Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
Teacher Inservice Center - Fleming Island High School, 2233 Village Square Parkway
December 7, 2017 - Regular School Board Meeting
Date: Dec 07 2017 (6:00 p.m.)
Invocation  (Rev. Todd Bussy, Campus Pastor - Christ's Church)
Pledge of Allegiance
Call to Order  (Present: Janice Kerekes, District 1; Carol Studdard, District 2; Betsy Condon, District 3; Mary Bolla, District 4; Ashley Gilhousen, District 5; and Superintendent Addison Davis.)
Student Showcase  (Paterson Elementary School Chorus - Pam Nulty, Chorus teacher)
Recognitions and Awards
1. Bullying Prevention Public Service Announcement video winners

National Bullying Prevention month was celebrated in October.  A public service announcement video contest was held and 28 students were recognized as winners in various categories.  Links to the videos are provided in the agenda item details, as well as the names of the student winners.

2. Recognition of Petticoat Schmitt Civil Contractors, Inc.

Mr. Jay Adair was present to accept the Board's recognition of pro bono work performed by Petticoat Schmitt Civil Contractors at Orange Park High School for the baseball program.

3. Recognize 2017 Founders Week Art Contest Winners

Clay County schools celebrated Founders' Week during the last week of September with patriotic activities commemorating the contributions of historical figures and documents that influenced the foundation of our government.  Students winners of the Founders' Week art contest were recognized by Mrs. Kelly Watt, Social Studies Curriculum Specialist.

4. State Jim Harbin Student Media Festival Recognition
Jim Harbin Student Media Festival Winners.pdf

Student winners of the 2016-2017 State Jim Harbin Student Media Festival were recognized.  Links to the videos are provided in the agenda item details, as well as the names of the student winners in the various categories and grade levels.

Presenters  (None)
School Showcase  (McRae Elementary School - Tammy Winkler, Principal)
Scheduled Citizen Requests  (None)
Presentations from the Audience (Public Comment)
5. Public Comments
  • Priscilla Keene -  RIse Against Hunger (volunteer opportunity on January 20, 2018) 
  • Rebecca Smith -  Transportation 
  • Christopher Trahan- World HIstory online textbooks 

The following individuals made comments pertaining to the district's position on student participation in county events by St. Johns Classical Academy:

  • Suzanne Long 
  • Liam Norteman 
  • Reid Norteman 
  • Scott Norteman 
  • Joe Rogish 
  • Brian Low 
  • Craig Wells 
Consent Agenda
6. C1 - Minutes of School Board Special Meeting and Workshop on October 19, 2017; Workshop on October 24, 2017; Organization and Regular Meeting on November 2, 2017.
Special Mtg Oct 19.pdf
Workshop Oct 19.pdf
Workshop Oct 24.pdf
Organiz Nov 2.pdf
Regular Mtg Nov 2.pdf
Human Resources
7. C2 - Personnel Consent Agenda - December 7, 2017
Personnel Consent Agenda 12 7 17.pdf
Instruction-Career and Technical Education
8. C3 - Overnight/Out of State Student Travel
December 2017.pdf
Instruction-Exceptional Student Education
9. C4 - Keystone Behavioral Pediatrics Contract 2017-18.
Keystone Behavioral Pediatrics 17 18.pdf
10. C5 - Kindred Hospital Contract - FY 2017-2018
Kindred Hospital North Florida 17 18.pdf
Instruction-K-12 Academic
11. C6 - Approval of Out of County Student Travel - K-12 Academic
December 2017 - Student Travel.pdf
Business Affairs
12. C7 - Proposed Allocation Changes for 2017-2018
Allocation Summary - December 7, 2017.pdf
Business Affairs-Accounting
13. C8 - Budget Amendment for the Month of October 2017
2017 October Impact Statement.pdf
2017 September Debt Service Correction.pdf
2017 October Budget Amendment.pdf
14. C9 - Warrants and Vouchers for October 2017
Oct 2017 Warrants & Vouchers.pdf
15. C10 - Monthly Financial Report for October, 2017
Business Affairs-Property
16. C11 - Monthly Property Report - October, 2017 - Furniture/Equipment
Furniture-Equipment Report-October, 2017.pdf
17. C12 - Monthly Property Report - October, 2017 - AV Materials
Audiovisual Report-October, 2017.pdf
18. C13 - Monthly Property Report - October, 2017 - Software
Software Report-October, 2017.pdf
19. C14 - Monthly Property Report - October, 2017 - Vehicles
Vehicles Report-October, 2017.pdf
20. C15 - Deletion of Certain Items Report - November, 2017
Deletion Report-November, 2017.pdf
21. C16 - Clay County Utility Authority (CCUA) Agreement for Discovery Oaks Elementary School (Elementary “Y”).
CCUA Agreement Elementary School Y.pdf
22. C17 - Pre-qualification of Contractors
TableBoardBackup, 12,7,17.pdf
23. C18 - Final Completion of Middleburg High School Culinary Arts Renovation
Final Comp MHS Culinary Arts Renovation.pdf
24. C19 - Supplemental Spot Survey Number 6 - Version 3 to the current Educational Plant Survey.
Spot Survey 6.3 12.7.17 Bd Agenda.pdf
25. C20 - Schematic/Preliminary (Phase I and Phase II) Plans and Specifications for the AICE Testing Facility at Fleming Island High School
26. C21 - Change Order #1 (Direct Purchasing) for Discovery Oaks Elementary (Elementary Y)
ChgOrd1DP, DOE Elementary Y.pdf
27. C22 - Final Completion of County-wide Front Entrance Security Enhancements
Final Completion Form - Front Entrance.pdf
28. C23 - Additive Change Order #3 (Days Only) for Doctors Inlet Fire Alarm Replacement
ChgOrd3 Day Only, DIS Fire Alarm Replacement.pdf
Adoption of Consent Agenda
29. Adoption of Consent Agenda
Motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Mary Bolla
Second: Betsy Condon
Janice Kerekes - Aye
Carol Studdard - Aye
Betsy Condon - Aye
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
CCEA Update  (Renna Lee Paiva)
CESPA Update  (There was none.)
Superintendent's Update and Presentations
30. Superintendent's Comments
Board Meeting Dec_Superintendent Update.pdf

