September 6, 2018 - Regular Meeting - Public Hearing on the Budget | ||||||||||||||||
Date: Sep 06 2018
(6:00 p.m.)
Invocation (Pastor Ian Combs, Celebration Church Orange Park Campus) | ||||||||||||||||
Pledge of Allegiance | ||||||||||||||||
Call to Order (Present: Janice Kerekes, District 1; Carol Studdard, District 2; Betsy Condon, District 3; Mary Bolla, District 4; Ashley Gilhousen, District 5; and Superintendent Addison Davis.) | ||||||||||||||||
Public Hearing on the Budget | ||||||||||||||||
1. Review the 2018-2019 Final Millage, Rolled-Back Rate Calculation, and the 2018-2019 Budget (All Funds) | ||||||||||||||||
Budget FInal ESE 139.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
2018-2019 Final Budget Summary.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
2018-2019 FINALfinaL Budget 9-6-18.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Minutes: Dr. Susan Legutko, Assistant Superintendent for Business Affairs, used a visual presentation to review the final budget, all funds, totaling $398,560,663. She reviewed the rollback calculation and final proposed millage levies for 2018-2019 along with the amount of money each mill levy will generate for Clay County. |
2. Public Hearing for Comments on the 2018-2019 Budget and Millages | ||||||||||||||||
Minutes: The Chairman opened the public hearing. With no one present to speak to the budget, the public hearing was closed. |
3. Adopt the 2018-2019 Required Local Effort Mill Levy | ||||||||||||||||
4. Adopt the 2018-2019 Basic Discretionary Operating Mill Levy | ||||||||||||||||
5. Adopt the 2018-2019 Local Capital Improvement Fund Mill Levy | ||||||||||||||||
6. Adopt the 2018-2019 Total Mill Levy | ||||||||||||||||
2018-2019 Mill Levies.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
7. Adopt the Final 2018/19 – 2022/23 Educational Facilities Plan | ||||||||||||||||
FINAL 1819 EFP.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
8. Adopt the Budget (All Funds) for 2018-2019 | ||||||||||||||||
2018-2019 Final Budget Summary.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
9. Resolution #19-03 Florida Department of Education Resolution Determining Revenues and Millages Levied | ||||||||||||||||
ese524-resolution-3 (1).pdf | ||||||||||||||||
10. Resolution #19-04 Adopting the 2018-2019 Final Budget | ||||||||||||||||
Resolution 19-04 Adoption of the Final Budget.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Student Showcase (None) | ||||||||||||||||
Recognitions and Awards | ||||||||||||||||
11. Signing of the Ratified Clay County Education Association Contract | ||||||||||||||||
Minutes: The President of the Clay County Education Association, Renna Lee Paiva, and the School Board Chair, Carol Studdard, signed the fully ratified collective bargaining agreement which will be effective from the date of ratification on August 6, 2018, through June 30, 2020. |
12. Signing of the Ratified Clay Educational Staff Professional Association Contract | ||||||||||||||||
Minutes: The President of the Clay Educational Staff Professional Association, Teresa Dixon, and the School Board Chair, Carol Studdard, signed the fully ratified collective bargaining agreement which will be effective from the date of ratification on August 17, 2018, through June 30, 2019. |
13. Recognition of Clay County Chamber of Commerce | ||||||||||||||||
Minutes: Superintendent Davis recognized Tresa Calfee, Bob Olson, and the Clay County Chamber as a Champion of Change for hosting an outstanding 2018 Teacher Expo and supporting the work of Clay County teachers. |
Presenters (None) | ||||||||||||||||
School Showcase (Tynes Elementary School - Laura Fogarty, Principal) | ||||||||||||||||
Presentations from the Audience (Public Comment) | ||||||||||||||||
14. Public Comments | ||||||||||||||||
Note for the record: Chairwoman Studdard announced that there were problems with Comcast and intermittent airing of tonight's meeting.
