Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
Teacher Inservice Center - Fleming Island High School; 2233 Village Square Parkway
Please join us at 5:45 p.m. for the School Showcase. - Artwork displayed on the bulletin boards at the back of the room provided by our students at Lake Asbury Junior High School.
November 2, 2017 - Regular School Board Meeting
Date: Nov 02 2017 (Immediately following the 6:00 p.m. Organization Meeting)
Pledge of Allegiance
Call to Order  (6:15 p.m. - Present: Janice Kerekes, District 1; Carol Studdard, District 2; Betsy Condon, District 3; Mary Bolla, District 4; Ashley Gilhousen, District 5; and Superintendent Addison Davis)
Student Showcase  (5:45 p.m. - Clay Hill Elementary School Chime Choir)
Recognitions and Awards
1. Ridgeview High School - Florida Power Library System

Ridgeview High School was recently named a Florida Power Library System which recognizes outstanding school library programs that are fully integrated into their school-wide program.  Media Specialists Julie Miller and Darlene Goodier underwent an extensive process of documenting the RHS's library contributions into the school's learning environment and academic success.

2. Orange Park Medical Center Partnership Agreement
CCSB and OPMC Partnership 2017-2018.pdf

The School Board and Orange Park Medical Center (OPMC) have partnered for support of the school district for the purpose of creating quality district events and promoting community partnerships. The Partnership Agreement addresses OPMC's sponsorship of specific district events with a $30,000 contribution.  Chad Patrick (CEO) and Andrea Hepburn from OPMS were in attendance to their show of support for the partnership.  

Motion to approve the Partnership Agreement
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Ashley Gilhousen
Second: Janice Kerekes
Janice Kerekes - Aye
Carol Studdard - Aye
Betsy Condon - Aye
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
School Showcase  (Grove Park Elementary School - Principal Scott Voytko)
Scheduled Citizen Requests  (None)
Presentations from the Audience (Public Comment)
3. Public Comments
  • Joel Miller - rising insurance rates
  • Jenifer Burghart - insurance rates and curriculum maps
  • Liz Crane - kindergarten
  • Melissa Kaplan - bargaining insurance rates 
  • Stella Nanes - testing calendar 
  • Katherine Morrison - Kelly subs in schools

Board discussion followed about Kelly subs and some dissatisfaction with their services.  Superintendent Davis agreed to look into this situation and give a report to the Board.  He will have Mr. D'Agata review the Kelly contract.  Mr. Davis will also provide cost factors for insurance plans and rates.  

Consent Agenda
4. C1 - Minutes of School Board Workshop, Litigation Shade Meeting, Student Hearings, and Regular Meeting on September 26, 2017; Student Hearings and Regular Meeting on October 5, 2017; and Special Meeting on October 11, 2017.
2017 Nov 2 - Workshop Sept 26.pdf
2017 Nov 2 - Litigation Shade Mtg.pdf
2017Nov 2 - Sept 26 Regular Mtg..pdf
2017 Nov 2 - Student Hearings.pdf (Confidential)
2017 Nov 2 - Student Hearings Oct 5.pdf (Confidential)
2017 Nov 2 - Regular Mtg Oct 5.pdf
2017 Nov 2 - Special Mtg Oct 11.pdf
5. C2 - Proposed 2018-2019 & 2019-2020 Student Calendars
2018-2019 Student Calendar.pdf
2019-2020 Student Calendar.pdf
Human Resources
6. C3 - Personnel Consent Agenda - November 2, 2017
Personnel Consent Agenda Nov 2, 2017.pdf
Instruction-K-12 Academic
7. C4 - Approval of Out of County Student Travel
Nov 2, 2017 - Student Travel.pdf
Instruction-Climate and Culture
8. C5 - Safety and Education Articulation Agreement between School Board of Clay County and City of Green Cove Springs and Green Cove Springs Police Department.
Safety & Education Articulation Agreement.pdf
9. C6 - Safety and Education Articulation Agreement between School Board of Clay County and City of Orange Park and Orange Park Police Department.
Orange Park Police Dept Contract.pdf
10. C7 - Family Support Services of North Florida, Inc. Amendment
Family Support Services Amendment.pdf
Business Affairs
11. C8 - Proposed Allocation Changes for 2017-2018
Allocation Summary - November 2, 2017.pdf
12. C9 - Purchase of Surety Bonds for the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman
13. C10 - Bank Resolutions Due to Change of School Board Chairman and Vice-Chairman
Business Affairs-Accounting
15. C12 - Warrants and Vouchers for September 2017
September 2017 Warrants & Vouchers.pdf
16. C13 - Budget Amendment for the Month of September 2017
2018 September Impact Statement.pdf
2018 September Budget Amendment.pdf
17. C14 - Monthly Financial Report for September, 2017
2017Sept Monthly Financial.pdf
Business Affairs-Property
18. C15 - Monthly Property Report - September, 2017 - Furniture/Equipment
Furniture-Equipment Report-September, 2017.pdf
19. C16 - Monthly Property Report - September, 2017 - AV Materials
Audiovisual Report-September, 2017.pdf
20. C17 - Monthly Property Report - September, 2017 - Software
Software Report-September, 2017.pdf
21. C18 - Monthly Property Report - September, 2017 - Vehicles
Vehicles Report-September, 2017.pdf
22. C19 - Deletion of Certain Items Report - October, 2017
Deletion Report-October, 2017.pdf
Business Affairs-Purchasing
23. C20 - Bid Renewal
24. C21 - Final Completion of Clay High School Culinary Arts Renovation
Final Completion CHS Culinary.pdf
25. C22 - Clay Electric Cooperative Right-of-Way Easement for Elementary School “Y”
Clay Electric Right-of-Way Easement Elementary Y.pdf
26. C23 - Final Completion of Orange Park Junior High Parking Lot Lighting Renovation
Final Completion for OPJH Parking Lot Lighting Renovation.pdf
27. C24 - Pre-qualification of Contractors
TableBoardBackup, 11,2,17.pdf
28. C25 - Final Completion of Wilkinson Junior High School HVAC Replacement
Final Completion WJH HVAC Replacement.pdf
29. C26 - AICE Testing Facility at Fleming Island High School Construction Manager Contract Award
CM Contract FIHS AICE Testing Facility.pdf
Adoption of Consent Agenda
30. Adoption of Consent Agenda
Motion to approve the Consent Agenda.
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Betsy Condon
Second: Mary Bolla
Janice Kerekes - Aye
Carol Studdard - Aye
Betsy Condon - Aye
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
CCEA Update  (Renna Lee Paiva)
CESPA Update  (Teresa Dixon)
Superintendent's Update and Presentations
31. Superintendent's Comments

