Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
Teacher Inservice Center, 2233 Village Square Parkway, Fleming Island, FL
September 7, 2023 - Regular School Board Meeting
Date: Sep 07 2023 (6:00 p.m.)
Student Showcase  (Orange Park High Raider Band, Brett Pikuritz, Band Director)
Invocation  (Pastor Lucas Johnson, Campus Pastor, Christ's Church)
Pledge of Allegiance
Call to Order  (Present: Erin Skipper, District 1; Mary Bolla, District 2, Beth Clark, District 3; Michele Hanson, District 4; Ashley Gilhousen, District 5; Superintendent David Broskie)
Recognitions and Awards
1. State Social Studies Award Winners
School Board FCSS Recognitions 9_7 .pdf

Mary Owen, Social Studies Curriculum Specialist, recognized state social studies award winners as follows:

  • Breyana Stilts (MHS) - Warren Tracy Beginning Teacher Award
  • Justin Daniels (OPH) - Florida's Excellence in Teaching History Award
2. School Celebrations for 2023 Assessments
_Superintendent's School Celebrations (Sept 2023).pdf

Superintendent Broskie recognized the following schools for student achievement during the 2022-2023 school year:

  • Ridgeview High - social studies - increased 12 percentage points in U.S. history from 2022 to 2023; increased 15 percentage points in math from 2022 to 2023
  • Keystone Heights High - social studies - increased 19 percentage points in civics from 2022 to 2023
  • Coppergate Elementary - science - increased 15 percentage points in science from 2022 to 2023
  • Shadowlawn Elementary - science and math - increased 16 percentage points in science from 2022 to 2023; increased 9 percentage points in math from 2022 to 2023
  • Clay High - ELA - increased 11 percentage points in ELA from 2022 to 2023
  • Oakleaf High - ELA - increased 7 percentage points in ELA from 2022 to 2023
  • McRae Elementary - math - increased 7 percentage points in math from 2022 to 2023
  • Oakleaf Junior - math - increased 11 percentage points in math from 2022 to 2023
  • Orange Park Elementary - all - maintained high standards of achievement in all subject areas
  • Fleming Island Elementary - all - maintained high standards of achievement in all subject areas
  • Lakeside Junior - all - maintained high standards of achievement in all subject areas
  • Fleming Island High - all - maintained high standards of achievement in all subject areas


3. Florida Safe School Assessment Findings

Stephen Mills, Supervisor of Safety and Security, presented safe school assessment findings in accordance with statutory requirements.

School Showcase  (Orange Park High School, Principal Ivin Gunder)
Presentations from the Audience (Public Comment)
4. Public Comment

Public speakers:

