Teacher Inservice Center, 2233 Village Square Parkway, Fleming Island | ||||||||||||||||
August 6, 2020 - Regular School Board Meeting | ||||||||||||||||
Date: Aug 06 2020
(6:00 p.m.)
Student Showcase (None) | ||||||||||||||||
Invocation (Reverend Byron Jarvis, Ascension St. Vincent's Clay County) | ||||||||||||||||
Pledge of Allegiance | ||||||||||||||||
Call to Order (Present: Janice Kerekes, District 1 (present via telephonic conferencing); Carol Studdard, District 2, Tina Bullock, District 3; Mary Bolla, District 4; Ashley Gilhousen, District 5; Superintendent David Broskie) | ||||||||||||||||
Recognitions and Awards | ||||||||||||||||
Presenters | ||||||||||||||||
1. Department of Health Presentation | ||||||||||||||||
2020-08-06 17-26.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Minutes: Heather Huffman, Director, Clay County Department of Health, shared statistical data (documents attached) re COVID-19 including information re impact on population, contact tracing, CDC parameters defining exposure, self-isolation guidelines, and latest evidence-based practices. |
School Showcase (None) | ||||||||||||||||
Presentations from the Audience (Public Comment) | ||||||||||||||||
2. Public Comment | ||||||||||||||||
Minutes: In accordance with the legal advertisement of this meeting and due to the current public health emergency, public comments were permitted on listed agenda items, via a comment link on our webpage (directions provided in legal advertisement), submitted prior to 2:00 p.m. on August 6, 2020 to be considered. No comments fitting these criteria were received. Public speakers in physical attendance:
Consent Agenda | ||||||||||||||||
Superintendent | ||||||||||||||||
3. C1 - Minutes of Workshop on June 16, 2020; Regular Meeting on June 25, 2020 | ||||||||||||||||
2020 June 16 Workshop.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
2020 June 25 Regular Meeting.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Human Resources | ||||||||||||||||
4. C2 - Personnel Consent Agenda | ||||||||||||||||
Personnel Consent Agenda 8.6.2020.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
5. C3 - Revision to Appointment of Clay County School Board's CCEA and CESPA Bargaining Team Members for 2020-2021 | ||||||||||||||||
2020-2021 Bargaining Team Members Update.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
6. C3A Increased Insurance contribution for the school year 2020 - 2021 | ||||||||||||||||
MOU SBCC and CCEA.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
MOU SBCC and CESPA.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Instruction-Academic Services | ||||||||||||||||
7. C4 - Daily Hours for Teachers and Students for School Year 2020-21 | ||||||||||||||||
School Daily Hours 2020- 2021.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Instruction-Exceptional Student Education | ||||||||||||||||
8. C5 - Alonzo Sign Language Interpreting - Independent Contractor Services Agreement 20/21 | ||||||||||||||||
210008 Alonzo Sign Language.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Executed 210008 Alonzo Sign Language.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
9. C6 - Advertise the 2019-2020 through 2021-2022 Special Policies and Procedures (SP&P) Manual and set the Public Hearing for October 1, 2020. | ||||||||||||||||
2019-2020 SP&P_ Clay.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
SIGNATURE PAGE-2019-2022 (fillable) (1).pdf | ||||||||||||||||
19-20 Revisions to SP&P Manual.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Approval to Adv SP&P Manual.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Instruction-Climate and Culture | ||||||||||||||||
10. C7 - 7 Mindsets Social Emotional Learning Program (withdrawn by Staff) | ||||||||||||||||
7 Mindsets Final Contract.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
11. C8 - Suite 360 Mental Health, Child Trafficking, and Substance Use Curriculum | ||||||||||||||||
Corrected Suite 360 Contract (1).pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Executed 210002 Suite 360 Contract.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Business Affairs | ||||||||||||||||
12. C9 - Proposed Allocation Changes for 2020-2021 | ||||||||||||||||
