Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
Teacher Inservice Center, 2233 Village Square Parkway, Fleming Island, FL
December 7, 2023 - Regular School Board Meeting
Date: Dec 07 2023 (6:00 p.m.)
Student Showcase  (Grove Park Elementary Chorus, Alexis Johnson, Sponsor)
Invocation  (Chaplain Reese Edwards, Orange Park Medical Center)
Pledge of Allegiance
Call to Order  (Present: Erin Skipper, District 1; Mary Bolla, District 2; Beth Clark, District 3; Michele Hanson, District 4; Ashley Gilhousen, District 5; and Superintendent David S. Broskie)
Recognitions and Awards
1. Recognize Winners of the Len Mattiace Foundation Anti-Bullying Contest

Laura Fogarty, Director of Climate and Culture, introduced Len Mattiace and Nikki Haley who recognized student winners of the Len Mattiace Foundation Anti-Bullying Campaign, a contest open to students in grades 6 - 8.  Students submitted projects incorporating the themes of kindness, inclusion and compassion.  First and second place students received an award of $1,000 and third place received an award of $100 as well as certificates, hats, and t-shirts.

  • Lily Veneman (Thunderbolt Elementary - 6th) - First Place
  • Angela Lin (Green Cove Springs Jr. High - 8th) - Second Place
  • Zachary Hicks and Ethan Hall (Argyle Elementary - 6th) - Third Place
2. Recognition of Board Member Recipients Mrs. Skipper and Mrs. Bolla of the 2023 Appreciation Award from Tobacco Free Clay

Monique Johnson, Tobacco Policy Manager/Health Educator, and Julie Duncan, Community Engagement Specialist, Tobacco Free Clay recognized board members Erin Skipper (District 1) and Mary Bolla (District 2) with the 2023 Appreciation Award given to partnership members or community leaders who have been instrumental in supporting the policy goals and initiatives of Tobacco Free Clay.

3. Recognize 2023 Founders' Week Art Contest Winners
Founders' Week Art Contest SB Recognition Dec 7.pdf

Maryam Owen, Social Studies Curriculum Specialist, recognized the following students for their winning Founders' Week Art Contest entries.  This year's contest, which addressed the Founders' Week theme, "The Preamble:  Legacy of "We the People", asked students to reflect on how they can be responsible citizens in their communities and a goal in the Preamble that helps to make our country a better place. 

Student Winners Recognized:

  • K - Penelope Baker (Wilkinson Elementary)
  • 1st - Alivia Austin (Clay Hill Elementary)
  • 2nd (Tie) - Elienai Concepcion (Wilkinson Elementary)
  • 2nd (Tie) - Paisley Snow (McRae Elementary)
  • 3rd - Emma Graham (Fleming Island Elementary)
  • 4th Leah Lowery (Wilkinson Elementary)
  • 5th - Meredith Trumble (Orange Park Elementary)
4. Recognition of Hispanic Heritage Month Contest Winner

Superintendent Broskie recognized the winner of Governor Ron DeSantis' and First Lady Casey DeSantis' Hispanic Heritage Month student winner. 

Joseph Norman (7th grade - Oakleaf Junior High) was one of two recipients of this year's award across the entire state of Florida, in the middle school (grades 6 - 8) category.  Joseph wrote an essay reflecting the theme "Celebrating Florida's Hispanic Heroes and Their Contributions to Freedom" to honor the many Hispanic Floridians who have played significant roles in defending freedom and liberty.

Joseph will receive a two-year Florida College Plan scholarship provided by the Florida Prepaid College Foundation and a $100 gift card for school supplies.

5. Recognition of Clay County Student Athletes of the Month

Jay Stilianou, Coordinator of District Athletics, recognized Clay County Student-Athletes of the Month:

  • Brooke Forkum (September), Middleburg High, Volleyball, Beach Volleyball
  • Brandon Anderson (October), Ridgeview High, Cross Country
  • Merrick Rapoza (November), Clay High, Football, Basketball, Baseball
6. Recognition of Clay County Coaches of the Month

Jay Stilianou, Coordinator of District Athletics, recognized Clay County Coaches of the Month:

  • Chris Foy, Oakleaf High, Football
  • Merridith Forkum, Middleburg High, Volleyball
  • Bruce Cloud, Fleming Island High, Golf


7. Recognition of State Champions

John Stilianou, Coordinator of District Athletics, recognized State Champions as follows:

