Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
Teacher Inservice Center - Fleming Island High School, 2233 Village Square Parkway
June 6, 2019 - Regular School Board Meeting
Date: Jun 06 2019 (6:00 p.m.)
Invocation  (Rev. Jake Young, Lead Pastor - St. Giles Presbyterian Church)
Pledge of Allegiance
Call to Order  (Present: Janice Kerekes, District 1; Carol Studdard, District 2; Tina Bullock, District 3; Mary Bolla, District 4; Ashley Gilhousen, District 5; and Superintendent Addison Davis. )
Student Showcase  (Fleming Island High School Soloist, Alexander White, and Accompanist)
Recognitions and Awards
1. Recognize Students with Perfect Attendance, K-6, K-8, and K-12

Superintendent Davis recognized the students and presented each with a certificate of recognition for their outstanding attendance.  

  • Kindergarten–Grade 6 (7 Years):  Jonathan Jireh Arguelles Walker, Fleming Island Elementary School
  • Kindergarten–Grade 8 (9 Years):  Timothy Gene Walker, Green Cove Springs Junior High
  • Kindergarten–Grade 12 (13 Years):  Maegan Rae Gibson, Middleburg High School
2. Recognize Clay All-Star Athletes-of-the-Month

Mike Wingate, Director of K-12 Academic Services, recognized the student Athletes-of-the-Month for December, January, February, March, and April.  

  • December:  Jacie Ankrom - OPHS;  Josh Hughes - KHHS
  • January:  Alexis Stilianou - CHS;  Grant Stanish - CHS
  • February:  Abby Hawkins - CHS;  Riley Haynes - OHS
  • March:  Jeremiah Jackson - FIHS;  Hayley Julius - KHHS
  • April :  Audrey Millican - FIHS;  Collin Henderson - MHS
3. Recognize Coastal Spine and Pain scholarship recipients

Kelly Mosley, CTE Specialist, thanked Bridget Roberts and Coastal Spine and Pain Center for their generosity in awarding approximately $20,000 in scholarships to CTE students.  See student names and their respective Academy programs listed in the agenda item detail.

4. Clay High School Criminal Justice Academy designated as a model academy by NCAC.

Clay High School was awarded national model status by the National Career Academy Coalition for its Criminal Justice Academy after a recent on-site review.  The school worked incredibly hard during the review process and the Clay High team was introduced and commended for achieving this designation.

5. Recognize 2019 Wes Whiddon Scholarship Recipients

The Wes Whiddon Scholarship is awarded yearly to Clay County student-athletes who have played sports at the junior or high school level while attending a Clay County school and who have been accepted to attend a college.  Mrs. Whiddon recognized the 2019 recipients of the scholarship.  Student names are listed in the agenda item detail.

