Agenda Plus
School Board of Clay County
Teacher Inservice Center, 2233 Village Square Parkway, Fleming Island
August 3, 2023 - Regular School Board Meeting
Date: Aug 03 2023 (6:00 p.m.)
Student Showcase  (None)
Invocation  (Rev. Sarah Minton, St. Mary's Episcopal Church, Green Cove Springs)
Pledge of Allegiance
Call to Order  (Present: Erin Skipper (participated via telephonic conferencing), District 1: Mary Bolla, District 2; Beth Clark, District 3; Michele Hanson, District 4; Ashley Gilhousen, District 5; and Superintendent David S. Broskie)
Recognitions and Awards  (None)
1. Recognize National Winners of Career and Technical Student Organization
August 2023 CTSO School Board Recognition.pdf

Kelly Mosley, Supervisor of Career and Technical Education, recognized national winners of Career and Technical Student Organization as follows:

  • TSA-LAJ - Marka Behnken - National Middle School Advisor of the Year
  • TSA-LAJ - Jayna Lauer - 1st Place National Career Prep
  • TSA-LAJ - Chandani Armogan, Jayna Lauer, Greyson Tompkins - 5th Place Inventions and Innovations
  • TSA-LAJ - Bobby Baggett, Timothy McKeehan, and Greyson Tompkins - 6th Place System Control
  • FBLA-LAJ - Shawn Saint-Vilus - 1st Place FBLA Mission and Pledge
Presenters  (None)
School Showcase  (None)
Presentations from the Audience (Public Comment)
2. Public Comment

Public speakers:

