Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
Teacher Inservice Center, 2233 Village Square Parkway, Fleming Island, FL
August 5, 2021 - Regular School Board Meeting
Date: Aug 05 2021 (6:00 p.m.)
Student Showcase  (None)
Invocation  (Tina Bullock)
Pledge of Allegiance
Call to Order  (Present: Janice Kerekes, District 1; Beth Clark, District 2, Tina Bullock, District 3; Mary Bolla, District 4; Ashley Gilhousen, District 5; Superintendent David Broskie)
Recognitions and Awards
1. Recognition of Poster Contest Winners by Clay Soil and Water Conservation District

Ted Clark, Clay Soil & Water Conservation District Supervisor and Vice Chair, Richard Russell, Board Chair, and Wes Taylor, Veteran on the Board, recognized students' achievements in an annual poster contest open to all CCDS students in grades K-12.  The winning posters reflect the National Association of Conservation District's annual stewardship theme and highlight the work of conservation districts that work to protect and enhance natural resources.  District poster contest winners are:

K-1st Category:

  • 1st place - Kayden Teeter (Wilkinson Elementary)
  • 2nd place - Braden Poole (Wilkinson Elementary)

2nd-3rd Category:

  • 2nd place - Ella Mae Lutz (Wilkinson Elementary)
  • 3rd place - Haylee Moore (Wilkinson Elementary)

4th - 6th Category:

  • 1st place - Uriah Weldon (Tynes Elementary)
  • 2nd place - Jasmine Padgett (Wilkinson Elementary)
  • 3rd place - Holly Chestnut (Wilkinson Elementary)
Presenters  (None)
School Showcase  (None)
Presentations from the Audience (Public Comment)
2. Public Comment

Public speakers:

  • Jennifer Fowler - Smart Restart School Reopening Plan 
  • Maria Mora, M.D. - Phase II Smart Restart School Reopening Plan 
  • Julie Smith - mask mandate 
  • Christopher Trahan - mask mandate 
  • Connor Smith - mask mandate
  • Angela Housley - masks being required in school  
  • Hope Chessel - masks 
  • Luanne Eckert - mask mandate 
  • Ruth Swissa - mask mandates  
  • Cornelius Jones - mask mandate 
  • Cello Buford - mask mandate issue  
  • Fernando Vizcarrondo - COVID impact  
  • Babette J. Duke - masks 
Consent Agenda
3. C1 - Minutes of Workshop on June 15, 2021; Student Hearings and Regular Meeting on June 24. 2021
2021 Jun 15 Workshop.pdf
2021 June 24 Student Hearings.pdf (Confidential)
2021 Jun 24 Regular Mtg.pdf
Human Resources
4. C2 - Personnel Consent Agenda
Personnel Consent Agenda 8.5.2021.pdf
Instruction-Academic Services
5. C3 - K-12 Academic Services Out of State and Overnight Student Travel
Aug 2021 - Student Travel.pdf
6. C4 - Renewal of "Cooperative Agreement with the School Board of Clay County and Department of Juvenile Justice."
DJJ Proposed Cooperative Agreement 2021-2024.pdf
7. C5 - 2021-22 Dual Enrollment Articulation Agreement Between the School Board of Clay County and District Board of Trustees St. Johns River State College
Aug 2021 - SJRSC Dual Enrollment (3).pdf
8. C6 - 2021-22 Collegiate High School Contract Between the School Board of Clay County and District Board of Trustees of St. Johns River State College
Aug 2021 - SJRSC Collegiate High School Contract.pdf
9. C7 - Approval for the Purchase of i-Ready Math and Assessment Reading for the 2021-2022 School Year
Contract 210132 Curriculum Associates 2021-2022.pdf
10. C8 - Approval for the Purchase of Penda Learning for the 2021-2022 through 2022- 2023, and 2023-2024 School Years
210122 Penda Learning.pdf
Instruction-Career and Technical Education
11. C9 - CTE Out of State and Overnight Field Trips
CTE Out-Of-State and Overnight Field Trips.pdf
Instruction-Exceptional Student Education
12. C10 - Safe Crisis Management Training for Exceptional Student Education Employees 2021-2022
13. C11 - Mileage Paid to Parents and Group Homes
Parent mileage - Sheet1.pdf
14. C12 - EBS Healthcare Staffing Services Contract 21/22
210138 EBH Healthcare Svc.pdf
15. C13 - Alonzo Sign Language Interpreting - Independent Contractor Services Agreement 21/22
210137 Alonzo Sign Language Interpreting.pdf
Instruction-Climate and Culture
16. C14 - Approval of Turnaround School Supplemental Service Allocation
17. C15 - 2021-2022 Clay County School Board Agreement with Flagler Health
Flagler Care Connect.pdf
Business Affairs
18. C16 - Proposed Allocation Changes for 2021-2022
Allocation Summary 2021-2022 - August 5, 2021 1.pdf
Business Affairs-Property
19. C17 - Deletion of Certain Items Report - July, 2021
Deletion Report-July, 2021.pdf
20. C18 - Approve Security and Response to Active Assailant Plan
CCDS Security & Response to Active Assailant Plan 21-22 SY.pdf (Confidential)
21. C19 - Approve Clay County District School Family Reunification & Family Assistance Center Response Plan Final V. 7
CCDS FRC-FAC Plan V.8 PUBLISH FINAL (1).pdf (Confidential)
22. C20 - Approve CCDS Family Reunification & Family Assistance Center Response Plan Final Position Specific Checklists
CCDS FRC-FAC Plan - Position Specific Checklists Final V.8 Publish July 2021.pdf (Confidential)
23. C21 - Approve Standardized “Agreement” form to be used with reunification sites in the event of student/personnel emergency evacuation from school sites in the event of active assailant event or other mass casualty threat
Reunification agreement_Standard FORM.pdf
Signed Reunification agreement_Standard FORM.pdf
24. C22 - Approve the Agreement for Real Time Access to School Surveillance Camera Footage between the Clay County Sheriff’s Office and the School Board of Clay County to be used in the event of active assailant event or other mass casualty threat
Surveillance Camera Footage (1).pdf
25. C23 - Change Order #1 for Middleburg High School Restroom Renovation
CO #1 for MHS Restroom Renovation.pdf
26. C24 - Schematic (Phase I) Plans and Specifications for Middleburg High School Cafeteria Expansion
27. C25 - Schematic (Phase I) Plans and Specifications for Elementary School "R"
28. C26 - Elementary School "R" Construction Manager Contract Award
220005 Parrish McCall Contract Award.pdf
29. C27 - Schematic/Preliminary/Final (Phase I, II, and III) Plans and Specifications for Middleburg Transportation Fuel System Repair/Replacement
30. C28 - Change Order #3 (Days Only) for Orange Park High School HVAC Repair/Replacement (Building 4 – Gymnasium)
CO 3 OPH HVAC Repair.Replacement.pdf
Adoption of Consent Agenda
31. Adoption of Consent Agenda
Motion to Approve Adoption of Consent Agenda
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Ashley Gilhousen
Second: Tina Bullock
Janice Kerekes - Aye
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
Tina Bullock - Aye
Beth Clark - Aye
CCEA Update  (Victoria Kidwell)
CESPA Update  (Lonnie Roberts)
Superintendent's Update and Presentations
32. Superintendent's Update
SB Superintendent's Update 8-5-2021.pdf

Superintendent Broskie utilized the attached visual presentation to highlight the following:

  • School Data - Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) data and proficiency achievements
  • COVID-19 Protocols for 2021-2022 - mitigation strategies, safety reminders
  • Back to School - inservice training, Tools 4 Clay Schools event
Discussion Agenda
Human Resources
33. D1 - Human Resources Special Action

There were no human resources special actions.

School Board Attorney Remarks  (None)
School Board Member Remarks
34. School Board Member Comments

Board members collectively expressed their appreciation for the thoughts and concerns shared by the public speakers in attendance and through email communications, as well as excitement and well wishes for the new school year.

Mrs. Clark encouraged positivity to facilitate working together despite differences.

Mrs. Kerekes understands the conflicting opinions and expressed frustration that local control over the mask issue has been removed by the government.  She is excited about the elevation in Charles E. Bennett's achievement scores.

Mrs. Bullock attended recent volunteer appreciation and fundraiser events and extended congratulations to Sherri Anthony, a former Keystone Heights High student who was recently inducted into the National High School Athletic Coaches Association Hall of Fame.

Mrs. Gilhousen encouraged respect and care for one another as incredibly difficult decisions are made.

Mrs. Bolla advised that the current school board attorney's contract will end on 12/30/21, and she will add an action item to the discussion agenda for the September board meeting.  Congratulations were extended to Makayla Buchanan, Executive Director of Clay Education Foundation, for the birth of her daughter.  A reminder that masks are strongly encouraged was given, and communication between parents and teachers was encouraged.

Adjournment  (7:28 p.m.)
Superintendent of Schools School Board Chairman