In the spirit of Thanksgiving this month, Superintendent Davis made brief comments that included being thankful to serve as Clay County's Superintendent of Schools.  He is honored to continue to celebrate the hard work of all teachers and employees.  

Discussion Agenda
32. D1 - School "Y" Name Suggestions
DOE letter from Mr. Dibello.pdf
School Y name presention (1).pdf

Superintendent Davis presented the three names for School "Y" that he is recommending to the School Board.  These three names were selected from the five proposed by the Naming Committee.  Following discussion, the Board chose to name the new school in the Oakleaf area, Discovery Oaks Elementary School.  Mr. Davis stated that he hopes to make a recommendation to the Board soon for the school principal.  He will open the position for Clay County applicants and begin the interview process in the next few weeks. 

Motion to name School "Y" Discovery Oaks Elementary School.
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Betsy Condon
Second: Ashley Gilhousen
Janice Kerekes - Aye
Carol Studdard - Aye
Betsy Condon - Aye
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
School Board Member
33. D2 - Recommend approval of proposed settlement of all claims brought by Plaintiff in Norton v. Clay County School Board, Fourth Judicial Circuit in and for Clay County, Florida, Case No. 2015-CA-00145.
CCSB-Norton- Release (Slip and Fall) (02364189xB9D7A).pdf
Motion to approve the settlement as recommended
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Mary Bolla
Second: Janice Kerekes
Janice Kerekes - Aye
Carol Studdard - Aye
Betsy Condon - Aye
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
34. D3 - Readjustment of Scores Used for Teacher Evaluation (Mrs. Kerekes)


  • Chase DeBartolomeis
  • Elizabeth Davidson 

Mrs. Kerekes expressed concerns about the establishment of last year's (2016-2017) cut scores and the inability to make retroactive changes according to legal counsel.  Discussion ensued and Mr. D'Agata advised against retroactive change.  There was discussion and concerns that the cut scores were established under the previous administration and without the approval of the Clay Assessment System (CAS) Committee.

Motion to table the item indefinitely
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Janice Kerekes
Second: Betsy Condon
Janice Kerekes - Aye
Carol Studdard - Aye
Betsy Condon - Aye
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
Human Resources
35. D4 - Human Resources - Special Action

There were no special actions.

Instruction-Exceptional Student Education
36. D5 - Public Hearing to approve as advertised amendments to the 2017-18 Admissions and Placement Manual included in School Board Policy.
A and P Manual.pdf

The Chair opened the public hearing for public comments.  With no one coming forward to speak on the item, the public hearing was closed.

Motion to approve
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Betsy Condon
Second: Ashley Gilhousen
Janice Kerekes - Aye
Carol Studdard - Aye
Betsy Condon - Aye
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
School Board Attorney Remarks  (None)
School Board Member Remarks

Board Member comments were heard.


Adjournment  (8:17 p.m.)
Superintendent of Schools School Board Chairman