Teacher Inservice Center - Fleming Island High School, 2233 Village Square Parkway | ||||||||||||||||
February 1, 2018 - Regular School Board Meeting | ||||||||||||||||
Date: Feb 01 2018
(6:00 p.m.)
Invocation (Pastor Bill Register, First Assembly Clay County) | ||||||||||||||||
Pledge of Allegiance | ||||||||||||||||
Call to Order (Present: Janice Kerekes, District 1; Carol Studdard, District 2; Betsy Condon, District 3; Mary Bolla, District 4; Ashley Gilhousen, District 5; and Superintendent Addison Davis.) | ||||||||||||||||
Student Showcase (Oakleaf High School Women's Ensemble - Valarie Williams, Choral Director) | ||||||||||||||||
Recognitions and Awards | ||||||||||||||||
1. Recognize the All State Band and Chorus students | ||||||||||||||||
Minutes: Mike Wingate, along with Sponsors Brett Pikuritz and Valarie Williams, were present to recognize the All-State Band and Chorus students and talk about the music program. The names of the students are listed in the agenda item details. Kylie Manamsala from Oakleaf Village Elementary, whose name was inadvertently left off the list, was also recognized. |
Presenters | ||||||||||||||||
2. Career and Technical Education Presentation | ||||||||||||||||
Minutes: Alice Paulk, Director of Career and Technical Education, announced that February is being designated as CTE Month through Proclamation #18-09 listed on the Consent agenda for approval. She presented a 4-minute video that will be used to promote CTE in Clay County. |
School Showcase (Swimming Pen Creek Elementary School - Rodney Ivey, Principal) | ||||||||||||||||
Scheduled Citizen Requests | ||||||||||||||||
3. David Campbell - Science Standards | ||||||||||||||||
Science Standards Presentation.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Minutes: Mr. Campbell discussed what he perceived as misconceptions and explained his perspective on the science standards and the meaning behind them. |
Presentations from the Audience (Public Comment) | ||||||||||||||||
4. Public Comments | ||||||||||||||||
Consent Agenda | ||||||||||||||||
Superintendent | ||||||||||||||||
5. C1 - Minutes of School Board Regular Meeting on January 4, 2018 | ||||||||||||||||
2018 Feb 1 - Minutes Jan 4 Regular.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
6. C2 - Florida Youth Challenge Academy Student/Employee Work Calendar 2018-2019 | ||||||||||||||||
FLYCA Student-Employee Work Calendar 2018-19.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
7. C3 - Revisions to Controlled Open Enrollment (COE) Plan for 2018 | ||||||||||||||||
Clay County District Schools COE Plan_2018-2019.docx.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Human Resources | ||||||||||||||||
8. C4 - Personnel Consent Agenda - February 1, 2018 | ||||||||||||||||
Personnel Consent Agenda 2 1 2018.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Addendum - Out of Field.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
9. C5 - Ratify the 2017-2018/2018-2019 Master Contract between the Clay Educational Staff Professional Association and the Clay County School Board | ||||||||||||||||
~~2017 2018 CESPA Ratification Pack.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
10. C6 - Ratify the 2018-2020 Master Contract between the Clay County Education Association and the Clay County School Board. | ||||||||||||||||
2017 2018 Ratification Package CCEA.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
IN-Curriculum and Instruction | ||||||||||||||||
11. C7 - Agreement between SBCC and Parrish and Associates, Inc. | ||||||||||||||||
Parrish and Associates Approved Contract (2).pdf (Confidential) | ||||||||||||||||
Instruction-Career and Technical Education | ||||||||||||||||
12. C8 - Career Pathway Articulation Agreement between Santa Fe College and The School Board of Clay County | ||||||||||||||||
Santa Fe College Articulation Agreement final 01082018.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
13. C9 - Proclamation #18-09 for Career and Technical Education Month | ||||||||||||||||
Proclamation.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Instruction-Exceptional Student Education | ||||||||||||||||
14. C10 - Clarke School for the Deaf Agreement 2017-18. | ||||||||||||||||
Clarke Schools Hearing and Speech 17 18.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Instruction-K-12 Academic | ||||||||||||||||
15. C11 - Approval of Out of County Student Travel - K-12 Academic | ||||||||||||||||
February 2018 - Student Travel.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
16. C12 - Bright Minds Youth Development, Inc./The School Board of Clay County | ||||||||||||||||
February 2018 - Bright Minds Contract.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
17. C13 - 2017-18 Dual Enrollment Articulation Agreement Between SBCC and FSCJ | ||||||||||||||||
February 2018 - FSCJ Agreement.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
18. C14 - Clay County Sheriff's Office Secondary Employment Contract | ||||||||||||||||
February 2018 - CCSO Secondary (Athletic) Contract.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
instruction-STEM | ||||||||||||||||