  • Keystone Heights Football, 2S - FHSAA Academic Team Championships
  • Fleming Island Boys Golf, 3A State Champions
  • Middleburg Girls Volleyball, 5A State Champions
  • Maryn McDade, Fleming Island High, Swimming
  • Tyler Mawhinney, Fleming Island High, Golf
8. Athletics Check Presentation to American Cancer Society

John Stilianou, Coordinator of District Athletics, recognized the schools raising funds for "Pink Out Games" in support of breast cancer research.  Total funds collected by Clay County Athletics is $14,429.75.  A check was presented to Jaclyn Rodriguez, American Cancer Society, and the community partnership with Caelan Rhinehardt, Youth Football Coordinator, Jaguars PREP was appreciated. Jaclyn Rodriguez, American Cancer Society, presented Clay County Athletics with a partnership award.

9. Recognition of 2023-2024 School Related Employee of the Year and Teacher of the Year Semi-finalists

Gi Teevan, Board Chair, Carolyn Krall, President, and Michael Rathjen, Vice Chair, Clay Education Foundation, recognized this year's top 10 semi-finalists for Teacher of the Year and Support-Related Employee of the Year.

Teacher of the Year Semi-Finalists:

  • Valerie Jenkins, Argyle Elementary
  • Lisa Allen, Coppergate Elementary
  • Sherry Bumpers, Lakeside Junior High
  • Edwin Ormeo, Oakleaf High
  • Karen Whitten, Oakleaf Junior High
  • Wendi Stevens, Orange Park Elementary
  • Allison Altwater, Spring Park Elementary
  • Regina Bragg, Swimming Pen Creek Elementary
  • Sara Gums, Wilkinson Elementary
  • Robin Campbell, Wilkinson Junior High

Support-Related Employee of the Year Semi-Finalists:

  • Tremery Chambers, Argyle Elementary
  • Carmen Rivera, Clay Virtual Academy
  • Philip Turturro, Doctors Inlet Elementary
  • Josephine Roquemore, Grove Park Elementary
  • Pamela Saxon, Keystone Heights Elementary
  • Shalaunda Delano, McRae Elementary
  • Stacy Jackson, Oakleaf High
  • Andrea Wilson, Ridgeview High
  • Valarie Messer, S. Bryan Jennings Elementary
  • Amanda Zayas, Wilkinson Junior High
10. Recognition of Florida's Educators of Excellence for Native American Heritage Award Recipient

Kelly Mosley and Alice Paulk, Supervisors of Career and Technical Education, recognized Victoria Gwaltney. Oakleaf High School CTE Teacher, for being a recipient of Governor Ron DeSantis and First Lady Casey DeSantis' Florida's Educators of Excellence for Native American Heritage Award.

School Showcase  (Grove Park Elementary, Justin Jones, Principal)
Presentations from the Audience (Public Comment)
11. Public Comment

Public speakers:

  • Bruce Friedman 
  • Beverly Kay Suits 
  • Evelyn Hillman 
  • Tara Richardson  
  • Judith Chapple
Discussion Agenda
Information Technology Services
12. D1 - Public Hearing to Approve as Advertised Revisions to School Board Policy 7.00 (Information Services)
CCSD - 7.00 Information Services Draft 2023.pdf
Legal Adv. Notice of PH Revisions to SB Policy 7.00 Information Services.pdf

Chair Gilhousen opened the public hearing.  With no one coming forward to speak to the item, the public hearing was closed.

Motion to Approve as Advertised Revisions to School Board Policy 7.00 (Information Services)
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Mary Bolla
Second: Michele Hanson
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
Beth Clark - Aye
Michele Hanson - Aye
Erin Skipper - Aye
Human Resources
13. D2 - Human Resources Special Action A
Special Action A.pdf (Confidential)
Motion to Approve Human Resources Special Action A
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Michele Hanson
Second: Beth Clark
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
Beth Clark - Aye
Michele Hanson - Aye
Erin Skipper - Aye
14. D3 - Human Resources Special Action B

There was no Human Resources Special Action B.

15. D4 - Human Resources Special Action C

There was no Human Resources Special Action C.

16. D5 - Human Resources Special Action D

There was no Human Resource Special Action D.

Instruction-Climate and Culture
17. D6 - Public Hearing to Approve As Advertised Revisions to School Board Policy 4.15 (Tobacco Use)
4.15 Tobacco Use (proposed)3 (1).pdf
Legal Adv. Notice of PH for Revisions to SB Policy 4.15 Tobacco Use.pdf

Chair Gilhousen opened the public hearing.  With no one coming forward to speak to the item, the public hearing was closed.