  • Helena Cormier 
  • Bruce Friedman 
  • John Medwid 
  • Sherry Murphy
  • Michele Holt 
  • Jacob Saunders 
  • Fred Conley 
  • Carol Newbern 
  • Amber Stanhope 
  • Adam Warren 
  • Dariel Stockman
  • Judith Chapple
  • Victoria Tompkins
Consent Agenda
5. C1 - Minutes of School Board Workshop and Special Meeting on July 25, 2023; Special Meeting on August 1, 2023; Student Discipline Hearings and Regular Meeting on August 3, 2023
2023 Aug 1 Special Mtg.pdf
2023 Jul 25 Workshop.pdf
2023 Jul 25 Special Mtg.pdf
2023 Aug 3 Student Hearings.pdf (Confidential)
2023 Aug 3 Regular Meeting.pdf
School Board Attorney
6. C2 - Approval to Advertise and Set the Public Hearing to Approve Revisions to School Board Policy 1.15 (Parental Rights, Notification and Student Welfare)
Legal Adv Revisions to SB Policy 1.15 Parental Rights.pdf
2023.08.28 Section 1.15 proposed changes.pdf
Human Resources
7. C3 - Personnel Consent Agenda
Personnel Consent Agenda 9-7-23.pdf
8. C4 - Kelly Services Staffing Contract Amendment #3 for Contract Extension
Kelly Services Contract Amendment #3 - Extension.pdf
Instruction-Academic Services
9. C5 - Amendment One to Dual Enrollment Agreement between Gaetz Aerospace Inst, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ. (ERAU) and School Board of Clay County (SBCC) 2022-2025
240028 Embry-Riddle Amendment One.pdf
240028 Embry Riddle Amendment 1 - fully executed.pdf
10. C6 - Amendment to Santa Fe Dual Enrollment Articulation Agreement
240023 Santa Fe College 2nd Amendment.pdf
SF Clay second amendment 240023 9-14-23.pdf
11. C7 - K-12 Academic Services Out of State and Overnight Student Travel
September 2023 Board Backup.pdf
Instruction-Career and Technical Education
12. C8 - 2023-2024 Dual Enrollment Articulation Agreement between CCSD and St. Johns County School Board on behalf of First Coast Technical College
Contract Review 2023-24 Dual Enrollment Agreement Between CCSD and First Coast Technical College.pdf
13. C9 - Approve School Affiliation Agreement between HCA South Atlantic Division (parent corporation of Orange Park Medical Center) and The School Board of Clay County, Florida, Department of Career and Technical Education
HCA School Affiliation Agreement .pdf
Executed HCA_CCSB Agreement.pdf
Instruction-Professional Development
14. C10 - Affiliation Agreement between Clay County District Schools and Liberty University (LU)
The School Board of Clay County FL AA (LU signed).pdf
230159 Liberty University - Counselor Ed & Family Studies.pdf
Executed 230159 Liberty University.pdf
Instruction-Climate and Culture
15. C12 - 2023-2024 School Health Services Agreement with Department of Health Clay
240031 Clay County Health Department - School Health Service Agreement.pdf
MOA 23-24 with DOH Clay.pdf
16. C13 - Ratify 240032 Lutheran Services Florida (LSF Health Systems) - Amendment 112
240032 Lutheran Services Florida (LSF Health Systems) - Amendment 112 (1).pdf
Amendment112Executed SED-ME023 070123.pdf
Business Affairs
17. C14 - Proposed Allocation Changes for 2023-2024
09.07.23 - 23-24 Allocation Summary (1).pdf
Business Affairs-Accounting
18. C15 - Superintendent's Annual Financial Report and Annual Cost Report for the FYE 6-30-2023
ESE 348.pdf
Cost Report PC3_4.pdf
19. C16 - Budget Amendment Report for June 2023
Budget Amendment June 2023 Revised.pdf
Business Affairs-Property
Business Affairs-Purchasing
21. C18 - BID to be Awarded
22. C19 - Florida Safe Schools Assessment Acceptance Letter
Safe School Assessment Certification Letter 9.7.23.pdf
23. C20 - Purchase Agreement for Two (2) Sets of Ramps and Stairs at Keystone Heights Elementary School
Purchase Agreement KHE Ramps & Stairs 9.7.23.pdf
24. C21 - Change Order #7 for Orange Park High School Stadium Repair/Replacement
OPH Stadium Repair.Replacement CO 7.pdf
25. C22 - Substantial Completion of Orange Park Junior High School Restroom Renovations
OPJ Restroom Renovations Substantial Completion.pdf
26. C23 - Change Order #3 for Middleburg High School Cafeteria Expansion
MHS Cafeteria Expansion CO 3.pdf
27. C24 - Substantial and Final Completion of Clay High School Restroom Renovations
CHS Restroom Renovations Substantial and Final Completion.pdf
28. C25 - Lake Asbury Junior High School HVAC Repair/Replacement Contract Award
LAJ HVAC Repair.Replacement Contract 9.7.23.pdf
29. C26 - Change Order #1 for Plantation Oaks Elementary School Roof Repair/Replacement
Change Order #1 for Plantation Oaks Elementary School Roof Repair Replacement.pdf
30. C27 - Orange Park Junior High School Roof Repair/Replacement Contract Award
Backup Information - Orange Park Junior High School Roof Repair Replacement.pdf
31. C28 - Substantial Completion of Wilkinson Elementary School Kitchen/Cafeteria Renovations
Certificate of Substantial Completion - WES Kitchen Cafeteria Renovations.pdf
32. C29 - Substantial Completion of Ridgeview Elementary School Roof Repair/Replacement Buildings 1, 2, & 3 - Shingles & Kitchen/Cafeteria Renovations
Certificate of Substantial Completion - RVE Roof Repair Replacement Buildings 1, 2, & 3 - Shingles & Kitchen Cafeteria Renovations.pdf
33. C30 - Final Completion of Plantation Oaks Elementary School Reroof
Certificate of Final Completion - POE Reroof.pdf
34. C31 - Change Order #1 for Green Cove Junior High School Window/HVAC Replacement Buildings 1, 2, 3, & 4
Change Order for #1 GCJ Window HVAC Replacement Buildings 1, 2, 3, & 4.pdf
35. C32 - Change Order #1 for Bannerman Learning Center Parking Lot Renovations/Security Lighting Replacement
Change Order #1 for BLC Parking Lot Renovations Security Lighting Replacement.pdf
36. C33 - Change Order #3 for Keystone Heights Elementary School New Cafeteria/Classrooms
Change Order #3 KHE New Cafeteria Classrooms.pdf
37. C34 - Change Order #4 (Direct Purchasing) for Spring Park Elementary School
Change Order #4 (Direct Purchasing) for Spring Park Elementary School.pdf
38. C35 - Prequalification of Contractors
Table for Board Backup Contractor Prequal, 9.7.23.pdf
39. C36 - Safety & Security: Emergency Communications - Contract Award for Orange Park High School
Backup Information for Safety & Security Emergency Communications Contract Award - OPH.pdf
Backup Information for Safety & Security Emergency Communications Contract Award - OPH Cont..pdf
40. C37 - Safety & Security: Emergency Communications - Contract Award for Oakleaf High School
Backup Information for Safety & Security Emergency Communications Contract Award - OHS.pdf
Backup Information for Safety & Security Emergency Communications Contract Award - OHS Cont..pdf
41. C38 - Change Order #3 (Direct Purchasing) for Ridgeview Elementary School Roof Repair/Replacement Buildings 1, 2, & 3 - Shingles & Kitchen Cafeteria Renovations
Change Order #3 (Direct Purchasing) RVE Roof RepairReplacement Buildings 1, 2, & 3 - Shingles & Kitchen Cafeteria Renovations.pdf
42. C39 - Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement between the Clay County School Board and Clay County, FL related to the County Road 315 Right of Way Improvements and Signalization
Amendment to Interlocal Agreement with BCC for CR 315 Improvements 9.7.23.pdf
43. C40 - County-Wide Architect Contract Award – Acquisition Notice/Re-Assignment
County Wide Architectural Services Contract Amendment - LS3P Associates LTD.pdf
Adoption of Consent Agenda
44. Adoption of Consent Agenda
Motion to Adopt Consent Agenda
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Mary Bolla
Second: Beth Clark
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
Beth Clark - Aye
Michele Hanson - Aye
Erin Skipper - Aye
CCEA Update  (Victoria Kidwell)
CESPA Update  (None)
Superintendent's Update and Presentations
45. Superintendent's Update
Superintendent's Update 9-7-2023 (1).pdf

