Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
Teacher Inservice Center - Fleming Island High School, 2233 Village Square Parkway
August 3, 2017 - Regular School Board Meeting
Date: Aug 03 2017 (6:00 p.m.)
Student Showcase  (None)
Invocation  (Doug Matyi, Chaplain - Clay County Sheriff's Department)
Pledge of Allegiance
Call to Order  (Present: Janice Kerekes, District 1; Carol Studdard, District 2; Betsy Condon, District 3; Mary Bolla, District 4; Ashley Gilhousen, District 5; and Superintendent Addison Davis. )
1. Opening Comments

Chairman Kerekes explained that Discussion Items D8, D9, D10, and D11 were moved to the beginning of the agenda following the consensus of the Board at its Workshop meeting on July 25, 2017.  The district's financial advisor, Jon Ford, was present to answer questions and facilitate the signing of the required documents to proceed with the refinancing of the Certificates of Participation.

2. D8 - Consider adopting Resolution 17-03 authorizing the sale of Certificates of Participation, Series 2017, in a principal amount of not exceeding $9,000,000, for the purpose of refunding all of the Certificates of Participation, Series 2005B in order to achieve debt service savings.
Resolution 17-03 CCSB.pdf
Motion to approve Resolution 17-03 authorizing the sale of Certificates of Participation, Series 2017, in a principal amount of not exceeding $9,000,000, for the purpose of refunding all of the Certificates of Participation, Series 2005B in order to achieve debt service savings
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Betsy Condon
Second: Ashley Gilhousen
Janice Kerekes - Aye
Carol Studdard - Aye
Betsy Condon - Aye
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
3. D9 - Recess the Regular meeting and convene a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Clay School Board Leasing Corporation

A recess of the Regular meeting of the Clay County School Board was called at approximately 6:08 p.m. and a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Clay School Board Leasing Corporation was convened.

4. D10 - Consider adopting Resolution 17-04 authorizing the sale of Certificates of Participation, Series 2017, in a principal amount of not exceeding $9,000,000, for the purpose of refunding all of the Certificates of Participation, Series 2005B in order to achieve debt service savings.
Resolution 17-04 Leasing Corp.pdf

The district's financial advisor, Jon Ford, explained the purpose of the Leasing Corporation and the process to move forward with the refinance.  

Motion to approve Resolution 17-04 authorizing the sale of Certificates of Participation, Series 2017, in a principal amount of not exceeding $9,000,000, for the purpose of refunding all of the Certificates of Participation, Series 2005B in order to achieve debt service savings.
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Carol Studdard
Second: Mary Bolla
Janice Kerekes - Aye
Carol Studdard - Aye
Betsy Condon - Aye
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
5. D11 - Adjourn the Special meeting of the Board of Director of the Clay School Board Leasing Corporation and reconvene the Regular meeting

Following approval, the School Board executed both Resolutions.  Subsequently, the special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Clay School Board Leasing Corporation was adjourned at 6:16 p.m. and the Board reconvened its Regular meeting.

Recognitions and Awards  (None)
6. Cost Savings Report from Cenergistic, Inc.
Cenergistic PPT.pdf
Cost Avoidance ALL Centers.pdf

Ms. Alisha Burris, who is the Vice President and Program Director for Cenergistic, Inc., used a visual presentation to review the primary goals of the district's partnership with Cenergistic and our cost savings.  We are currently in Performance Year 2.  In Performance Year 1, the district realized a 50% shared savings with the major energy expenditure being electricity (HVAC).  Board questions and discussion followed the presentation.

