Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
Teacher Inservice Center, 2233 Village Square Parkway, Fleming Island, FL
June 29, 2023 - Regular School Board Meeting
Date: Jun 29 2023 (6:00 p.m.)
Student Showcase  (None)
Invocation  (Pastor Jeth Looney, DOXA Church, Green Cove Springs)
Pledge of Allegiance
Call to Order  (Present: Erin Skipper, District 1; Mary Bolla, District 2, Beth Clark, District 3; Michele Hanson, District 4; Ashley Gilhousen, District 5; Superintendent David Broskie)
Recognitions and Awards
1. Recognize 2022-2023 Retirees

Brenda Troutman, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources, introduced an audio/visual presentation honoring the 2022/2023 retirees.  There are 117 retirees possessing 2,580 combined years of service.

School Showcase  (None)
Presentations from the Audience (Public Comment)
2. Public Comment

Public speakers:

  • Patricia Shaffer 
  • Gargi Chipalkatti 
  • Dee Lansford 
  • Bruce Friedman 
  • Dawn Hall
Consent Agenda
3. C1 - Minutes of School Board Workshop on May 23, 2023; Student Discipline Hearings and Regular Meeting on June 1, 2023
2023 May 23 Workshop.pdf
2023 Jun 1 Student Hearings.pdf (Confidential)
2023 Jun 1 Regular Meeting.pdf
2022 Jun 29 Regular Mtg.pdf
4. C2 - Payment of Annual Membership Dues for 2023-2024 to Florida Association of District School Superintendents
School Board Member
5. C3 - Payment of Annual Membership Dues for 2023-2024 to Florida School Boards Association
FSBA Invoice #12724.pdf
Information Technology Services
6. C4 - Amendment to Edupoint Contract to Reflect First In State Discounts
230155 Edupoint Amendment 5.pdf
Human Resources
7. C5 - Personnel Consent Agenda
Personnel Consent Agenda 6.29.23.pdf
Instruction-Academic Services
8. C6 - K-12 Academic Services Out of State and Overnight Student Travel
June 29, 2023 Student Travel.pdf
9. C7 - Agreement between the School Board of Clay County and AMI Kids
230168 AMI Kids.pdf
Executed 230168 AMI Kids.pdf
10. C8 - Lexia® LETRS® (Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling)
230153 Lexia Learning.pdf
Executed 230153 Lexia Learning.pdf
Instruction-Career and Technical Education
11. C9 - CTE Out-of-State and Overnight Field Trips
Instruction-Instructional Resources
12. C10 - Library Book Challenged Titles Committees Recommendations
Remain on Shelf Forms Beginning with a number or A.pdf
Remain on Shelf Forms Beginning with B.pdf
Remain on Shelf Forms Beginning with C.pdf
Remain on Shelf Forms Beginning with D.pdf
Remain on Shelf Forms Beginning with E.pdf
Remain on Shelf Forms Beginning with F.pdf
Remain on Shelf Forms Beginning with I.pdf
Remain on Shelf Forms Beginning with K.pdf
Remain on Shelf Forms Beginning with L.pdf
Remain on Shelf Forms Beginning with M.pdf
Remain on Shelf Forms Beginning with N.pdf
Remain on Shelf Forms Beginning with O.pdf
Remain on Shelf Forms Beginning with P.pdf
Remain on Shelf Forms Beginning with R.pdf
Remain on Shelf Forms Beginning with S.pdf
Remain on Shelf Forms Beginning with Ta to The L.pdf
Remain on Shelf Forms Beginning with U.pdf
Remain on Shelf Forms Beginning with W.pdf
Remain on Shelf Forms Beginning with Y.pdf
complainant-appeal-statements-numbers-1-109 (1).pdf
Remain on Shelf Forms_Beginning with G.pdf
Remain on Shelf Forms_Beginning with H.pdf
Remain on Shelf Forms Beginning with The M to Twisted (1) (1).pdf
Consent Agenda - 06.29.23 Remove from Shelf.pdf
Consent Agenda 06.29.23 Return To_Remain On Shelf.pdf
Instruction-Climate and Culture
13. C11 - MOA with DOH-Clay & State of Florida, CDC Crisis Response Cooperative Agreement ( CoAG) providing 11 extra nurses to assist in assigned schools
COAG2023 STAFFING MOA CHD and CCDS Approved by LEGAL6.8.2023.pdf
Executed MOA CHD CCDS.pdf
Business Affairs
14. C12 - Review & Approve the renewal of the District's third party adjusters, Johns Eastern Company
230164 Johns Eastern Co.pdf
Executed 230164 Johns Eastern.pdf