Consent Agenda | ||||||||||||||||
Superintendent | ||||||||||||||||
15. C1 - Minutes of School Board Workshop on July 23, 2018; Special Meeting on July 23, 2018; Special Meeting on July 31, 2018,; and Regular Meeting on August 2, 2018. | ||||||||||||||||
July 23 Workshop Minutes.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
July 23 Special Meeting Minutes.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Jul 31 Special Meeting Minutes.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Aug 2 Regular Meeting Minutes.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
School Board Attorney | ||||||||||||||||
16. C2 - Consideration of proposed settlement of all claims against the School Board by Plaintiff in Asencio v. Clay County School Board, et al., Fourth Judicial Circuit in and for Clay County, Florida, Case No. 2016-CA-00078 | ||||||||||||||||
Settlement and Release Agreement Asencio.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Approved Agreement signed by Board Chair.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Information and Technology Services | ||||||||||||||||
17. C3 - Interlocal Agreement between the School Board and Board of County Commissioners of Clay County for use of the Educational and Governmental (EG) Comcast Channel 260 | ||||||||||||||||
190052 Comcast - Interlocal Agreement with BCC.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Interlocal with BCC EG Channel signed by Board Chair 9.6.18.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
18. C4 - 2018-2019 Uniform Statewide Assessment Calendar | ||||||||||||||||
Option #3_ Clay - K12UniformAssessmentCalendar18-19.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Human Resources | ||||||||||||||||
19. C5 - Personnel Consent Agenda - September 6, 2018 | ||||||||||||||||
Personnel Consent Agenda 9 6 2018.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
20. C6 - Best and Brightest Florida Statute Review | ||||||||||||||||
Best and Brightest 2018 2019 attachment.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
21. C7 - Approve Advertisement and Notice of Intent to adopt proposed amendments to School Board Policy 2.36: Firearms and Chemical Weapons. | ||||||||||||||||
S. B. Policy 2.36 Firearms and Chemical Weapons.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
NOTICE OF APPROVAL TO ADVERTISE SB Policy 2.36.docx - Google Docs.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
22. C8 - Complete Salary Schedule 2018-2019 | ||||||||||||||||
COMPLETE SALARY SCHEDULE Pending Bd Approval 18 19.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Instruction-Career and Technical Education | ||||||||||||||||
23. C9 - CTE Out of State and Overnight Field Trips | ||||||||||||||||
FT board backup 9-6-2018.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
24. C10 - USI STEM Curriculum & Certification Agreement | ||||||||||||||||
19033 Unmanned Safety Final 2018.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
25. C11 - School Affiliation Agreement between CCSD and Orange Park Medical Center | ||||||||||||||||
Orange Park Medical Center 2018.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
26. C12 - VyStar Academy of Business at Clay High School | ||||||||||||||||
Vystar CU Agreement - CTE.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Instruction-K-12 Academic | ||||||||||||||||
27. C13 - Approval of Out of County Student Travel - K-12 Academic | ||||||||||||||||
Sept 2018 - Student Travel.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
28. C14 - 2018-19 Dual enrollment Articulation Agreement Between District School Board of Clay County and District Board of Trustees St. Johns River State College | ||||||||||||||||
Sept 2018 - 2018-19 SJRSC Dual Enrollment Agreement.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
29. C15 - 2018-19 Collegiate High School Contract Between Clay County School Board and District Board of Trustees of St. Johns River State College | ||||||||||||||||
Sept 2018 - 2018-19 SJRSC Collegiate Agreement.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
30. C16 - Agreement Between the School Board of Clay County and AMI Kids | ||||||||||||||||
Sept 2018 - AMI Contract.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Instruction-Professional Development | ||||||||||||||||
31. C17 - Clay Charter Academy Request for Title IIa Funds | ||||||||||||||||
Clay Charter Academy Kagan Request (1).pdf | ||||||||||||||||
190045 Clay Charter Acad.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
32. C18 - The New Teacher Project: TNTP Leadership Development | ||||||||||||||||
33. C19 - Master Inservice Plan | ||||||||||||||||
2018-2019 MIP V.2 (1).pdf | ||||||||||||||||
34. C20 - Walden University Inter-Agency Agreement | ||||||||||||||||
190046 b Walden University.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Business Affairs | ||||||||||||||||
35. C21 - Proposed Allocation Changes for 2018-2019 | ||||||||||||||||
Allocation Summary - September 6, 2018.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
36. C22 - NSF WRITE OFF PERMISSION | ||||||||||||||||
Business Affairs-Accounting | ||||||||||||||||