Motion to Approve as Advertised Revisions to School Board Policy 4.15 (Tobacco Use)
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Mary Bolla
Second: Erin Skipper
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
Beth Clark - Aye
Michele Hanson - Aye
Erin Skipper - Aye
18. D7 - Public Hearing to Approve as Advertised Amendments to School Board Policy 1.14, Sales Surtax Citizens Advisory Committee
Legal Adv. Notice of PH Revisions to SB Policy 1.14 Sales Surtax Citizens Advisory Committee.pdf

Chair Gilhousen opened the public hearing.  With no one coming forward to speak to the item, the public hearing was closed.

Motion to Approve as Advertised Amendments to School Board Policy 1.14, Sales Surtax Citizens Advisory Committee
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Michele Hanson
Second: Mary Bolla
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
Beth Clark - Aye
Michele Hanson - Aye
Erin Skipper - Aye
Consent Agenda
19. C1 - Minutes of School Board Workshop on October 24, 2023; Student Discipline Hearings, Organization Meeting, and Regular Meeting on November 2, 2023
2023 Oct 24 Board Workshop.pdf
2023 Nov 2 Student Hearings.pdf (Confidential)
2023 Nov 2 Organization Meeting.pdf
2023 Nov 2 Regular Mtg.pdf
20. C2 - Proposed Student Calendar for 2025-2026 School Year
DRAFT Student Calendar - Student 2025-2026 .pdf
21. C3 - Approve Resolution #24-08 determining tangible personal property to be surplus and donating said property to the family of Madaline “Maddy” Laub.
22. C4 - 2024 Legislative Priorities
_2024 Legislative Priorities (1).pdf
School Board Attorney
23. C5 - Social Media Class Action Litigation
Human Resources
24. C6 - Personnel Consent Agenda
Personnel Consent Agenda - Final.pdf
25. C7 - Ratification of the 2023-2024 through 2025-2026 Master Contract between the Clay Education Support Professional Association Local 7409 and the Clay County School Board.
2023-2024 through 2025-2026 CESPA Ratification of Master Contract
26. C8 - Ratification of the 2023-2024 Amendment to the 2022-2024 Master Contract between the Clay County Education Association and the Clay County School Board.
CCEA Ratification Package 2023-2024 Amendment - 12-5-23.pdf
Instruction-Academic Services
27. C9 - K-12 Academic Services Out of State and Overnight Student Travel
December 2023 Board Backup.pdf
Instruction-Professional Development
28. C10 - Affiliation Agreement between Clay County District Schools and Valdosta State University (VSU)
240074 Valdosta State Univ Collab Partnership.pdf
29. C11 - Addition to the Professional Learning Catalog (Master In-service Plan)
CTE (Career and Technical Education) Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSO) , 10_16_2023.pdf
Business Affairs
30. C12 - Proposed Allocation Changes for 2023-2024
12.07.23 - 23-24 Allocation Summary.pdf
Business Affairs-Accounting
31. C13 - Monthly Financial Reports for October, 2023
October 2023 Monthly Board Financial Report.pdf
October 2023 Monthly Board Property Report.pdf
Contracts Signed By Super for $50,000 to $100,000.pdf
32. C14 - Budget Amendment Report for October 2023
23-24 Budget Amendment October 2023.pdf
Business Affairs-Property
34. C16 - Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles Data Exchange Memorandum of Understanding
FLHMV Data Exchange MOU 12.23.pdf
35. C17 - School Concurrency Proportionate Share Mitigation (PSM) Agreement between the Clay County School Board, Clay County, Lori A. Bowden, and LJB Land, LLC
Proportionate Share Mitigation Agreement - Russell Road Development 12.7.23.pdf
36. C18 - Change Order #1 for Orange Park Junior High School RTU Replacement Buildings 1, 2, 3, & 4
Change Order #1 OPJ RTU Replacement Buildings 1, 2, 3, & 4.pdf
37. C19 - Prequalification of Contractors
Table for Board Backup Contractor Prequal, 12.7.23.pdf
38. C20 - Change Order #2 for Bannerman Learning Center Parking Lot Renovations/Security Lighting Replacement
Change Order #2 BLC Parking Lot Renovations.pdf
39. C21 - Substantial and Final Completion of Orange Park High School Stadium Repair/Replacement
Substantial Completion OPH Stadium Repair.Replacement.pdf
Final Completion OPH Stadium Repair.Replacement.pdf
40. C22 - Change Order #1 for Fleming Island High School Batting Practice Building and Erosion Control
CO 1 FIH Batting Practice Bldg & Erosion Control.pdf
41. C23 - Change Order #4 for Keystone Heights Elementary School New Cafeteria/Classrooms
Change Order #4 KHE New Cafeteria Classrooms.pdf
Adoption of Consent Agenda
42. Adoption of Consent Agenda