15. C13 - Approve the 2023-2024 District's Property/Casualty/Active Assailant Insurance renewal submitted by Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. (broker)
16. C14 - 2023-24 PowerSchool Contract Renewals
Q-735984-202324 (1) (1).pdf
Q-736007-202324 (1) (1).pdf
Q-736018-202324 (1) (1).pdf
Q-736047-202324 (1) (1).pdf
Q-736058-202324 (1) (1).pdf
Q-753599-202324 ELF CLay (1) (2).pdf
17. C15 - Proposed Allocation Changes for 2023-2024
23-24 Allocation Summary 06.29.23.pdf
Business Affairs-Accounting
18. C16 - Monthly Financial Reports for May, 2023
May 2023 Monthly Board Property Reports.pdf
May 2023 Monthly Board Financial Reports.pdf
Contracts $50,000 - $100,000 Signed by Superintendent.pdf
19. C17 - Budget Amendment Report for May 31, 2023
Budget Amendment May 2023.pdf
Business Affairs-Property
Business Affairs-Purchasing
21. C19 - BID Award
22. C20 - District Print Center Equipment Refresh
23. C21 - 2023-2024 School Safety Interlocal Agreement Among the School Board of Clay County, Florida, City of Green Cove Springs Florida, and Green Cove Springs Police Department.
Interlocal Agreement City of GCS and GCS Police Department.pdf
24. C22 - 2023-2024 School Safety Interlocal Agreement Among the School Board of Clay County, Florida; and Town of Orange Park and the Town of Orange Park Police Department.
Interlocal Agreement Town of OP and OP Police Department.pdf
25. C23 - Restated Interlocal Agreement for Emergency Shelters in Clay County between the Clay County School Board and the Clay County Board of County Commissioners.
98-99-139 RESTA2018 EXT1 - Restated Interlocal SBCC-Emergency Shelters BCC#17 - signed.pdf
Emergency Shelters Contract Review Form.pdf
26. C24 - 2022-2023 Local Department of Health Inspection Reports
Health Dept. Inspection 2023 #1.pdf
Health Dept. Inspections 2023 #2.pdf
27. C25 - 2022-2023 S.R.E.F. Casualty, Safety, Sanitation, Relocatable, and Fire Safety Inspection Report
2023 SREF #1.pdf
2023 SREF #2.pdf
2023 SREF #3.pdf
28. C26 - Transportation Bus Purchase Agreement
Bus Purchase 6.29.23.pdf
29. C27 - Clay County Utility Authority Closeout Documents for Spring Park Elementary School
Contract - Closeout Documents for Spring Park Elementary School.pdf
30. C28 - Prequalification of Contractors
Table for Board Backup Contractor Prequal, 6.29.23
31. C29 - Resolution for 95 Acre Land Purchase on Russell Road
Property Purchase Resolution 6.29.2023.pdf
Ennis Appraisal Russell Rd_95.pdf
Appraisal_2770 Russell Rd, Green Cove Springs, FL.pdf
32. C30 - Change Order #3 for Spring Park Elementary School
Change Order #3 for Spring Park Elementary School
Operations-Food & Nutrition
33. C31 - 2023-2024 Food and Nutrition Services Proposed Meal Price Increase.
Adoption of Consent Agenda
34. Adoption of Consent Agenda
Motion to Adopt Consent Agenda
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Mary Bolla
Second: Beth Clark
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
Beth Clark - Aye
Michele Hanson - Aye
Erin Skipper - Aye
CCEA Update  (Victoria Kidwell)
CESPA Update  (None)
Superintendent's Update and Presentations
35. Superintendent's Update
Superintendent's Update 06-29-2023.pdf

Superintendent Broskie shared some recently released state assessment scores as well as the attached presentation highlighting the following:

  • OneClay Leadership Academy
  • ESE Summer Summit
  • Summer Meals Program
  • Preparing for 2023-2024
  • Transportation Update
  • Upcoming Events
Discussion Agenda
36. D1 - Approval of the 2023-2028 Strategic Plan
Strategic Plan_23-28.pdf
Motion to Approve the 2023-2028 Strategic Plan
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Michele Hanson
Second: Mary Bolla
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
Beth Clark - Aye
Michele Hanson - Aye
Erin Skipper - Aye
Human Resources
37. D2 - Human Resources Special Action A

There was no Human Resources Special Action A.

