Teacher Inservice Center, 2233 Village Square Parkway, Fleming Island, FL | ||||||||||||||||
October 7, 2021 - Regular School Board Meeting | ||||||||||||||||
Date: Oct 07 2021
(6:00 p.m.)
Student Showcase (None) | ||||||||||||||||
Invocation (Josh Stevens, Youth Pastor, High Point Community Church) | ||||||||||||||||
Pledge of Allegiance | ||||||||||||||||
Call to Order (Present: Janice Kerekes, District 1; Beth Clark, District 2; Mary Bolla, District 4; Ashley Gilhousen, District 5; Superintendent David S. Broskie; Not Present: Tina Bullock, District 3 (on school board business at a Florida School Boards Association Board of Directors Meeting)) | ||||||||||||||||
Recognitions and Awards | ||||||||||||||||
1. 2021-2022 Drug Free Schools Calendar Winners | ||||||||||||||||
Calendar for Drug Free Schools 21-22.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Minutes: Erika Gilbert, Counselor, Climate and Culture, and Stephanie Geoghagan, Project Coordinator, Clay Action Coalition, shared the attached presentation in recognition of student winners of the Drug-Free Calendar contest sponsored each year by Clay Action Coalition. Students were recipients of certificates and monetary awards. |
Presenters | ||||||||||||||||
2. Clay County Tax Collector Check Presentation to Clay Education Foundation | ||||||||||||||||
Minutes: Makayla Buchanan, Executive Director, and Heather Obermiller, Program Assistant, Clay Education Foundation, introduced Diane Hutchings, Clay County Tax Collector's office, accompanied by Jacqueline Dalton, Kelly McCormick, and Shara Barksdale, who presented a check to the Clay Education Foundation in support of the Tools4Schools initiative. Mrs. Bolla also noted that Makayla Buchanan recently received statewide recognition from the Consortium of Florida Education Foundations as the 2021 "Consortium Champion." |
3. Garber Automall Presentation | ||||||||||||||||
Minutes: Makayla Buchanan, Executive Director, Clay Education Foundation, introduced Michael Weinert, General Manager and Managing Partner of Garber Automall, who communicated Garber's commitment to the Tools4Schools initiative. Garber will generously donate a 2021 Ford EcoSport Suv to Clay County District Schools' Teacher of the Year named during February's ceremony. |
School Showcase (None) | ||||||||||||||||
Presentations from the Audience (Public Comment) | ||||||||||||||||
4. Public Comment | ||||||||||||||||
Minutes: Public Speakers:
Consent Agenda | ||||||||||||||||
Superintendent | ||||||||||||||||
5. C1 - Minutes of Board Workshop on August 24, 2021; Student Discipline Hearings and Regular Meeting on September 2, 2021 | ||||||||||||||||
2021 Aug 24 Workshop.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
2021 Sept 2 Student Discipline.pdf (Confidential) | ||||||||||||||||
2021 Sept 2 Regular Mtg.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
School Board Member | ||||||||||||||||
6. C2 - School Board Member Out-of-County Travel Expenses Estimated to Attend FSBA/FADSS 76th Annual Joint Conference | ||||||||||||||||
Human Resources | ||||||||||||||||
7. C3 - Personnel Consent Agenda | ||||||||||||||||
Personnel Consent Agenda 10.7.2021.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
8. C4 - Kelly Services Amendments - Substitutes | ||||||||||||||||
Clay County ExA.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Updated Proposed Clay County 21 KES.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
9. C5 - Salary Schedule - Section IV, Miscellaneous (Substitutes - Minimum Wage Increase) | ||||||||||||||||
Minimum Wage Increase 2021.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Instruction-Academic Services | ||||||||||||||||
10. C6 - K-12 Academic Services Out of State and Overnight Student Travel | ||||||||||||||||
Oct 2021 - Student Travel.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Instruction-Professional Development | ||||||||||||||||
11. C7 - Resident Clinical Faculty Memorandum of Understanding between Clay County District Schools and the University of North Florida | ||||||||||||||||
MOU Resident Clinical Faculty_University of North Florida.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Executed MOU Resident Clinical Faculty_UNF.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
12. C8 - Affiliation Agreement between Clay County District Schools and University of North Florida | ||||||||||||||||
220039 UNF Affiliation Agreement.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Executed 220039 UNF Affiliation Agreement.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
13. C9 - Affiliation Agreement between Clay County District Schools and Arkansas State University | ||||||||||||||||
220037 Arkansas State Univ.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Executed 220037 Arkansas State University.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Instruction-Climate and Culture | ||||||||||||||||
14. C10 - Proclamation for Red Ribbon Week | ||||||||||||||||
Red Ribbon Week Proclamation #22-05.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
IN-SEDNET | ||||||||||||||||
15. C11 - Lutheran Services Florida Standard Contract #220043 | ||||||||||||||||
220043 Lutheran Services Florida (LSF Health Systems) - Amendment 103.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Business Affairs | ||||||||||||||||
16. C12 - Proposed Allocation Changes for 2021-2022 | ||||||||||||||||
21 22 Allocation Summary - October 7, 2021 (2).pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Business Affairs-Property | ||||||||||||||||
17. C13 - Deletion of Certain Items Report - September, 2021 | ||||||||||||||||
Deletion Report-September, 2021.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Business Affairs-Purchasing | ||||||||||||||||
18. C14 - Contract Renewal - County-Wide Professional Mechanical/Electrical Engineering Services Architect/Engineer Agreement | ||||||||||||||||
19. C15 - Contract Renewal – Benefitfocus Agreement for Web Based Enrollment and Eligibility Management System RFP # 18-BA-123 | ||||||||||||||||
220031 Benefitfocus Amend 2.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Operations | ||||||||||||||||
