School Board of Clay County
Teacher Inservice Center - Fleming Island High School, 2233 Village Square Parkway |
August 1, 2019 - Regular School Board Meeting
Date: Aug 01 2019
(6:00 p.m.)
(Rev. Dale Wiseman, Senior Pastor - Lacrosse Baptist Church )
Pledge of Allegiance
Call to Order
(Present: Janice Kerekes, District 1; Carol Studdard, District 2; Tina Bullock, District 3; Mary Bolla, District 4; Ashley Gilhousen, District 5; and Superintendent Addison Davis. )
Student Showcase
Recognitions and Awards
1. 2019 Clay County District Schools Police Department (CCDSPD) Swearing-In Ceremony
Minutes: The Chief of Police, Kenneth Wagner, began by reviewing the process of putting together this police force from the ground up. He reviewed the training the officers have received since June 6, 2019. Together, the 46 officers represent a combined total of 961 years of law enforcement experience, with the average being 24 years. As the officers were individually introduced, a family member pinned the badge upon the officer's chest. The officers as a group took an oath to serve as School Resource Officers for Clay County District Schools.
A short break was taken during which the officers' families were able to take photos. (Approximately 6:45-7:10 pm)
School Showcase
Presentations from the Audience (Public Comment)
2. Public Comments
Minutes: The following all spoke regarding the proposed half-cent sales tax:
- Betsy Reagor
- Thomas Riddle
- Jamie Beck
- Katherine Morrison
- Victoria Kidwell
- Rhonda Jett
- Jenifer Burghart
- Amy Fehrs
Consent Agenda
3. C1 - Minutes of School Board Workshop on June 17, 2019, Student Hearings and Regular Meeting on June 27, 2019, and Special Meeting on July 8, 2019.
June 17 Workshop.pdf
July 8 Special Meeting.pdf
2019 Jun 27 - Student Hearings Minutes.pdf (Confidential)
Jun 27 Regular Meeting.pdf
Human Resources
4. C2 - Personnel Consent Agenda
Personnel Consent Agenda 8 1 2019.pdf
Instruction-Academic Services
5. C3 - Approval of Out of County Student Travel - K-12 Academic
August 2019 - Student Travel.pdf
6. C4 - Agreement Between the School Board of Clay County and AMI Kids
August 2019 - AMI Contract.pdf
C4 Executed Agreement with AMI Kids.pdf
7. C5 - Dual Enrollment Articulation Agreement Between the University of Florida Board of Trustees and the School Board of Clay County.
August 2019 - UF Dual Enrollment Agreement.pdf
C5 Executed Dual Enrollment UF.pdf
8. C6 - 2019-2020 Assessment Calendar Approval
19-20 Testing Calendar.pdf
9. C7 - 2019-20 Dual Enrollment Articulation Agreement Between District School Board of Clay County and District Board of Trustees St. Johns River State College
August 2019 - 2019-2020 SJRSC Dual Enrollment agreement (1).pdf
C7 Executed Dual Enrollment SJRSC.pdf
10. C8 - 2019-20 Collegiate High School Contract Between Clay County School Board and District Board of Trustees of St. Johns River State College
August 2019 - 2019-20 SJRSC Collegiate Contract.pdf
C8 Executed Collegiate High School SJRSC.pdf
Instruction-Exceptional Student Education
11. C9 - Interpreters Services Agreement 2019-20. Alonzo Sign Language Interpreting, LLC
19 20 Alonzo Signed Contract for Board.pdf
C9 Executed Interpreters Services Agreement - Alonzo.pdf
Instruction-Instructional Resources
12. C10 - Advertise Adoption of the 2019-2020 Procedures Manual for Instructional Resources
2019-2020 Procedures Manual for Instructional Resources NOTICE OF APPROVAL TO ADVERTISE SB Policy.docx.pdf
Updates to 2019-20 IR Procedures Manual (1).pdf
Redlined Copy Proposed 2019-2020 CCDS Instructional Resources Department Procedures Manual (2).pdf
Instruction-Professional Development
13. C11 - Professional Learning Catalog 2019-2020
14. C12 - College/University Agreements for Student Placement
200019 Polk State College.pdf
200030 USC Rossier.pdf
C12 Executed Agreement with Polk State College.pdf
C12 Executed Agreement with USC Rossier.pdf