38. D3 - Human Resources Special Action B

There was no Human Resources Special Action B.

Instruction-Instructional Resources
39. D3A - Library Book Challenged Titles Committees Recommendations (titles pulled to Discussion by Mrs. Hanson)
Challenge Form_ How to Be Antiracist.pdf
Challenge Form_Go Ask Alice.pdf
Challenge Form_Girl In Pieces.pdf
Challenge Form_Trans Teen Survival Guide.pdf
Instruction-Climate and Culture
40. D4 - Public Hearing to Approve as Advertised 2023-2024 Student & Family Handbook and Code of Student Conduct
Legal Adv. Notice of PH 23-24 Code of Student Conduct.pdf
Summary of Changes - 23_24 Code of Conduct.pdf
Board Redline Final - 2023_2024 - CCDS Student and Family Handbook and Code of Student Conduct.pdf

Chair Gilhousen opened the public hearing.  With no one coming forward to speak to the item, the public hearing was closed.

Motion to Approve as Advertised 2023-2024 Student & Family Handbook and Code of Student Conduct
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Mary Bolla
Second: Michele Hanson
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
Beth Clark - Aye
Michele Hanson - Aye
Erin Skipper - Aye
School Board Attorney Remarks  (None)
School Board Member Remarks
41. School Board Member Comments

Mrs. Bolla appreciated the retirees and all the years of service they have dedicated to students.  She noted that the Elks Club has made a contribution to the Dolly Parton Imagination Library, supporting early literacy.  She also indicated the importance of classroom libraries, recognizing the many teachers who work, even during the summer, on their libraries so children can continue to read. 

Mrs. Skipper would like to explore and take action on restructuring the district's police department from the internal entity currently existing and move the security and safety back to the Clay County Sheriff's Department.  She cited concerns with the chain of command, no true oversight and separation of power, a lack of accreditation, delays in response with communicating to other police departments, a lack of experienced staff needed to work with certain crimes, fiscal responsibility, and a primary need for safety and accountability.  Mrs. Clark indicated reviewing this proposal is a great idea and noted the changes over the last five years within the Sheriff's Department.  Mrs. Hanson stated that, in Clay County, less than 1% of crimes are reported to SESIR (School Environmental Safety Incident Reporting) and she has concerns re checks and balances.  The CCSD Chief of Police reports to several people at the district office, including the superintendent, and Mrs. Hanson would like to see an internal affairs department and/or a department separate from CCDSPD to review and monitor complaints.  She supports a discussion of revisions to the current model of safety and security and requested a review of the budget, to include expenditures and salaries.  Mrs. Bolla confirmed with Dr. Legutko, Assistant Superintendent of Business Affairs, that a full accounting of police department expenditures, including historical budget information, will be provided at the upcoming budget meeting.  Mrs. Bolla also noted that neither the Green Cove Springs nor the Orange Park Police Departments are accredited.  Additional discussion between board members outlined the need for budget information, both historical and current re the cost of maintaining the current police department, consideration of the current contracts the district has with its safety and officer employees, and a need for detailed information from CCSO to compare and contrast with the existing framework.  Superintendent Broskie will coordinate with Sheriff Cook to obtain information and invite her to participate in a future workshop.  Dr. Susan Legutko, Assistant Superintendent of Business Affairs, will provide the requested information on expenditures, noting that she provides a monthly worksheet on the agenda that delineates how the 1 mil is being spent.  A workshop will be scheduled to further discuss and evaluate when information has been obtained.

Mrs. Hanson commented positively about the Teacher Leadership Academy.

Mrs. Gilhousen noted that there will be a single point of entry at future board meetings to provide additional security.  

The Florida School Boards Association Advocacy Committee Representative for the next term will be Mrs. Bolla, and Mrs. Hanson will serve as the Alternate Representative.

Mrs. Hanson will serve on the 2023 Value Adjustment Board.  Mrs. Skipper will contact someone to explore their willingness to serve as the Citizen Member on the Value Adjustment Board.

Adjournment  (7:20 p.m.)
Superintendent of Schools School Board Chair