Superintendent Broskie shared the attached visual presentation highlighting the following:

  • 2023-2024 School Year Has Begun
  • Family Engagement
  • Hurricane Idalia Preparations and Response
  • F.A.S.T. (FL Assessment of Student Thinking)Testing
  • School of the Month
  • Upcoming Events
Discussion Agenda
Human Resources
46. D1 - Human Resources Special Action A
Special Action A 9-7-2023.pdf (Confidential)
Motion to Approve Human Resources Special Action A
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Mary Bolla
Second: Beth Clark
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
Beth Clark - Aye
Michele Hanson - Aye
Erin Skipper - Aye
47. D2 - Human Resources Special Action B
Special Action B 9-7-2023.pdf (Confidential)
Motion to Approve Human Resources Special Action B
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Michele Hanson
Second: Mary Bolla
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
Beth Clark - Aye
Michele Hanson - Aye
Erin Skipper - Aye
48. D3 - Human Resources Special Action C
Special Action C 9-7-2023.pdf (Confidential)
Motion to Approve Human Resources Special Action C
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Mary Bolla
Second: Beth Clark
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
Beth Clark - Aye
Michele Hanson - Aye
Erin Skipper - Aye
49. D4 - Human Resources Special Action D
Special Action D 9-7-2023.pdf (Confidential)
Motion to Approve Human Resources Special Action D
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Erin Skipper
Second: Mary Bolla
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
Beth Clark - Aye
Michele Hanson - Aye
Erin Skipper - Aye
Instruction-Climate and Culture
50. C11 - 7 Mindsets Life Skills and Character Education (pulled by Mrs. Hanson)
240041 7 Mindsets Academy, LLC.pdf

Mrs. Hanson indicated she is not adamantly opposed to 7 Mindsets but that the program is a social-emotional program and is not mandated by the county for all teachers.  It is used in some schools but not used with fidelity across the county.  A current program already being utilized, Suite 360, does have fidelity to ensure state mandates are met.  The program cost is $183,000., this is a time of fiscal uncertainty, and free materials addressing resiliency standards are available as a resource through CPALMS.  Mrs. Hanson facilitated a demonstration of components and materials available through the state website.