Instruction-Climate and Culture
15. C13 - Mileage Paid to Parents and Group Homes
19 20 Mileage Paid to Parents Agenda Attachement.pdf
16. C14 - Panorama Education Student Survey
panorama (1).pdf
claycounty+panorama-winter 2019_results-SEL_3-5.pdf
Clay County - Board Deck.pdf
claycounty+panorama-results-223e46c1-421c-4532-bbe1-83f66d98621c (1).pdf
C14 Executed Panorama.pdf
17. C15 - Social Work Student Intern Agreements with Florida State University and University of North Florida
CCDS & FSU Internship Agreement.pdf
CCDS & UNF Internship Agreement.pdf
C15 FSU Executed.pdf
C15 UNF Executed.pdf
18. C16 - 2019-20 Mental Health Assistance Allocation Plan
2019-20 Mental Health Assistance Allocation Plan FINAL.pdf
19. C17 - Advertisement and Notice of Public Hearing on revisions to School Board Policy 4.06.H., Homeless Students
checkllist with notes.pdf
Revisions to Homeless Policy 4.06.pdf
Notice of Intent to Advertise Public Hearing on 4.06 Homeless StudentsRTISE SB Policy.docx - Google Docs.pdf
Business Affairs
20. C18 - Proposed Allocation Changes for 2019-2020
Allocation Summary - August 1, 2019.pdf
Business Affairs-Payroll
21. C19 - Revised 2019-2020 Payroll Calendar for 11-Month Employees
Revised 11 Month Payroll Calendar - 08_01_2019.pdf
Business Affairs-Property
22. C20 - Deletion of Certain Items Report - July, 2019
Deletion Report-July, 2019.pdf
23. C21 - Response to Active Assailant Plan mandated by Senate Bill 7030 (CONFIDENTIAL)
Security & Response to Active Assailant Plan.pdf (Confidential)
24. C22 - Change Order #1 for Grove Park Elementary School Re-Roof of Buildings 8, 9A and 9B
ChgOrder1, GPE ReRoof Buildings 8 9A and 9B.pdf
25. C23 - Change Order #1 for W.E. Cherry Elementary Re-Roof Buildings 1 and 2
ChgOrder1, WEC ReRoof Buildings 1 and 2.pdf
26. C24 - County-Wide Civil Engineer Contract Award (2019/2020)
CW Civil Engineer Contract 2019.2020 with Michele Agee.pdf
27. C25 - County-Wide Architect Contract Award (2019/2020)
CW Architect Contract 2019.2020 with Brian Boatright.pdf
28. C26 - Pre-qualification of Contractors
Table for Board Backup Contractor Prequal, 8.1.19.pdf
29. C27 - Continuing Services Construction Management Firm Contract Award (2019/2020)
Construction Manager Contract - Stellar 8.1.19.pdf
Construction Manager Contract - Auld and White 8.1.19.pdf
Construction Manager Contract - E. Vaughan Rivers, Inc. 8.1.19.pdf
30. C28 - County-Wide Mechanical/Electrical Engineer Contract Renewal (2019/2020)
Adoption of Consent Agenda
31. Adoption of Consent Agenda
Motion |
Motion to approve the Consent Agenda
Vote Results ( Approved ) |
Motion: Janice Kerekes |
Second: Tina Bullock |
Janice Kerekes |
- Aye |
Carol Studdard |
- Aye |
Ashley Gilhousen |
- Aye |
Mary Bolla |
- Aye |
Tina Bullock |
- Aye |
CCEA Update
CESPA Update
(Teresa Dixon)
Superintendent's Update and Presentations
32. Superintendent's Update
2018-2019 Golden and Silver School Awards.pdf
Superintendent SB August 2019 Update.pdf
Minutes: The Golden and Silver School Awards are presented annually to recognize exemplary schools which promote parent and community engagement in education. Principals of schools receiving these awards (see attached list) were presented with certificates that were awarded by the Florida Department of Education.
Superintendent Davis' update included instructional accomplishments, leadership best practices, and the instructional outlook for 2019-2020.
Discussion Agenda
School Board Member
33. D1 - Appoint one Board member and one citizen member to serve on the 2019 Value Adjustment Board (Mrs. Studdard)
Minutes: Tina Bullock agreed to serve as the Board's representative on the Value Adjustment Board for 2019. Mrs. Bolla will serve as the alternate. Ms. Leslie Dougher, who served last year as the citizen member, agreed to continue to serve on the 2019 VAB. These assignments were confirmed by Board consensus.