Allocation Summary - August 6, 2020.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Business Affairs-Internal Accounts | ||||||||||||||||
13. C10 - NSF Write-off Permission | ||||||||||||||||
Agenda NSF Write Off CHS & FIH.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Business Affairs-Property | ||||||||||||||||
14. C11 - Deletion of Certain Items Report - July, 2020 | ||||||||||||||||
Deletion Report-July, 2020.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Business Affairs-Purchasing | ||||||||||||||||
15. C12 - BID/Contract Renewal | ||||||||||||||||
Operations-Facilities | ||||||||||||||||
16. C13 - Change Order #1 for Fire Alarm Replacement at Wilkinson Elementary School | ||||||||||||||||
Change Order #1 Fire Alarm Replacement at Wilkinson Elementary School.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
17. C14 - Change Order #4 for Doctors Inlet Elementary School Cafeteria Expansion | ||||||||||||||||
DIS Cafeteria Expansion CO 4.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
18. C15 - Schematic/Preliminary/Final (Phase I, II, and III) Plans and Specifications for Tynes Elementary School New Classroom Addition | ||||||||||||||||
19. C16 - Substantial and Final Completion of Keystone Heights Elementary School Roof Replacement/Repair (Building 10) | ||||||||||||||||
KHE Roof Replacement.Repair Bldg 10 Substantial & Final Completion.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
20. C17 - Substantial and Final Completion of Lakeside Junior High School Parking Lot Renovation | ||||||||||||||||
LSJ Parking Lot Renovation Substantial & Final Completion.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Adoption of Consent Agenda | ||||||||||||||||
21. Adoption of Consent Agenda | ||||||||||||||||
CCEA Update (Vicki Kidwell) | ||||||||||||||||
CESPA Update (Lonnie Roberts) | ||||||||||||||||
Superintendent's Update and Presentations | ||||||||||||||||
22. Superintendent's Update and Presentations | ||||||||||||||||
SB Superintendent's Update 8-6-2020.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Minutes: Superintendent Broskie provided a presentation highlighting the District Reopening Plan (approved by the State of Florida), a breakdown of students electing to receive educational services outside of the brick and mortar setting, a recap of the Smart Restart Summer Recovery Program, a video demonstrating school preparations for the new year, and the Tools 4 Schools Teacher Appreciation Event. |
Discussion Agenda | ||||||||||||||||
School Board Member | ||||||||||||||||
23. D1 - Resolution Condemning Racism and Affirming the Commitment of the School Board of Clay County, Florida to an Inclusive School Environment for All (Mrs. Kerekes) | ||||||||||||||||
RESOLUTION RE RACISM.docx final.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Executed Resolution #21-03.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Minutes: Prior to voting, Mrs. Kerekes read Resolution #21-03, Resolution Condemning Racism and Affirming the Commitment of the School Board of Clay County, Florida to an Inclusive School Environment for All. A portion of Congressman John Lewis' final letter expressing inspiration, unity, hope and a call to peace was also shared by Mrs. Kerekes. |
24. D2 - Appoint one Board member and one citizen member to serve on the 2020 Value Adjustment Board (Mrs. Studdard) | ||||||||||||||||
Minutes: Ashley Gilhousen agreed to serve as the Board's representative on the Value Adjustment Board for 2020. Mary Bolla will serve as the alternate. It was the consensus of the board to publicize the opportunity to serve as a citizen member on the 2020 VAB and explore retaining citizen membership from interested parties prior to the first VAB meeting in October. |
Human Resources | ||||||||||||||||
25. D3 - Human Resources Special Action A | ||||||||||||||||
Special Action A.pdf (Confidential) | ||||||||||||||||
26. D4 - Human Resources Special Action B | ||||||||||||||||
Special Action B.pdf (Confidential) | ||||||||||||||||
27. D4A THIS ITEM HAS BEEN ADDED PURSUANT TO SEC. 120.525(2) FLA. STAT. BY THE BOARD CHAIR, GOOD CAUSE EXISTS FOR THIS AMENDMENT AND WILL BE READ INTO THE RECORD PRIOR TO TAKING ANY ACTION ON THIS ITEM Approve Agreement- "Placement of Oneclay Online Learning and Clay Virtual Academy Positions" | ||||||||||||||||