School Showcase  (Middleburg Elementary School - Principal Becky Wilkerson)
Scheduled Citizen Requests  (None)
Presentations from the Audience (Public Comment)
7. Public Comments
  • Laura Mayberry - salaries and increased insurance premiums
  • Becky Smith - salaries and increased insurance premiums
  • Liz Crane - salaries and increases in insurance premiums
Consent Agenda
8. C1 - Minutes of Workshop on June 20, 2017; and Regular meeting on June 29, 2017
Minutes Jun 20 Workshop.pdf
Minutes June 29, 2017 Regular Mtg.pdf
Human Resources
9. C3 - Personnel Consent Agenda - August 3, 2017
Personnel Consent Agenda 8 3 2017.pdf
IN-Curriculum and Instruction
10. C4 - Contract with Bricks 4 Kidz
Bricks 4 Kidz contract.pdf
Instruction-Instructional Resources
11. C5 - Approve for advertising the Instructional Resources Procedures Manual
CCDS Instructional Resources Department Procedures Manual.pdf
Key Elements Impacted by HB 989.pdf
Summary of Updates to Instr Resources Manual.pdf
Instruction-K-12 Academic
12. C6 - Approval of Out of County Student Travel
August 2017 - Student Travel.pdf
13. C7 - Renewal of "Cooperative Agreement with the School Board of Clay County and Department of Juvenile Justice."
August 2017 - DJJ Agreement.pdf
14. C8 - Renew the "Agreement Between the School Board of Clay County and AMI Kids"
August 2017 - AMI Kids Agreement.pdf
15. C9 - Renewal of "Dual Enrollment Articulation Agreement Between District School Board of Clay County and District Board of Trustees St. Johns River State College"
August 2017 - 2017-18 SJRSC Dual Enrollment Agreement.pdf
16. C10 - Renewal of "Collegiate High School Contract Between Clay County School Board and District Board of Trustees of St. Johns River State College"
August 2017 - 2017-18 SJRSC Collegiate High Agreement.pdf
17. C11 - "Navy National Defense Cadet Corps" agreement between the US Navy and the School Board of Clay County
August 2017 - NNDCC US Navy Agreement for OLH.pdf
Instruction-Climate and Culture
18. C12 - Family Education Program/Clay Action Coalition
Family Education Program Agreement.pdf
Business Affairs
19. C13 - 2017-2018 Proposed Allocation Changes
2017-2018 Proposed Allocation Summary Sheet.pdf
Business Affairs-Accounting
20. C14 - Warrants and Vouchers for June 2017
June 2017 Warrants & Vouchers.pdf
21. C15 - Petty Cash Funds for 2017-2018 Fiscal Year
Business Affairs-Property
22. C16 - Monthly Property Report - June, 2017 - Furniture/Equipment
Furniture-Equipment Report-June, 2017.pdf
23. C17 - Monthly Property Report - June, 2017 - AV Materials
Audiovisual Report-June, 2017.pdf
24. C18 - Monthly Property Report - June, 2017 - Software
Software Report-June, 2017.pdf
25. C19 - Monthly Property Report - June, 2017 - Vehicles
Vehicles Report-June, 2017.pdf
26. C20 - Deletion of Certain Items Report - August, 2017
Deletion Report-August, 2017.pdf
27. C21 - Pre-Qualification of Contractors
TableBoardBackup, 8,3,17.pdf
28. C22 - School Naming Committee Member Selection – Elementary School “Y”
Y Naming Committee.pdf
29. C23 - County-Wide Civil Engineering Services Contract Award
30. C24 - County-Wide Architect Contract Award
Operations-Food & Nutrition
31. C25 - Approval of Petty Cash and Change Fund checks for Cafeteria Managers, Food & Nutrition Services Coordinators, and Food & Nutrition Services Director for the 2017/2018 School Year.
32. C26 - Mobile Food Truck
Nassau Article.pdf
Alachua Article.pdf
Alachua Bid.pdf
Adoption of Consent Agenda
33. Adoption of Consent Agenda
Motion to approve the Consent Agenda with the exception of Item C2 that was moved to Discussion.
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Mary Bolla
Second: Carol Studdard
Janice Kerekes - Aye
Carol Studdard - Aye
Betsy Condon - Aye
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
CCEA Update  (Renna Lee Paiva)
CESPA Update  (None)
Superintendent's Update and Presentations
34. Superintendent's Remarks

Comments from Superintendent Davis included the following:

  • In response to concerns about increases in health insurance premiums, Mr. Davis had reached out to the CEO of United Health Care and learned that our costs have increased due to the high number of claims.   He will continue to work to support employees and look for ways to keep insurance costs down.  
  • Mr. Davis provided clarification of problems with the transition from Navigator to the new TRACK system for professional development.  He assured teachers their points are there!  
  • Mr. Davis stands ready to support teachers and support staff and looks forward to an outstanding 2017-2018 school year.  
  • Mr. Davis voiced support for the unions' First Book campaign. 
Discussion Agenda
School Board Member
35. D1 - Appoint one Board member and one citizen member to serve on the 2017 Value Adjustment Board (Mrs. Kerekes)
Motion to appoint Betsy Condon as the board member and Leslie Dougher as the citizen member to serve on the 2017 Value Adjustment Board.
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Ashley Gilhousen
Second: Carol Studdard
Janice Kerekes - Aye
Carol Studdard - Aye
Betsy Condon - Aye
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
36. D2 - Modification of Education Impact Fee Collection (Mrs. Kerekes)

Speaker:  Jessie Spradley -  representing Clay Builders Council/NEFBA

There was Board discussion in which the majority felt it important to support the builders.  Mrs. Bolla felt the timing is wrong and preferred to wait until after completion of School "Y." 