  • Judith Chapple
  • Constance Higginbotham 
  • Dawn Hall 
  • Christie Torode 
  • Carol Newbern 
  • Kelly Stoudnour 
  • Tom Doan 
  • Leigh Ann Lunsford 
  • Tanya Kacsan 
  • Bruce Friedman 
  • Samantha Wernet 
  • Shari McGriff 
  • Sheila Torres
Consent Agenda
3. C1 - Minutes of School Board Workshop and Special Meeting on June 20, 2023; Student Discipline Hearings and Regular Meeting on June 29, 2023
2023 Jun 20 Workshop.pdf
2023 Jun 20 Special Mtg.pdf
2023 Jun 29 Student Hearings.pdf (Confidential)
22 Jun 29 Regular Mtg.pdf
Information Technology Services
4. C2 - Lightspeed Systems
230180 Lightspeed Systems.pdf
Executed 230180 Lightspeed.pdf
Human Resources
5. C3 - Personnel Consent Agenda
August 4.2023 Personnel Consent Agenda-Updated.pdf
6. C4 - Kelly Services Amendments - Substitutes
Kelly Services - Exhibit A 7.25 (1).pdf
Instruction-Academic Services
7. C5 - 2023-24 Early College Program (formerly Collegiate High School) Contract Between the School Board of Clay County and District Board of Trustees of St. Johns River State College
230161 St Johns River Collegiate HS.pdf
8. C6 - K-12 Academic Services Out of State and Overnight Student Travel
OHS Field Trip 3-7-24_001.pdf
9. C7 - 2023-2024 Dual Enrollment Articulation Agreement Between School Board of Clay County and Florida State College of Jacksonville
230170 FSCJ.pdf
Executed 230170 FSCJ.pdf
10. C8 - Proposed revision to PACE Employee and Student Calendar for 2023-2024 School Year
23-24 PACE Employee and Student Calendar Revised.pdf
11. C9 - Approval of the Curriculum Associates agreement for the purchase of i-Ready Mathematics K-5 and Ellevation Platform for the 2023-2024 School Year
230158 Curriculum Assoc Ellevation and iReady_August Board.pdf
Executed 230158 Curriculum Assoc Ellevation_iReady.pdf
Instruction-Professional Development
12. C11 - 2023-2024 Professional Development Advisory Council Membership
2023-2024 PDAC Committee Board Approval.pdf
13. C12 - Resident Clinical Faculty Memorandum of Understanding between Clay County District Schools and the University of North Florida
230183 UNF Resident Clinical Faculty MOU (1).pdf
14. C13 - Affiliation Agreement between Clay County District Schools and Liberty University (LU)
Instruction-Climate and Culture
15. C14 - Navigate 360, LLC curriculum to meet requirements set forth under Rule 6A-1.094124, F.A.C.)
230173 Navigate 360.pdf
Executed 230173 Navigate 360.pdf
16. C15 - 2023-2024 Clay County School Board Agreement with Flagler Health for BRAVE Program
240021 Flagler Hospital Brave Program.pdf
Executed 240021 Flagler Hospital Brave Program.pdf
Business Affairs
17. C16 - Proposed Allocation Changes for 2023-2024
23-24 Allocation Summary 08.03.23.xlsx - 2023-24.pdf
Business Affairs-Property
Business Affairs-Purchasing
19. C18 - BID to be Awarded
20. C19 - Prequalification of Contractors
Table for Board Backup Contractor Prequal, 8.3.23
21. C20 - School Concurrency Proportionate Share Mitigation (PSM) Development Agreement for Holstein Commercial, LLC, a Florida limited liability company (Bella Lago SFA).
School Mitigation Agreement Modified-Bella Lago Town Homes 7.18.23.pdf
22. C21 - Clay High School Gym Renovations Contract Award
Clay High School Gym Renovations Bid Tab.pdf
Clay High School Gym Renovations Contract.pdf
23. C22 - Substantial Completion of Spring Park Elementary School
Substantial Completion for Spring Park Elementary School
24. C23 - Change Order #2 for Middleburg High School Cafeteria Expansion
MHS Cafeteria Expansion CO #2.pdf
25. C24 - Change Order #2 for Ridgeview Elementary School Roof Repair/Replacement Buildings 1, 2, & 3 – Shingles and Kitchen/Cafeteria Renovations
Change Order #2 RVE Roof Repair Replacement Buildings 1, 2, & 3 - Shingles and Kitchen Renovations
26. C25 - Fleming Island High School Replace Batting Practice Building and Erosion Control Contract Award
FIeming Island High School Batting Practice Bldg. & Erosion Control Bid Tab.pdf
FIH Replace Batting Practice Building.Erosion Control Contract Award.pdf
27. C26 - Change Order #1 for Middleburg High School Safety & Security Single Key Access Initiative
MHS Single Safety & Security Key Access CO #1.pdf
28. C27 - Change Order #1 for Keystone Heights High School Safety & Security Single Key Access Initiative
KHH Safety & Security Single Key Access CO #1.pdf
29. C28 - Change Order #2 for Wilkinson Elementary School Kitchen/Cafeteria Renovations (Freezer/Cooler Replacement/Ceilings)
Change Order #2 WES Kitchen Cafeteria Renovations (Freezer Cooler Replacement Ceilings)
30. C29 - Change Order #1 for Orange Park Junior High School Restroom Renovations
OPJ Restroom Renovations Change Order #1.pdf
31. C30 - Change Order #1 for Lakeside Junior High School Restroom Renovations
LJH Restroom Rnovations CO #1.pdf
32. C31 - Architect Contract Award - Classroom Addition Prototype for Oakleaf Junior High School, Lake Asbury Junior High School and Future Reuse
Architect Contract for Classroom Addition - Oakleaf Junior
Architect Contract for Classroom Addition - Lake Asbury Junior
Agreement - Oakleaf Jr. High Classroom Addition.pdf
Agreement - Lake Asbury Jr. High Classroom Addition prototype.pdf
Adoption of Consent Agenda
33. Adoption of Consent Agenda
Motion to Adopt Consent Agenda
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Mary Bolla
Second: Beth Clark
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
Beth Clark - Aye
Michele Hanson - Aye
Erin Skipper - Aye
CCEA Update  (Victoria Kidwell)
CESPA Update  (None)
Superintendent's Update and Presentations
34. Superintendent's Update
Superintendent's Update 8-3-2023.pdf

Superintendent Broskie noted, in relation to a public speaker's comment, that discipline data is available within Synergy but is not reflected on the state website due to program compatibility issues with Synergy.  Mr. Broskie is in agreement that purchasing processes, engagement, and screen time are all things that should be considered in the purchase of materials.

The attached visual presentation was shared, highlighting the following:

  • State Assessment Results
  • New School Year
  • Student Transportation
  • Food and Nutrition Services
  • Immunization Requirements
  • Upcoming Events
Discussion Agenda
Human Resources
35. D1 - Human Resources Special Action A

There was no Human Resources Special Action A.

36. D2 - Human Resources Special Action B

There was no Human Resources Special Action B.

Instruction-Academic Services
37. D3 - Public Hearing to Approve as Advertised Modifications to the 2022-2023 Student Progression Plan
Approval to Advertise Notice of PH Student Progression Plan.pdf
Student Progression Plan 2023 - 2024-Board DRAFT .pdf
Summary of Changes - 23-24 SPP.pdf

Chair Gilhousen opened the public hearing.  With no one coming forward to speak to the item, the public hearing was closed.