MOU SBCC and CCEA Placement of Teachers.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Minutes: Prior to opening this item up for a motion or taking any other action on this item, Chair Studdard read the following into the record - As the Board Chair, I added this item to the Agenda because Good Cause exists to add it. This item is an Agreement with the teachers union (CCEA), My determination of Good Cause is that:
Instruction-Academic Services | ||||||||||||||||
28. D5 - Public Hearing to Approve as Advertised Modifications to the 2019-2020 Student Progression Plan | ||||||||||||||||
Student Progression Plan 2020 - 2021 - Redlined DRAFT.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Rationale for 20-21 SPP Changes.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Student Progression Plan 2020 - 2021 - Un-Redlined DRAFT.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Advertise Public Hearing Student Progression Plan.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Minutes: Chair Studdard opened the public hearing. With no one coming forward to speak to the item, the public hearing was closed. |
Instruction-Climate and Culture | ||||||||||||||||
5_15_20 Code of Conduct Rationale Clay County District Schools.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
5_15_21 2020-2021 Handbook & Code of Studnt Conduct.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Advertise and Public Hearing to Adopt Student Handbook and Code of Conduct for 2020-2021.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Minutes: Chair Studdard opened the public hearing. With no one coming forward to speak to the item, the public hearing was closed. |
Business Affairs | ||||||||||||||||
30. D7 - Public Hearing to Approve As Advertised Proposed Revisions to School Board Policy 5.02A, Business Affairs Purchasing, 5.03B Business Affairs School Activity Accounts, and 5.02C, Business Affairs Use of School Buildings, Grounds and Equipment | ||||||||||||||||
Internal Account policy 5.03B.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Public Hearing to Adopt SB Policy Revisions 5.02A Purchasing, 5.03B School Activity Accounts, 5.02C Use of Facilities.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Proposed 5.02C BAD Facility Use Policy (2).pdf | ||||||||||||||||
CCSB - 5.02 Business Affairs_Purchasing_Federal Grant Funds as of 6_17_2020_FINAL.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Minutes: Chair Studdard opened the public hearing. With no one coming forward to speak to the item, the public hearing was closed. Mrs. Kerekes does not support the proposed limit of $100,000 for contracts not requiring board approval and believes that limit is more appropriately set at $50,000. She also believes the execution of contracts should be restricted to the superintendent or designee and senior staff. |
31. D8 - Public Hearing to Approve as Advertised Revisions to the Clay County District Schools Internal Accounts Manual | ||||||||||||||||
Advertise Public Hearing Internal Accounts Manual.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Internal Accounts Manual (3).pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Minutes: Chair Studdard opened the public hearing. With no one coming forward to speak to the item, the public hearing was closed. |
32. D9 - Public Hearing to Approve as Advertised Revisions to the Clay County District Schools Use of Facilities/Use of Grounds Manual | ||||||||||||||||
Public Hearing Use of Facilities Manual.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
NEW Application-Agree w Waiver - Updated 6-29-2020 (x2).pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Minutes: Chair Studdard opened the public hearing. With no one coming forward to speak to the item, the public hearing was closed. |
School Board Attorney Remarks (None) | ||||||||||||||||
School Board Member Remarks | ||||||||||||||||
33. School Board Member Comments | ||||||||||||||||
Minutes: The board expressed appreciation for the work of all staff, hopes for a good start to the new school year, and proposed the consideration of training re racial bias as well as communication to the Department of Education to request full FTE funding for all students. |
Adjournment (7:48 p.m.) | ||||||||||||||||