Motion to approve a modification to the collection of the Education Impact Fee by requiring payment of the fee at the time the electricity is turned on and before residents occupy the new home.
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Carol Studdard
Second: Betsy Condon
Janice Kerekes - Aye
Carol Studdard - Aye
Betsy Condon - Aye
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Nay
37. D3 - Authorization to Challenge the Constitutionality of HB 7069 (Mrs. Kerekes)

This item was placed on the agenda at the request of the Board Attorney.  Mr. D'Agata explained that districts are joining forces to be part of a collective action to challenge various aspects of HB 7069.  Currently, five Boards have committed, Bay, Broward, Lee, St Lucie, and Volusia, each contributing between $10,000 to $25,000.   The Boards of Orange, Dade, Hillsborough, and other counties are expected to consider their involvement by the end of August.  Mr. D'Agata stated the Board should consider if it wants to be part of this challenge and contribute funds, which would give an opportunity to help shape the complaint.  Each district's portion could be determined by a pro-rata share based on enrollment.


  • Donna Mace - representing two teacher activist groups; encouraged support for the challenge;
  • Travis Christensen - Legislative interference in education issues; 

Following Board discussion which included varying opinions, the consensus was to see where the suit stands in another month and bring the topic back on the September board agenda for further discussion.  Mrs. Kerekes asked that the Board Attorney provide updates to the Board in the interim.  

38. C2 - Dell Purchase Agreement - Student Chromebooks (Pulled by Mrs. Studdard)
Previous Outcomes - Device Counts (1).pdf
Dell Agreement.pdf

At the request of Board Member Studdard, Michael McAuley, Assistant Superintendent for Climate and Culture, shared information about how the device inventory was compiled and also how approval of this Dell Agreement will help with the device equity gap between schools.  The additional devices acquired will help to implement many of the newer curriculum initiatives that we have recently put into place.  

Motion to approve
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Betsy Condon
Second: Carol Studdard
Janice Kerekes - Aye
Carol Studdard - Aye
Betsy Condon - Aye
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
Human Resources
39. D4 - Human Resources - Special Action A
Special Action A 8 3 17.pdf (Confidential)
Motion to approve
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Betsy Condon
Second: Mary Bolla
Janice Kerekes - Aye
Carol Studdard - Aye
Betsy Condon - Aye
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
IN-Curriculum and Instruction
40. D5 - Public Hearing to approve, as advertised, the Annual Update to the 2017-18 Student Progression Plan
Summary of Updates to Student Progression Plan.pdf

Chairman Kerekes opened the Public Hearing.  With no one present to speak, the public hearing was closed.

Motion to approve
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Carol Studdard
Second: Betsy Condon
Janice Kerekes - Aye
Carol Studdard - Aye
Betsy Condon - Aye
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
Instruction-Exceptional Student Education
41. D6 - Public Hearing to approve as advertised amendments to the 2016-2017 through 2018-2019 ESE Special Policies and Procedures Manual.
SP&P 16 17 through 18 19 DOE approved May 2017.pdf
SP&P signature page signed by Davis.pdf

Chairman Kerekes opened the Public Hearing.  With no one present to speak, the public hearing was closed.

Motion to approve
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Mary Bolla
Second: Ashley Gilhousen
Janice Kerekes - Aye
Carol Studdard - Aye
Betsy Condon - Aye
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
Instruction-Climate and Culture
42. D7 - Public Hearing to approve, as advertised, revisions to 2017-18 Code of Student Conduct
17-18 Code of Conduct_red line version_June2017.pdf

Chairman Kerekes opened the Public Hearing.  Following public comments from James Otto pertaining to football injuries, the public hearing was closed.

Motion to approve
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Carol Studdard
Second: Mary Bolla
Janice Kerekes - Aye
Carol Studdard - Aye
Betsy Condon - Aye
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
School Board Attorney Remarks
School Board Member Remarks

Board member comments were heard.  


Adjournment  (8:50 p.m.)
Superintendent of Schools School Board Chairman