Superintendent Davis recognized Tracy McLaughlin as Clay County's Principal of the Year, and Justin Faulkner as the Assistant Principal of the Year.  Mrs. McLaughlin and Mr. Faulkner were honored for their exemplary leadership and contributions to their schools and communities.  

Mr. Davis presented a PowerPoint (attached above) that showcased his upcoming State of the Schools address scheduled to take place on January 18, 2018.

Discussion Agenda
31. D1 - 2018 Legislative Priorities
2018 Legislative Priorities.pdf
Motion to approve the legislative priorities as presented.
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Ashley Gilhousen
Second: Mary Bolla
Janice Kerekes - Aye
Carol Studdard - Aye
Betsy Condon - Aye
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
Human Resources
32. D2 - Human Resources - Special Action A
Special Action A 12 7 17.pdf (Confidential)
Motion to approve
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Betsy Condon
Second: Janice Kerekes
Janice Kerekes - Aye
Carol Studdard - Aye
Betsy Condon - Aye
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
33. D3 - Human Resources - Special Action B
2017 Dec 7 - Special Action B.pdf (Confidential)
Motion to approve
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Mary Bolla
Second: Betsy Condon
Janice Kerekes - Aye
Carol Studdard - Aye
Betsy Condon - Aye
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
School Board Attorney Remarks
34. Attorney Comments

Board Attorney David D'Agata stated he would review the statute pertaining to charter schools and work with the Board and Superintendent on the issue of students participating in district competitions. 

School Board Member Remarks
35. Board Comments

Board member remarks included the following comments and questions:

  • Holiday wishes
  • Charter school principal meetings - The Board asked for copies of documents and minutes from the meetings.
  • Request for Dr. Legutko to look into the financials and the 5% cap for charter schools.   
  • Update on the Clay County Education Foundation and the grant applications 
  • Update on the community meeting for Discovery Oaks Elementary School
  • District Advisory Committee - Terri Dennis will follow up with the Board attorney and review the accrediation recommendations 

Superintendent Davis responded to comments pertaining to charter school participation.  He reiterated that he has been working with the Department of Education, the Board attorney, and calling surrounding counties on the concerns with charter school participation in extra curricular events.  He will continue to work with legal to determine the next steps to making a sound decision.   Mr. Davis clarified misinformation and confirmed that schools are able to compete in the state/national competitions. 


Adjournment  (8:02 p.m.)
Superintendent of Schools School Board Chairman