School Board of Clay County
Telephonically Conferenced Meeting |
April 2, 2020 - Regular School Board Meeting
Date: Apr 02 2020
(6:00 p.m.)
Student Showcase
(Carol Studdard)
Pledge of Allegiance
Call to Order
(Present via telephonic conferencing: Janice Kerekes, District 1; Carol Studdard, District 2, Tina Bullock, District 3; Mary Bolla, District 4; Ashley Gilhousen, District 5; Superintendent David Broskie)
Recognitions and Awards
School Showcase
Presentations from the Audience (Public Comment)
1. Public Comment
Minutes: In accordance with the legal advertisement of this meeting held in live telephonically conferenced format due to the current public health emergency, public comments were to be taken only on listed agenda items, via a comment link on our webpage (directions provided in legal advertisement), submitted prior to 2:00 p.m. on April 2, 2020 to be considered. No comments fitting this criteria were received.
Consent Agenda
2. C1 - Minutes of Workshop on February 25, 2020; Student Hearings, and Regular Meeting on March 5, 2020
2020 Feb 25 Workshop.pdf
2020 Mar 5 Student Discipline.pdf (Confidential)
2020 Mar 5 Regular Meeting.pdf
Information Technology Services
3. C2 - Approve An Interlocal Agreement Between The Board of County Commissioners of Clay County ("County") and the School Board of Clay County, Florida ("School Board") regarding agreement of the county to provide financial support to School Board for a period of 1 year in the amount of up to $1,600,000.00 on a reimbursement basis for expenditures for instructional technology ("Qualified Expenses")
Proposed Interlocal Agreement Between The Board of County Commissioners of Clay County and the School Board of Clay County, Florida.pdf
Executed Interlocal Agreement Between The Board of County Commissioners of Clay County and the School Board of Clay County, Florida.pdf
Human Resources
4. C3 - Personnel Consent Agenda
Personnel Consent Agenda 4.2.2020.pdf
5. C4 - Proposed Supplement Allocations for 2020-2021
2020-2021 Supplements.pdf
6. C5 - Reappointments of Instructional and Support Personnel 2020-2021 School Year
2020-2021 Reappointment Agenda.pdf
7. C6 - Kelly Services Early Childhood Education Services Amendment
Kelly Services Amendment - Early Childhood Education.pdf
Executed Kelly Early Childhood Education.pdf
8. C7 - Appointment of Clay County School Board's CCEA and CESPA Bargaining Team Members for 2020-2021
2020-2021 Bargaining Team Members.pdf
9. C8 - Approve a contract with Frontline Education for a software program for Proactive Recruiting, to be utilized by Human Resources to reach more prospective employees, thereby increasing the hiring pool of qualified instructional personnel.
Frontline Order Form For Proactive Recruiting - Proposed RT 3-31-20.pdf
Instruction-Academic Services
10. C9 - YMCA License Agreement for Use of School Property
April 2020 - YMCA Agreement.pdf
11. C10 - Amendment Number Two to Contract Between "Bright Minds Youth Development, Inc." and the School Board of Clay County
April 2020 - Bright Minds Agreement - Amendment Two.pdf
12. C11 - Summer Programs Manual, Proposed Allocations, and Calendar
April 2020 - 2020 Clay County Summer Programs Manual.pdf
April 2020 - 2020 ESE Extended School Year Calendar.pdf
April 2020 - Summer School Calendar 2020.pdf
Instruction-Reading/Library Media
13. C13 - Proclamation #20-13 to Establish April, 2020 as School Library Month in Clay County
Proclamation-April 2020 School Library Media Month (1).docx
Instruction-Climate and Culture
14. C14 - Proclamation #20-12 National School Nurse Week
Nurses Week Proclamation19-20.docx
Business Affairs
15. C15 - Proposed Allocation Changes for 2020-2021
Allocation Summary - April 2, 2020.pdf
16. C16 - Clay County District School Board Operational, Financial and Single Audit for the 2018-2019 Fiscal Year
Final 03458AR19 District School Board of Clay County.pdf
Final SAS114 District School Board of Clay County......pdf
17. C17 - Charter School Audits for the 2018-2019 Fiscal Year
2019 Audit Report for Clay Charter Academy.pdf