Motion to Approve as Advertised Modifications to the 2022-2023 Student Progression Plan
Vote Results ( Approved )
Motion: Michele Hanson
Second: Mary Bolla
Ashley Gilhousen - Aye
Mary Bolla - Aye
Beth Clark - Aye
Michele Hanson - Aye
Erin Skipper - Aye
38. C10 - Approval for the Purchase of Achieve3000 Blended Literacy Solution for 2023-2024 (pulled by Mrs. Hanson)
230157 Achieve 3000 (1).pdf

Mrs. Hanson stated that she pulled this item to discussion in order to achieve fiscal responsibility and better educate students and that she has previously cited valid reasons why Achieve3000 does not benefit students, including negative emotional and academic impacts on students and a need for proper implementation.  As this resource is used only three to four times per month, she would like curriculum coaches and specialists to develop supplementary material and use that time for a writing component that would focus on essay skills, obtaining input from teachers, staff members, and parents for alternate purchase(s) should this item not be approved.  She would also appreciate more time to research and evaluate like purchases.

Mrs. Bolla believes this item is research-based and has been vetted, from her perspective, by teachers and professionals within curriculum instruction.  She advised this is a tool that provides the ability to differentiate instruction for use with all students, enabling collaborative learning among all academic levels.  She indicated she is not comfortable saying no to this program because she knows it is used appropriately to help students.  She does support having options to consider in the future.

Mrs. Clark expressed concern regarding extended screen time for students and would like to have more input from teachers about other options.

Mrs. Skipper believes there is too much technology and less engagement for students.  She would like students to take a step back from technology/screen time and encourages additional support staff so teachers can engage in small group instruction.

Mrs. Gilhousen appreciates the scaffolding of instruction that allows classroom discussion at low and high levels, but she is not personally a fan of screens.  She proposed the possibility of a county database of articles that could be printed and distributed as a resource for teachers.  She indicated that a majority of board members are concerned with the screen time issue and it may be beneficial to have a discussion at workshop and place the item on next month's agenda in order to allow time to hear a more prescriptive direction from the instructional division and correct any inappropriate use.

Mr. Broskie indicated he understands the board's concern re screen time and can provide protocols and talk about each program and the frequency for that at a future workshop.

Board members considered postponing the item to receive additional information, but a subsequent vote was taken.

Motion to Approve the Purchase of Achieve3000 Blended Literacy Solution for 2023-2024
Vote Results ( Rejected )
Motion: Mary Bolla
Second: Beth Clark
Ashley Gilhousen - Nay
Mary Bolla - Aye
Beth Clark - Nay
Michele Hanson - Nay
Erin Skipper - Nay
39. D4 - Public Hearing, As Advertised, for 95 Acre Land Purchase Located at 2770 Russell Road

Chair Gilhousen opened the public hearing.  With no one coming forward to speak to the item, the public hearing was closed.

School Board Attorney Remarks
40. School Board Attorney Remarks

School Board Attorney, Jeremiah Blocker (Douglas Law Firm), indicated that he looks forward to working with each of the board members and will be scheduling 1:1 interviews with each of them.

School Board Member Remarks
41. School Board Member Comments

Mrs. Hanson attended a Clay Education Foundation event and enjoyed watching teachers accessing needed supplies.  She requested to be apprised of current litigation matters involving the district.

Mrs. Clark expressed support for Mrs. Skipper's contribution of ideas and regrets how Mrs. Skipper and Mr. Douglas were treated at the last board workshop, citing the manner as unprofessional.  She is aware that the district and the Clay County Sheriff's Office are currently exchanging information and suggested 90 days as a discover and discussion period, with multiple workshops as needed, to be able to make an informed vote at the November 2nd meeting.

Mrs. Skipper also would like information that can be lawfully provided to board members re litigation.  She would like to review the parental rights policy with new counsel to ensure it is aligned with the law and determine if it can be made better.  She took part in innovative training for transportation staff and appreciates the positive environment in that department.  She appreciates the speakers attending this meeting and indicated she will continue to hold herself accountable to those who elected her to speak on their behalf.

Mrs. Bolla also participated in the transportation training and Tools4Schools event.  She appreciates the beautiful campus of the newest school, Spring Park Elementary.  She also indicated Joe Wiggins is again willing to participate as the citizen member on Value Adjustment Board.

Mrs. Gilhousen advised the new security changes at the meeting were not initiated by her, but she was informed the security is in alignment with other local agencies.  She obtained a board consensus to revisit policy prior to considering book challenge appeals, with Mr. Dailey, Mr. Blocker, and possibly stakeholders to see if there can be agreement on a set of appropriate standards for books.  She extended wishes to families for the best school year yet.

Adjournment  (8:32 p.m.)
Superintendent of Schools School Board Chair