Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
November 2, 2023 - Regular School Board Meeting
Date: Nov 02 2023 (6:00 p.m. - immediately following the School Board Organization Meeting)
Student Showcase  (Wilkinson Junior High Band Ensemble, Kristen Richard, Sponsor)
Invocation  (Given at preceding Organization meeting)
Pledge of Allegiance  (Given at preceding Organization meeting)
Call to Order  (Present: Erin Skipper, District 1; Mary Bolla, District 2; Beth Clark, District 3; Michele Hanson, District 4; Ashley Gilhousen, District 5; Superintendent David S. Broskie)
Recognitions and Awards
1. Recognition of Coaches of the Year

John Stilianou, Coordinator of District Athletics, recognized Lantz Lowery, Keystone Heights Jr. Sr. High as the Male Coach of the Year and Ashley Houston, Middleburg High, as the Female Coach of the Year.  Mr. Lowery and Ms. Houston were presented with rings.

2. Recognize Art in the Capitol Winner

Christopher Gugel, Coordinator of Fine Arts, recognized Vera Irby (Lakeside Junior High - 8th) for her winning entry in the 2023-2024 6th-8th grade Art in the Capitol Contest.  Her monochromatic self-portrait in blue demonstrated the sophisticated application of tints, tones, and shades to create contrast.  Florida State Senator Jennifer Bradley, Dustin James, Lakeside Jr. High, Principal, and Sandra Wiggains, Lakeside Jr. High art teacher, were also in attendance.

3. Recognition of Clay High School Class 5A Division Recipients of the Floyd E. Lay Sunshine Cup All-Sports Award

John Stilianou, Coordinator of District Athletics, recognized Clay High School for winning the Class 5A Girls Division of the Floyd E. Lay Sunshine Cup All-Sports Award in the following areas:

  • Girls Weightlifting - Coaches:  Autumn Null, Rodney Keller - Athletes: Ansley Lyda, Kethnie Gedeon, Brianna Mickler
  • Softball - Coach: Matt Lewis - Athletes: McKinsey Bardroff, Kendyll Mann, Bailey Parker
  • Soccer - Coach: Stephanie Waugh - Athletes: Erika Martinez, Kaygen Williamson
4. Recognition of the 2023-2024 Clay County Principal of the Year

Superintendent Broskie recognized Wilnitra Dixon, Oakleaf Junior High School, for being selected as Clay County's Principal of the Year.

5. Recognition of the 2023-2024 Clay County Assistant Principal of the Year

Superintendent Broskie recognized Hope Davis, Lakeside Junior High School, for being selected as the Assistant Principal of the Year.

School Showcase  (Wilkinson Junior High, Nate Warmouth, Principal)
Presentations from the Audience (Public Comment)
6. Public Comment

Public speakers:

  • Tara Richardson
  • Verniyah Johnson 
  • Carol Green 
  • Kristen Taylor
  • Russell Benes 
  • Dennis McInany
  • Shari McGriff
  • Heather DeVore
  • Helena Cormier 
  • Susan Callahan 
  • Belinda Kitchens 
  • Nataly Acosta 
  • Carol Newbern 
  • Pamela Henry
  • Bruce Friedman
  • Tanya Kacsan
  • Leigh Ann Lunsford 
  • Sheila Torres
  • Robert Newinkel 
  • Brian Tucker 
  • Matt Johnson 
  • Stephen Mills
  • Linda Knapp 
  • Judith Chapple 
  • Joshua Saunders 
  • Adriana Jarquin
  • Kenneth Morrow
  • Rev. Barry Wright
Consent Agenda
7. C1 - Minutes of School Board Special Meeting on September 14, 2023; School Board Workshop on September 26, 2023; Student Discipline Hearings and Regular Meeting on October 5, 2023
2023 Sep 14 Special Mtg (Budget).pdf
2023 Sep 26 Workshop.pdf
2023 Oct 5 Student Hearings.pdf (Confidential)
2023 Oct 5 Regular Mtg.pdf
Human Resources
8. C2 - Personnel Consent Agenda
Personnel Consent Agenda 11-02-2023 - Updated.pdf
9. C3 - Proclamation 24-07 to Establish November 13 - 17, 2023 as National Education Week and November 15, 2023 as Educational Support Professionals' Day
Proclamation 24-07 National Education Week - Google Docs.pdf
Instruction-Academic Services
10. C4 - Elementary Student Out of State Travel
WES_Out of State FT.pdf
11. C5 - Amendment 1 to Agreement between the School Board of Clay County and PACE Center for Girls - Clay
240052 PACE Amd 1.pdf
Executed 240052 Pace Addendum.pdf
12. C6 - K-12 Academic Services Out of State and Overnight Student Travel
November 2023 Board Backup.pdf
13. C7 - 2023-2024 Uniform Statewide Assessment Calendar
Instruction-Career and Technical Education
14. C8 - Approve First Renewal to the School Board of Clay County, Florida Affiliation Agreement with Clay County Rescue
Affiliation Agreement CCSB and Clay County Fire Rescue.pdf
Instruction-Climate and Culture
15. C9 - Proclamation #24-06 to Establish School Psychologist Week November 6-10, 2023
School Psychologist Proclamation 2023 .pdf
16. C10 -Clay County District Schools & the University of Central Florida
Clay County District Schools & the University of Central Florida SW Internship Agreement.pdf
17. C11 - Approval to Advertise and Notice of Public Hearing to Approve Revisions to School Board Policy 4.15 (Tobacco Use)
4.15 Tobacco Use (proposed)3 (1).pdf
Legal Adv. Notice of PH for Revisions to SB Policy 4.15 Tobacco Use.pdf
Business Affairs
18. C12 - Proposed Allocation Changes for 2023-2024
11.02.23 - 23-24 Allocation Summary (1).pdf
Business Affairs-Accounting
19. C13 - Monthly Financial Reports for September, 2023
August 2023 Monthly Board Property Report.pdf
July 2023 Monthly Board Property Report.pdf
September 2023 Monthly Board Financial Report.pdf
September 2023 Monthly Board Property Report.pdf
Contracts Signed by Superintendent from $50K to $100K.pdf
20. C14 - Budget Amendment Report for September 30, 2023
23-24 Budget Amendments September 2023.pdf
Business Affairs-Property
Business Affairs-Purchasing
22. C16 - BID Renewal
23. C17 - Change Order #1 for Orange Park Junior High School Window Replacement (Buildings 1, 2, 3, & 4)
Change Order #1 OPJ Window Replacement Buildings 1, 2, 3, & 4
24. C18 - Purchase Agreement for Sale of Two (2) Portable Classrooms and Two (2) Sets of Ramps and Stairs at Paterson Elementary School
LOI County Portable Donation 11.2.23.pdf
Purchase Agreement & Resolution for Portable Classrooms & Ramps & Steps 11.2.23.pdf
Resolution & Purchase Agreement for Sale of Portables & Ramps & Steps Contract Review Approval.pdf
25. C19 - Interlocal Agreement to Sell Low-Priced Diesel Fuel to the Clay County Board of County Commissioners for Use of Fire and Rescue Vehicles in the Keystone Heights Area
Interlocal Agreement CCSB 2023-2024 Diesel Fuel.pdf
Interlocal Agreement for Low-Priced Fuel Contract Review Approval.pdf
26. C20 - Resolution and Option Contract Sale Agreement for .16 Acres at Montclair Elementary School
MCE Property Resolution.Option Contract.Survey #1.pdf
MCE Property Resolution.Option Contract.Survey #2.pdf
Resolution & Option Contract for MCE Property Contract Review Approval.pdf
27. C21 - Prequalification of Contractors
Table for Board Backup Contractor Prequal, 11.2.23
28. C22 - Substantial Completion of Lakeside Junior High School Restroom Renovations
Substantial Completion LSJ Restroom Renovation.pdf
29. C23 - Final Completion of Orange Park Junior High School Restroom Renovations
Final Completion OPJ Restroom Renovation.pdf
Adoption of Consent Agenda
30. Adoption of Consent Agenda
Motion to Adopt Consent Agenda
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Mary Bolla
Second: Beth Clark
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
Beth Clark - Aye
Michele Hanson - Aye
Erin Skipper - Aye
CCEA Update  (None)
CESPA Update  (None)
Superintendent's Update and Presentations
31. Superintendent's Update

Superintendent Broskie shared the attached visual presentation highlighting the following:

  • Schools of the Month
  • Students of the Month
  • Principal Appreciation Month
  • Superintendent's Advisory Councils
  • Upcoming Events
Discussion Agenda
School Board Attorney
32. D1 - Public Hearing to Approve as Advertised Revisions to School Board Policy 1.15 (Parental Rights, Notification and Student Welfare)
Legal Adv Revisions to SB Policy 1.15 Parental Rights.pdf
2023.08.28 Section 1.15 proposed changes.pdf

Chair Gilhousen opened the public hearing.  With no one coming forward to speak to the item, the public hearing was closed.

Motion to Approve as Advertised Revisions to School Board Policy 1.15 (Parental Rights, Notification and Student Welfare)
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Michele Hanson
Second: Beth Clark
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
Beth Clark - Aye
Michele Hanson - Aye
Erin Skipper - Aye
33. D2 - Contract Negotiations for SRO Services with Clay County Sheriff's Office