Presenters  (None)
School Showcase  (Fleming Island High School - Tom Pittman, Principal)
Presentations from the Audience (Public Comment)  (None)
Consent Agenda
6. C1 - Minutes of Workshop on April 23, 2019; Student Hearings and Regular meeting on May 2, 2019.
April 23, 2019 Workshop Minutes.pdf
May 2, 2019 Regular Mtg Minutes.pdf
2019 May 2 - Student Hearings Minutes - Google Docs.pdf (Confidential)
School Board Member
7. C2 - Evaluation Instrument for School Board Attorney
Human Resources
8. C4 - Renewal of 2019-2020 List of Physicians and Medical Facilities authorized to conduct physical examinations required for certain groups of employees.
List of Physicians and Medical Facilities.pdf
Instruction-Career and Technical Education
9. C5 - CTE Out of State and Overnight Field Trips
Overnight and out of state field trips CTE.pdf
Instruction-K-12 Academic
10. C6 - Approval of Out of County Student Travel - K-12 Academic
June 2019 - Student Travel.pdf
11. C7 - Revised - 2019-20 Florida Youth Challenge Academy Calendar
June 2019 - Revised FYCA Calendar 2019-20.pdf
12. C8 - 2019-20 Interagency Agreement Between the School Board of Clay County, Florida and the Department of Military Affairs, State of Florida
June 2019 - 2019-20 FLYCA Contract.pdf
2019 Jun 6 - Executed FLYCA Agreement 2019-2020.pdf
Instruction-Professional Development
13. C9 - College/University Agreements for Student Placement
Saint Leo.pdf
St Johns River State College Agreement.pdf
St Josephs Agreement.pdf
FSCJ Agreement.pdf
Instruction-Climate and Culture
14. C10 - Continue Training in the Safe Crisis Management Program for ESE employees 2019-20
SCM Previous Outcomes.pdf
15. C11 - 2019-2020 School Health Services Agreement
Health Services Agreement.pdf
C11 Executed School Heath Services Agreement.pdf
Business Affairs
16. C12 - Approve the 2019-2020 District's Property/Casualty/Active Assailant Insurance renewal submitted by Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. (broker)
Clay Premium Summary.pdf
17. C13 - Proposed Allocation Changes for 2019-2020
Allocation Summary - June 6, 2019 (1).pdf
18. C13A - Proposed Allocation Changes for 2018-2019
Allocation Summary - June 6 2019 (1).pdf
Business Affairs-Accounting
19. C14 - Budget Amendment Report for April 2019
April 2019 Budget Amendment Report.pdf
20. C15 - Monthly Financial Reports for April, 2019
April 2019 Board Monthly Financial Report.pdf
April 2019 Board Monthly Property Report.pdf
Business Affairs-Payroll
21. C16 - Approval of the 2019-2020 Payroll Calendars for Summer School, Florida Youth Challenge Academy and the Revised 12 Month Employee Calendar
2019-2020 Revised Substitute_Temporary_Summer School Payroll Calendar.pdf
2019-2020 Florida Youth Challenge Academy.pdf
2019-2020 12 Month Payroll Calendar.pdf
Business Affairs-Property
22. C17 - Deletion of Certain Items Report - May, 2019
Deletion Report-May, 2019.pdf
Business Affairs-Purchasing
23. C18 - BID to be Awarded
24. C19 - Interlocal Agreement to Sell Low-Priced Fuel to the Clay County Board of County Commissioners for Use of Fire and Rescue Vehicles in the Keystone Heights Area
Interlocal Agreement with BCC for Fuel.pdf
25. C20 - Change Order #7 (Direct Purchasing) for Fleming Island High School AICE Testing Facility
CO7DP, FIHS AICE Testing Facility.pdf
26. C21 - Continuing Services Construction Management Firms Contract Renewal
27. C22 - Change Order #8 for Fleming Island High School AICE Testing Facility
CO8, FIHS AICE Testing Facility.pdf
28. C23 - Pre-qualification of Contractors
Table for Board Backup Contractor Prequal, 6.6.19.pdf
29. C24 - Final Completion of Lakeside Elementary School Re-Roof Building 1
Certificate of Final Completion LSE ReRoof Building 1.pdf
30. C25 - Final Completion of Fleming Island High School AICE Testing Facility
Final Completion FIHS AICE Testing Facility.pdf
31. C26 - Request adoption of resolution retroactively granting permission for staff to remove and dispose of Wilkinson Elementary School, relocatable building 92 room 15, damaged by fire in the early morning of April 12th 2019.
19-15 Resolution disposal of relocatable WES.pdf
Executed 19-15 Resolution Disposal of Relocatable at WES.pdf
Operations-Food & Nutrition
32. C27 - 2019-2020 Food and Nutrition Services Proposed Meal Price Increase
Adoption of Consent Agenda
33. Adoption of Consent Agenda
Motion to approve the Consent Agenda with the exception of Item C3 which was pulled to Discussion.
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Janice Kerekes
Second: Ashley Gilhousen
Janice Kerekes - Aye
Carol Studdard - Aye
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
Tina Bullock - Aye
CCEA Update  (Renna Lee Paiva)
CESPA Update  (Teresa Dixon)
Superintendent's Update and Presentations
34. Superintendent's Student Advisory Council (SSAC)
SSAC 2018-2019.pdf

Students Cara Toney (SSAC Chair) and Abigail Ferry (SSAC Vice Chair) used the attached Powerpoint to review the committee's work during the 2018-2019 school year.  Discussion topics included dress code, electronics policies, and food. The students thanked the Superintendent for allowing their voices to be heard.  Superintendent Davis introduced the students serving on the committee and recognized them as Champions of Change. 

Mr. Davis made brief comments about administrative reappointments on the Personnel Consent Agenda.  

Discussion Agenda
School Board Member
35. D1 - Fleming Island Junior High/K-8 School Construction (Submitted by Mrs. Kerekes)

Mrs. Kerekes submitted this item to begin conversations about the possible construction of a K-8 school in Fleming Island.  However, she noted after speaking with Dr. Kemp in the Operations Division, she learned the state will not approve a recommendation for a new school until both Green Cove Springs Junior and Lakeside Junior are operating at or near 100% capacity.  Board conversation turned to the need for five new schools in the next ten years due to expected growth, and the lack of funding sources for school maintenance and new construction.  The Board was in favor of asking the voters to consider a half-cent sales tax, noting the current portion of the Board of County Commissioner's sales tax set aside for the school district sunsets in December 2019.  Mrs. Kerekes stated she will place an item on the June 27th Regular meeting agenda to approve a Resolution to be forwarded to the BCC requesting a referendum vote.  Mr. Bickner stated the Resolution has to be very specific as to how the funds will be spent.

Human Resources
36. D2 - Human Resources Special Action A

There were no special actions.

37. C3 - Personnel Consent Agenda (Item pulled by Mrs. Kerekes)
Personnel Consent Agenda 6 6 2019 (1).pdf
C3 Voting Conflict Form.pdf

Mrs. Kerekes pulled this item due to a conflict of interest and stated that she would abstain from voting and file the appropriate Voting Conflict form. 

Motion to approve
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Mary Bolla
Second: Tina Bullock
Janice Kerekes - Abstain
Carol Studdard - Aye
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
Tina Bullock - Aye
School Board Attorney Remarks

Mr. Bickner explained the need to set a date for a quasi-judicial hearing for the proceedings of a case involving the Best & Brightest lawsuit (Andrews vs. Clay County).

The Board agreed on July 23rd at 1:30 p.m. since that date is already on the calendar for a Board workshop in the morning.  

School Board Member Remarks

Board members commented on school events and graduation ceremonies they attended.  

On a business note, the Board identified Mary Bolla to continue serving as the representative on the 2019-2020 FSBA Legislative Committee and Janice Kerekes to continue serving as the Alternative.  


Adjournment  (8:15 p.m.)
Superintendent of Schools School Board Chairman