Mrs. Bolla indicated resiliency standards are a 5-hour requirement in high schools and are taught weekly within 7 Mindsets.  Last year, 35,000 lessons were taught and the program components reflect a return to caring and connectivity in a current environment that demonstrates a building disregard for others. She expressed concern that the CPALMS curriculum is currently not fully developed and may prove a good option in the future.  She has reservations about removing a program with fully developed curriculum and replacing it with something that is currently not adequate.

Mrs. Skipper expressed support for Mrs. Hanson's points and does not recommend spending money on something that is provided by the state and can be taught through basic literacy.

Mrs. Clark indicated Clay County is very selective and cautious in curriculum choices and she supports the current program while remaining open to considering the free alternative.

Mr. Broskie advised the board that 7 Mindsets was part of the Mental Health Application that the board approved in July and the application included the intent to use this program.

Mrs. Gilhousen indicated that the school year is underway, there is a state requirement in existence, and professional development has planned on being able to utilize this program.  She would like the board to take this matter up again with plenty of forethought and consider CPALMS again at that time.  She prefers these standards to be embedded in curriculum and recommends personnel endeavor to work towards working at the district level with curriculum experts to delineate within curriculum maps that state requirements are being met without an additional piece.  She does not support changing midstream in the absence of anything objectionable in the curriculum.

Motion to Approve 7 Mindsets Life Skills and Character Education
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Mary Bolla
Second: Erin Skipper
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
Beth Clark - Aye
Michele Hanson - Aye
Erin Skipper - Aye
School Board Attorney Remarks
51. School Board Attorney Remarks

Jeremiah Blocker, School Board Attorney, thanked the board members for reaching out to him with questions and looks forward to continuing to field those questions, bringing issues to their attention, and addressing policies.

School Board Member Remarks
52. School Board Member Comments

Mrs. Bolla thanked Mr. Blocker for his service to the board and to the state.  She participated in the very well-attended College and Career Night at the Clay County Fairgrounds.  As a result of her attendance at the FSBA Crown Region Meeting, she would like the board to discuss reviewing all School Board policies and possibly establishing a schedule for that work.  She expressed continued support for the Dolly Parton Imagination Library, toured the new Keystone Heights Elementary cafeteria, and happily anticipates the ribbon cutting at the Orange Park High School stadium.

Mrs. Skipper toured Wilkinson Junior High and spoke with support staff, extending her appreciation to those who endured the heat while the air conditioning was not functioning properly.  She would like to discuss updating policy re tobacco as well as discussing programs that could be implemented within schools to encourage tobacco-free and drug prevention.  She would like to create a visitor policy to ensure compliance with state law and best practices.  Addressing a recent mistake and ensuring everything is done from the top down to ensure full accountability for actions is also needed.  The board will be provided with information to assist in understanding the recent incident that resulted in disciplinary action and steps taken to ensure this does not reoccur.

Mrs. Clark thanked Mr. Blocker for his guidance and advised that book procedures will be addressed and are at the top of the list.  She also indicated safety is a primary issue.

Mrs. Hanson requested to discuss at a workshop how to give teachers access to a Lexile tester, buying out Mr. Bickner's contract, and obtaining feedback from teachers about what changes they want.  She is concerned that some teachers are not comfortable being truthful on surveys and suggested utilizing an external company to conduct a survey focused on teacher retention.  She feels there should be more time at workshops for board conversation.  She would like a special workshop so the board can discuss their priorities as well as a meeting with the community, to invite diverse people to provide input into the library media policy so a lock tight policy may be developed.  Mrs. Gilhousen anticipates a policy re books for the board's consideration at the end of the month that will reflect community standards.  Mrs. Hanson also inquired about holding a community meeting, and Mr. Blocker will provide guidance for that initiative.

Adjournment  (9:05 p.m.)
Superintendent of Schools School Board Chair