Mrs. Bolla shared information she obtained following a meeting with the Sheriff's Office and extended her appreciation to Sheriff Cook and to the citizens who have shared their thoughts and opinions via emails and attendance at public meetings.  She advised that comments from faculty, administrators, and the community have gone both ways.  She noted that Sheriff Cook has indicated CCDSPD officers would be welcomed into CCSO force with as minimal change as possible.  She encouraged faculty, if dissatisfied with the current SRO, to speak with their principal so adjustments can be made.  The district has taken full responsibility for SESIR data, which is not reported by CCDSPD and would not be reported by CCSO if they assume responsibility for safety and security.  SESIR data relates to the Office of Safe Schools, is governed by statutory requirements, and will continue to come through the district, with necessary training on Synergy.  Examples of one mill expenditures include all schools having at least two (2) AED units as well as "stop the bleed" kits.  Mrs. Bolla advised that the sheriff will be adding additional personnel to the SRO docket with one person overseeing that area.  Total personnel costs for the 2024/2025 year are $5.6M.  CCDS has a master contract with CCDSPD and FOP valid through 6/2025.  CCDSPD's current budget is $3.6M and is within the range for 2024/2025 salaries and benefits and anticipates additional costs the state might require.  She advised the transfer of security to CCSO would be an increase of $2M/year with first-year transition costs projected at $1.7M, although transition costs may be offset by the transfer of equipment to CCSO.  CCDSPD officers are not all trained by CCSO due to schedule conflicts but have taken other courses to meet the requirements of being a trained police force.  CCDSPD does not have a unit for special crimes, but it does have officers with experience in those areas.  Mrs. Bolla urged the superintendent to include a transition period for SROs if this transfer does proceed so that administrators and SROs may be trained.  She also supports retaining additional guardians and working with Operations to determine priorities for the hardening of schools if fewer dollars are available.

Mrs. Hanson noted the prior workshop discussion and funding of charter schools with one mill funds.  Her position is that charter schools are Clay County public schools and that separation of equity is not good.  Charter school students have tax-paying parents and charter school students are Clay County students and therefore should have congruency - the same training, standards, procedures, expectations, stability, and familiarity with the environment that equals top-notch safety and security.  She requested that negotiations include providing charter schools with the same money so they can have the same funds received by other schools, not funding based on student numbers.  She expressed confidence in with superintendent and Sheriff Cook to implement the right decisions and protocols for these procedural changes.

Superintendent Broskie noted that the first thing to be addressed is the negotiation of the contract involving multiple agencies.  Jeremiah Blocker, School Board Attorney, indicated he will work with Mr. Broskie and CCSO to ensure there are no gaps in transition and services are available either through contract or coverage, ensuring compliance with Florida statutes and within the legal framework.  Mr. Broskie indicated he would be bringing additional allocations to the board for guardians and that he has found CCDSPD to be professional, hardworking, and dedicated.  He recognized the attributes of CCSO and requested patience as a potential proper transition is planned and, if approved, implemented.

Mrs. Skipper indicated she brought this item to the board out of major concern following considerable conversations with constituents and that it is the board's job to ensure the safety and security of students as well as staff.  She also supports equal funding for charter schools, school choice, and parental rights.  She further requested that vehicles and equipment be transferred to CCSO because these items had already been purchased by the taxpayers.

Mrs. Clark advised it was her review of grand jury reports that helped her decide to support the proposed transition of safety to CCSO.  She advised that issues are more common and dangerous when the police chief reports to the administration and, that when the district controls the officers on campus, it also controls the data and optics.  The police chief should be elected or subordinate to the county sheriff, when practicable, and school administrators should never be in authority over school officers.  She does not believe the operational cost will be that different.  She would like officers to be at charter schools as well and wants to ensure all equipment is transferred through the BCC to CCSO.

Mrs. Bolla requested Mr. Blocker review the statute to know what the one mill requirements are re funding for charters, and also pointed out we have an agreement with CCDSPD officers through 2025, so care must be taken to be aware of that.  Mr. Blocker indicated that he would work with Mr. Broskie to ensure the contract is reviewed to determine if it can be assumed and that they fully understand the charters and procedures involved in the transfer of property.

Mrs. Gilhousen agreed that the charter schools deserve protection as every other school in Clay County.  For consistency and depth of service, she supports converting to CCSO and indicated the deputies at schools would enhance the community ratios.

Motion to Approve Contract Negotiations for SRO Services with Clay County Sheriff's Office
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Erin Skipper
Second: Michele Hanson
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Nay
Beth Clark - Aye
Michele Hanson - Aye
Erin Skipper - Aye
Human Resources
34. D3 - Human Resources Special Action A

There was no Human Resources Special Action A.

35. D4 - Human Resources Special Action B

There was no Human Resources Special Action B.

36. D5 - Human Resources Special Action C

There was no Human Resources Special Action C.

School Board Attorney Remarks  (None)
School Board Member Remarks
37. School Board Member Comments

Mrs. Hanson expressed appreciation to the state of Florida for moving support from the American Library Association and hopes to add language to be moved into new policy.  She plans on having office hours, beginning in January, on the 2nd - 4th Wednesdays of each month (2nd Wednesday - Middleburg Library, 3rd Wednesday - Orange Park Library, 4th Wednesday - Fleming Island Library) from 4:00 - 7:00.  She will also hold a monthly community forum, probably on a Tuesday, and will provide additional details in future.

Mrs. Skipper extended appreciation to the bus drivers, the culture in transportation, and the director.  She also thanked Tobacco Free Clay for partnering to pass a tobacco policy.

Mrs. Bolla attended a walk-through at Tynes Elementary and spent an afternoon at Wilkinson Junior High working in a number of classes, sharing portions of Florida School Laws with the students and listening to their comments on discussion of the cafeteria food, dress code, tobacco, and library book usage.

Adjournment  (8:38 p.m.)
Superintendent of Schools School Board Chair