Human Resources
34. D2 - Human Resources Special Action A
HR Special Action.pdf (Confidential)
Motion |
Motion to approve Special Action A
Vote Results ( Approved ) |
Motion: Mary Bolla |
Second: Janice Kerekes |
Janice Kerekes |
- Aye |
Carol Studdard |
- Aye |
Ashley Gilhousen |
- Aye |
Mary Bolla |
- Aye |
Tina Bullock |
- Aye |
Instruction-Academic Services
35. D3 - Public Hearing to approve modifications to the 2018-2019 Student Progression Plan
Student Progression Plan 2019 - 2020 Redlined DRAFT.pdf
Student Progression Plan 2019 - 2020 - DRAFT.pdf
Rationale for 19-20 SPP Changes.pdf
Student Progression Plan 2019-20 - NOTICE OF APPROVAL TO ADVERTISE - Google Docs.pdf
Minutes: Chair Studdard opened the public hearing. With no one coming forward to speak to the item, the public hearing was closed.
Motion |
Motion to approve
Vote Results ( Approved ) |
Motion: Janice Kerekes |
Second: Tina Bullock |
Janice Kerekes |
- Aye |
Carol Studdard |
- Aye |
Ashley Gilhousen |
- Aye |
Mary Bolla |
- Aye |
Tina Bullock |
- Aye |
Instruction-Instructional Resources
36. D4 - Public Hearing and Vote to Approve as Advertised the Adoption of Astronomy, Forensic, Marine and Physical Science Materials
QUOTE_ 2019-20 Science Adoption_ Astronomy, Forensic, Marine, Physical .pdf
2019 Astronomy Adoption Results and Recommendation.pdf
2019 Forensic Adoption Results and Recommendation.pdf
2019 Marine Adoption Results and Recommendation.pdf
2019 Physical Science Adoption Results and Recommendation.pdf
Minutes: Chair Studdard opened the public hearing. With no one coming forward to speak to the item, the public hearing was closed.
Motion |
Motion to approve
Vote Results ( Approved ) |
Motion: Janice Kerekes |
Second: Mary Bolla |
Janice Kerekes |
- Aye |
Carol Studdard |
- Aye |
Ashley Gilhousen |
- Aye |
Mary Bolla |
- Aye |
Tina Bullock |
- Aye |
Instruction-Climate and Culture
37. D5 - Public Hearing to approve the 2019-20 Student Handbook and Code of Student Conduct
2019_2020 Student Handbook_COSC_DRAFT crosswalk to 2018-29 material_18June2019.pdf
2018-19 Code of Student Conduct_to 2019-20 Student Handbook Crosswalk.draft.pdf
2019-20 Infractoin Code Matrix.pdf
Student Handbook & Code of Student Conduct 2019-2020 - NOTICE OF APPROVAL TO ADVERTISE SB Policy.docx - Google Docs.pdf
Minutes: Chair Studdard opened the public hearing. With no one coming forward to speak to the item, the public hearing was closed.
Mrs. Gilhousen raised a concern about the process for random searches and who will conduct them. Superintendent Davis stated the need for searches will be determined by school-based administration and that appropriate staff will be used to conduct the student searches (i.e. male administrators will search male students, and female administrators will search female students).
Motion |
Motion to approve
Vote Results ( Approved ) |
Motion: Ashley Gilhousen |
Second: Mary Bolla |
Janice Kerekes |
- Aye |
Carol Studdard |
- Aye |
Ashley Gilhousen |
- Aye |
Mary Bolla |
- Aye |
Tina Bullock |
- Aye |
38. D6 - Public Hearing to approve new School Board Policies, Police Department - Section IX (General Orders 9.01 - 9.16).
Police Dept General Orders - NOTICE OF APPROVAL TO ADVERTISE SB Policy.docx - Google Docs.pdf
CCDSPD General Orders with Table of Contents.pdf
Minutes: Chair Studdard opened the public hearing. With no one coming forward to speak to the item, the public hearing was closed.
Motion |
Motion to approve
Vote Results ( Approved ) |
Motion: Ashley Gilhousen |
Second: Mary Bolla |
Janice Kerekes |
- Aye |
Carol Studdard |
- Aye |
Ashley Gilhousen |
- Aye |
Mary Bolla |
- Aye |
Tina Bullock |
- Aye |
School Board Attorney Remarks
School Board Member Remarks
Minutes: General comments were made.
Mrs. Gilhousen questioned the school district not placing SRO's in Clay County charter schools. Superintendent Davis responded that St. Johns Classical will continue to utilize a guardian certified by the Clay County Sheriff's Office and that Clay Charter Academy will continue on its same path as last year.
(8:22 p.m.)
Superintendent of Schools |
School Board Chairman |