20. C16 - Memorandum of Understanding Among the U.S. Naval Criminal Investigative Service and the Participating Federal, State, County, and Municipal Agencies in the Southeast Law Enforcement Alliance Project (LEAP) Information Sharing Initiative Known as the Law Enforcement Information Exchange (LINX) | ||||||||||||||||
SOUTHEAST LInX MOU - Nov 2019.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
21. C17 - Interlocal Agreement to Sell Low-Priced Fuel to the Clay County Board of County Commissioners for Use of Fire and Rescue Vehicles in the Keystone Heights Area | ||||||||||||||||
Interlocal Agreement with Clay County for Keystone Hts. Fuel.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Executed Interlocal Agreement with CCDS for Keystone Hts. Fuel.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Operations-Facilities | ||||||||||||||||
22. C18 - Approve school concurrency Proportionate Share Mitigation Agreement with the Reinhold Corporation/Peters Creek Investments LLP, a Jacksonville, Florida limited liability partnership (Saratoga Springs Project) | ||||||||||||||||
Concurrency PSM Agreement SBCC_Reinhold_Peters Creek.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
23. C19 - Pre-Qualification of Contractors | ||||||||||||||||
Table for Board Backup Contractor Prequal, 10.7.21.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
24. C20 - Preliminary (Phase II) Plans and Specifications for Elementary School “R” | ||||||||||||||||
25. C21 - Change Order #4 (Direct Purchasing) for Tynes Elementary School New Classroom Addition | ||||||||||||||||
Change Order #4 (Direct Purchasing) TES New Classroom Addition.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
26. C22 - Project Priority List (P.P.L.) to Identify Eligible Projects for Capital Outlay & Debt Service (C.O. & D.S.) Expenditures | ||||||||||||||||
Project Priority List.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
27. C23 - SchoolDude Facility Condition Assessment Contract | ||||||||||||||||
School Dude Solutions Contract.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
School Dude Contract Review Approval.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Adoption of Consent Agenda | ||||||||||||||||
28. Adoption of Consent Agenda | ||||||||||||||||
Minutes: Mrs. Bolla made an announcement that Mrs. Bullock was not able to attend tonight's meeting due to her representation on the Board of Directors for the Florida School Board Association. Mrs. Bullock sends her apologies. |
CCEA Update (Betsy Reagor) | ||||||||||||||||
CESPA Update (Lonnie Roberts) | ||||||||||||||||
Superintendent's Update and Presentations | ||||||||||||||||
29. Superintendent's Update | ||||||||||||||||
Superintendent's Update October 2021.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Minutes: Superintendent Broskie addressed the creativity employed by the district in recruiting and retaining needed labor during the current nationwide shortage. The attached presentation was utilized, highlighting the following:
Discussion Agenda | ||||||||||||||||
School Board Attorney | ||||||||||||||||
30. D1 - Attorney Client Session pursuant to Florida Statute 286.011(8). THIS SESSION IS CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC AND TO ANYONE OTHER THAN THOSE PERSONS DESIGNATED IN FLORIDA STATUTE 286.011(8). | ||||||||||||||||
Minutes: This item was heard last on the agenda. A recess of the public meeting was called at 7:18 p.m., and the shade meeting was held in accordance with Florida Statute 286.011(8). A court reporter was present to record the session. At the conclusion of the private session at 7:33 p.m., the regular meeting was reconvened and was subsequently adjourned at 7:34 p.m. with no further business. |
Human Resources | ||||||||||||||||
31. D2 - Human Resources Special Action A | ||||||||||||||||
Special Action 10.7.2021.pdf (Confidential) | ||||||||||||||||
32. D2(a) - Human Resources Special Action B | ||||||||||||||||
Minutes: There were no human resources special actions. |
Operations | ||||||||||||||||
33. D3 - Public Hearing to Approve as Advertised Board Policy, to wit: General Order 9.17, which General Order sets forth requirements relating to school safety, reporting and training, as amended per the requirements of statutory changes. | ||||||||||||||||
9.17 CCDS Policy Safety Measures.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Legal Adv. PH_SB Policy 9.17-9.18.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Minutes: Chair Bolla opened the public hearing. With no one coming forward to speak to the item, the public hearing was closed. |
34. D4 - Public Hearing to Approve as Advertised Board Policy, to wit: General Order 9.18, which General Order sets forth the Threat Assesment Policy for All Clay County District schools. | ||||||||||||||||
9.18 CCDS Threat Assessment Policy.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Legal Adv. PH_SB Policy 9.17-9.18.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
School Board Attorney Remarks (None) | ||||||||||||||||
School Board Member Remarks | ||||||||||||||||
35. School Board Member Comments | ||||||||||||||||
Minutes: The board discussed the scheduling challenge and conflict posed by the Workshop and the 76th Annual Joint Conference. A decision was made to not hold a workshop to review the December agenda. Board members will contact the district with any questions relative to items submitted on the December agenda. Mrs. Clark expressed appreciation for those in attendance at the meeting and appreciates their preparation of comments when addressing the board. Mrs. Kerekes thanked Mrs. Ellis' Operations Team for the progress being made in repairing Orange Park High's welding room. Mrs. Gilhousen expressed gratitude to the public speakers, acknowledging the communications she has received re bus and substitute issues and thanked Mr. Broskie and staff for efforts to curb those effects and assist wherever possible. Mrs. Bolla extended thanks to the public speakers and those who advocate for students. The Red Ribbon Week proclamation was highlighted and appreciation extended to the student artists recognized for their accomplishments. She also enjoyed participating in the National Walk to School event, partnering with Wolfson's Children's Hospital and Plantation Oaks Elementary. |
Adjournment (7:34 p.m.) | ||||||||||||||||