37. C23 - Budget Amendment for the Months of November 2017, December 2017, January 2018, February 2018, March 2018, April 2018, May 2018, June 2018 | ||||||||||||||||
Budget Amendments Nov, Dec, 2017 & Jan thrugh June 2018.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
38. C24 - Superintendent's Annual Financial Report for the FYE 6-30-2018 | ||||||||||||||||
ESE 348 Board Meeting.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
C24 PC34_1718.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
C24 Property Reports.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Business Affairs-Property | ||||||||||||||||
39. C25 - Deletion of Certain Items Report - August, 2018 | ||||||||||||||||
Deletion Report-August, 2018.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Operations | ||||||||||||||||
40. C26 - Restated Interlocal Agreement for Emergency Shelters in Clay County between the Clay County School Board and the Clay County Board of County Commissioners. | ||||||||||||||||
BCC Interlocal Agreement Emergency Shelters.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Operations-Facilities | ||||||||||||||||
41. C27 - Pre-qualification of Contractors | ||||||||||||||||
Table for Board Backup Contractor Prequal, 9.6.18.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
42. C28 - County-Wide Mechanical/Electrical Engineer Contract Award 2018/19 | ||||||||||||||||
Mechancial.Electrical Engineer Contract County-Wide 18.19.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
43. C29 - Change Order #1 for Middleburg Elementary School Restroom Renovation | ||||||||||||||||
ChgOrder1, MBE Restroom Renovation.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
44. C30 - Substantial Completion of Orange Park Elementary School Kitchen Renovation | ||||||||||||||||
Substantial Completion OPE Kitchen Renovation.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
45. C31 - Substantial Completion of Middleburg Elementary School Restroom Renovation | ||||||||||||||||
Substantial Completion MBE Restroom Renovation.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
46. C32 - Change Order #4 for Fleming Island High School AICE Testing Facility | ||||||||||||||||
CngOrder4, FIH AICE Testing Facility.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
47. C33 - Clay County Utility Authority Close-Out Documents for Discovery Oaks Elementary School (Elementary “Y”) | ||||||||||||||||
Closeout documents DOE.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
48. C34 - Substantial Completion of Discovery Oaks Elementary School (Elementary School “Y”) | ||||||||||||||||
Substantial Completion Form - DOE.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
49. C35 - Change Order #7 (Direct Purchasing) for Discovery Oaks Elementary School, Elementary School “Y” | ||||||||||||||||
CngOrder7, DOE Elementary School Y.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
50. C36 - Change Order #6 for Discovery Oaks Elementary School, Elementary School “Y” | ||||||||||||||||
CngOrder6, DOE Elementary School Y.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Adoption of Consent Agenda | ||||||||||||||||
51. Adoption of Consent Agenda | ||||||||||||||||
CCEA Update (Renna Lee Paiva) | ||||||||||||||||
CESPA Update (Teresa Dixon) | ||||||||||||||||
Superintendent's Update and Presentations | ||||||||||||||||
52. Revenue Presentation | ||||||||||||||||
SB September 2018_Superintendent Update.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Minutes: Superintendent Davis thanked the voters for approval of the increased ad valorem tax. He noted that the favorable results show that education is important to the Clay County community. Mr. Davis stated that he plans to give an annual report to the public to show the return on their investment. He noted that the figures included in his presentation are only first-draft figures for projected financial impacts of the millage increase. Superintendent Davis concluded his presentation by recognizing Renna Lee Paiva as a Champion of Change for helping to assist with a flawless opening of the 2018-19 school year.
Discussion Agenda | ||||||||||||||||
School Board Member | ||||||||||||||||
53. D1 - Salary Supplement for the Superintendent of Schools (Mrs. Bolla) | ||||||||||||||||
Superintendent Salary Supplement Information 09 2018.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Human Resources | ||||||||||||||||
54. D2 - Human Resources - Special Action A | ||||||||||||||||
Special Actions A 9 6 2018.pdf (Confidential) | ||||||||||||||||
School Board Attorney Remarks | ||||||||||||||||
School Board Member Remarks | ||||||||||||||||
Minutes: The FSBA Legislative Committee will be meeting on September 20, 2018, however, neither the Board's liaison (Mrs. Bolla) nor the alternate (Mrs. Kerekes) are able to attend the meeting due to prior commitments. Mrs. Studdard will notify FSBA if another Clay County board member is able to attend. Mrs. Studdard announced a brief executive session immediately following tonight's board meeting. Board member comments included the following:
Adjournment (7:44 pm) | ||||||||||||||||