Prior to the vote to adopt the consent agenda, Chair Gilhousen read the following statement into the record:

"There has been a necessary revision to the ratification package attached to Item C8 Ratification of the 2023-2024 Amendment to the 2022-2024 Master Contract between the Clay County Education Association and the clay County School Board.  In accordance with Florida Statute 120.525(2), a change may be made for good cause.  The ratification package was found to contain errors requiring the following revisions, and good cause exists for making these revisions:

  • Article XXVIII: Compensation - (2nd page) corrected data in the "Additional Base Salary Increase Through Performance Pay."  The salary increases noted for annual contract teachers and professional services contract teachers were transported.  These amounts are governed by Florida Statute 1012.22 and have been corrected.
  • Article XXVIII: Compensation - (4th page) corrected data in the "Maximum Percentage of Accumulated Terminal Sick Leave Days" under Years 5, 6, and 7."
Motion to Adopt Consent Agenda
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Michele Hanson
Second: Mary Bolla
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
Beth Clark - Aye
Michele Hanson - Aye
Erin Skipper - Aye
CCEA Update  (Victoria Kidwell)
CESPA Update  (None)
Superintendent's Update and Presentations
43. Superintendent's Update
Superintendent's Update 12-07-2023.pdf

Superintendent Broskie shared the attached visual presentation highlighting the following:

  • Schools of the Month
  • Students of the Month
  • Holiday Letters to Heroes
  • OneClay Parent Academy in January
  • Winter Break Reminders
  • Upcoming Events
School Board Attorney Remarks
44. School Board Attorney Comments

Jeremiah Blocker, School Board Attorney, advised the board that work is continuing regarding the proposed contract with Clay County Sheriff's Office.

School Board Member Remarks
45. School Board Member Comments

Mrs. Hanson noted that she is proud of the generosity of the board and appreciative of the district's bargaining team and efforts to bring negotiations to a close before Christmas.  She is proud of what has been accomplished but believes the county can do better for teachers if the process is started earlier with creativity and more input from the board.  She invited board members to join her as she holds a community forum on January 16, 2024 to obtain stakeholder input on the Library Media Policy.  Mrs. Hanson will also offer office hours beginning in February.  She also suggested exploring additional legal services.  Mr. Broskie advised he will be discussing legal services with The Douglas Firm in the upcoming week.

Mrs. Clark noted the importance of Pearl Harbor Day and extended thanks to Mr. Blocker, School Board Attorney, for his excellent work.  She would like the board to be able to evaluate supplemental resources with sufficient time before renewal.  She appreciated Bryce Ellis and the Operations Department for their work on the Keystone Heights cafeteria and looks forward to learning more about upcoming projects to include portable replacements.

Mrs. Skipper commented that she will continue to fight for and listen to teachers, advocating for more executive sessions and more meetings with legal to get more done to benefit teachers from both a salary and a classroom perspective.  She expressed appreciation to Randall Crawford, Director of Transportation, who advocates for his employees, and to the teachers and support staff at Middleburg High and Wilkinson Junior High for giving a very meaningful gift to a member of her family.

Mrs. Bolla appreciated the Thanksgiving celebration at AMIKids that she enjoyed with students and their families as well as the numerous thank you notes she received from students at Shadowlawn.  She greatly enjoyed the opportunity to be in schools, interact with students, and enjoyed the opportunity to attend the Fleming Island High School Community Tour to learn of the community's interest in Career and Technical Education programs.  She also attended the Argyle Elementary School spelling bee and looks forward to the W.E. Cherry Elementary door contest.

Mrs. Gilhousen requested board member input to establish committee assignments and graduation preferences for the upcoming year.  She noted the special place that teachers have in the lives of children and shared that she will be praying for all students through the holiday season.

Adjournment  (8:27 p.m.)
Superintendent of Schools School Board Chair