion to approve
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Janice Kerekes
Second: Betsy Condon
Janice Kerekes - Aye
Carol Studdard - Aye
Betsy Condon - Aye
Ashley Gilhousen - Nay
Mary Bolla - Aye
29. D4 - Discussion of the Attendance Boundary for Discovery Oaks Elementary School and revisions to area impacted existing Schools. Request to advertise 21-day notice of public hearing and proposed final action adopting "Option I" plan.
Motion to approve
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Janice Kerekes
Second: Betsy Condon
Janice Kerekes - Aye
Carol Studdard - Aye
Betsy Condon - Aye
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
School Board Attorney Remarks  (None)
School Board Member Remarks

Board Member remarks included comments and questions about the following topics:

  • Charter school participation in district events
  • Education Foundation grants
  • Resource teacher classroom sizes
  • Board's Insurance contributions
  • Contract review process
  • School events on the district calendar
  • Legislative appointments for Day in the Legislature
  • Consideration to withdraw from HB 7069
  • Master Board training - January 31st
Adjournment  (7:43 p.m.)
Superintendent of Schools School Board Chairman