2019 Audit Report for St. John's Classical Academy.pdf
2019 Audit Report for Florida Cyber Charter Academy at Clay.pdf
18. C18 - Clay Education Foundation Audit for the 2018-2019 Fiscal Year
2019 Audit for Clay County Education Foundation.pdf
Business Affairs-Accounting
19. C19 - Monthly Financial Reports for February, 2020
February Monthly Property Report.pdf
February Monthly Financial Report.pdf
20. C20 - Budget Amendment for Month Ending February 29, 2020
Budget Amendments February 2020.pdf
Business Affairs-Internal Accounts
21. C21 - Student Activity Account (Internal Account) Audits for the 2018-2019 Fiscal Year
Final 03458AR19 SAS114 Internal Acct Clay Co School District.pdf
FInal 03458AR19 Internal Acct Clay Co School District.pdf
2018-2019 Audit Comments and Responses 3.2020.pdf
Business Affairs-Payroll
22. C22 - Revised 2020-2021 Payroll Calendar for 9-Month Employees
2020-2021 Payroll Calendar 9 Month-revised.pdf
Business Affairs-Property
23. C23 - Deletion of Certain Items Report - March, 2020
Business Affairs-Purchasing
24. C24 - BID Renewal
25. C25 - Pre-Qualification of Contractors
Table for Board Backup Contractor Prequal, 4.2.20.pdf
26. C26 - Change Order #1 for Keystone Heights High School Site Improvements (Sanitary Line)
KHS Site Improvements CO 1.pdf
27. C27 - Schematic/Preliminary/Final (Phase I, II, and III) Plans and Specifications for Clay High School Security Lighting Repair/Replacement
28. C28 - Clay High School Erosion Control/Stormwater Repair Contract Award
CHS Erosion Control.Sotrmwater Repair Bid Tab.pdf
29. C29 - Wilkinson Elementary School Fire Alarm Replacement Contract Award
WES Fire Alarm Replacement Bid Tab.pdf
30. C30 - Keystone Heights Elementary School Roof Replacement/Repair (Building 10) Contract Award
KHE Roof Replacement Bldg 10 Bid Tab.pdf
31. C31 - Lakeside Junior High School Parking Lot Renovation Contract Award
LSJH Parking Lot Renovation Bid Tab.pdf
32. C32 - County-Wide Architectural Services up to $2 Million Contract Award
Adoption of Consent Agenda
33. Adoption of Consent Agenda
Motion |
Motion to Approve Consent Agenda with Item C12 removed from Consent and pulled to Discussion
Vote Results ( Approved ) |
Motion: Janice Kerekes |
Second: Mary Bolla |
Janice Kerekes |
- Aye |
Carol Studdard |
- Aye |
Ashley Gilhousen |
- Aye |
Mary Bolla |
- Aye |
Tina Bullock |
- Aye |
CCEA Update
CESPA Update
Superintendent's Update and Presentations
34. Superintendent's Update
Superintendent's Update 4-2-2020.pdf
Discussion Agenda
Instruction-Professional Development
35. C12 - Clay Charter Academy Contract Renewal
Clay Charter Academy Renewal Contract.pdf
Minutes: Mrs. Kerekes does not support the Clay Charter Academy contract length of 15 years and requests that all charter schools be subject to annual review, when permitted by the contract.
Motion |
Motion to Approve
Vote Results ( Approved ) |
Motion: Mary Bolla |
Second: Ashley Gilhousen |
Janice Kerekes |
- Nay |
Carol Studdard |
- Aye |
Ashley Gilhousen |
- Aye |
Mary Bolla |
- Aye |
Tina Bullock |
- Aye |
School Board Attorney Remarks
School Board Member Remarks
36. School Board Member Comments
- Mrs. Bullock requested an evaluation of the need for technical support employees at schools and expressed appreciation for the various parades that have lifted spirits.
- Mrs. Bolla expressed gratitude to all personnel who have contributed to the success of this transition.
- Mrs. Gilhousen appreciates the patience of all as we work through this unique process.
- Mrs. Kerekes requested a review of our budget under present uncertain circumstances as well as an update on our current GPS system being utilized by transportation and possible alternatives to the current contract expiring in June 2020. She further commended personnel on the great job being done in this new delivery model.
- Mrs. Studdard expressed pride in all personnel and appreciation for the technology that has provided the platform for our distance learning and telephonically conferenced board meeting.
(6:20 p.m.)
Superintendent of Schools |
School Board Chairman |