19. C15 - Intel Math Program Professional Development | ||||||||||||||||
Intel Spring 2018 dates.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Intel - pre and post by teacher - all cohorts (2).pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Business Affairs | ||||||||||||||||
20. C16 - Proposed Allocation Changes for 2017-2018 | ||||||||||||||||
Allocation Summary - February 1, 2018.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Business Affairs-Purchasing | ||||||||||||||||
21. C17 - Bid Renewal | ||||||||||||||||
Operations-Facilities | ||||||||||||||||
22. C18 - Clay County Utility Authority (CCUA) Agreement Amendment for Discovery Oaks Elementary School (Elementary “Y”). | ||||||||||||||||
CCUA DevAgreement with AMENDED in title.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
23. C19 - Pre-qualification of Contractors | ||||||||||||||||
TableBoardBackup Contractor Prequal, 2.1.18.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
24. C20 - Change Order #2 (Direct Purchasing) for Discovery Oaks Elementary (Elementary Y) | ||||||||||||||||
CngOrder2DP, DOE Elementary Y.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
25. C21 - Final (Phase III) Plans and Specifications for the AICE Testing Facility at Fleming Island High School | ||||||||||||||||
26. C22 - Schematic/Preliminary/Final (Phase I, II & III) Plans and Specifications for Middleburg Elementary School Restroom Renovation. | ||||||||||||||||
27. C23 - Schematic/Preliminary/Final (Phase I, II & III) Plans and Specifications for Orange Park Elementary School Kitchen Renovation. | ||||||||||||||||
28. C24 - Resolution to dispose of Relocatable Building at Fleming Island Elementary School. | ||||||||||||||||
resolution disposal of relocatable 841 FIE.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Adoption of Consent Agenda | ||||||||||||||||
29. Adoption of Consent Agenda | ||||||||||||||||
Minutes: Roel Escamilla spoke to item C6 prior to the adoption of the Consent Agenda. Following the adoption of the Consent Agenda and the approval of the Master Contracts between the School Board and the collective bargaining units (Consent items C5 and C6), both the CCEA and CESPA Presidents came forward for the official signing of the Terms of Agreement. |
CCEA Update (Renna Lee Paiva) | ||||||||||||||||
CESPA Update (Teresa Dixon) | ||||||||||||||||
Superintendent's Update and Presentations | ||||||||||||||||
30. Graduation Rates and Science Standards | ||||||||||||||||
Graduation 2018.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Minutes: Superintendent Davis began by recognizing the district's CTE supervisors and culinary teachers as this month's Champions of Change for the extras hours they devoted to helping with culinary needs for district events during the month of January.
Next, Mr. Davis thanked the Board of County Commissioners for acknowledging in their recent meeting the district's increase in graduation rates and recognizing School Choice Week, January 21-27, 2018. Mr. Davis used the attached PowerPoint presentation to celebrate a 3.7% increase in graduation rates, ranking Clay County 9th highest in the state. He ended his presentation with several slides on the science textbook adoption and announced the district must adopt curricula that align with state standards. |
Discussion Agenda | ||||||||||||||||
31. D1 - Consider rescission of September 26, 2017, School Board action to join the lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of House Bill 7069 (Submitted by Mrs. Condon) | ||||||||||||||||
Minutes: The following individuals spoke to this item:
A lengthy discussion ensued with Board members giving their opinions on the item and related topics. Mrs. Kerekes felt there was an improper motion and the item should be worded as a "withdrawal." Discussion included the wording of the item as well as references to Roberts Rules and protocol for bringing the item back to the Board for reconsideration. A short break followed the action on this item. (Audio was muted during the break and inadvertently not resumed until item D4.) |
Superintendent | ||||||||||||||||
32. D2 - Strategic Plan 2018-2022 | ||||||||||||||||
clay-county-school-district-strategic-plan-2018 (3).pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Minutes: Mrs. Condon thanked the Superintendent for putting together a detailed plan and for adding the requested verbiage that approval of the plan does not reflect the Board's approval of initiatives or contract addressed in the plan. |
Human Resources | ||||||||||||||||
33. D3 - Human Resources - Special Action A | ||||||||||||||||
Special Action A 2 1 18.pdf (Confidential) | ||||||||||||||||
34. D4 - Human Resources - Special Action B | ||||||||||||||||
Special Action B 2 1 18.pdf (Confidential) | ||||||||||||||||
Minutes: Mrs. Kerekes noted for the record that she did not believe the discipline on this item was strict enough and possibly warranted termination. |
35. D5 - Human Resources - Special Action C | ||||||||||||||||
Special Action C 2 1 18.pdf (Confidential) | ||||||||||||||||
Instruction-Instructional Resources | ||||||||||||||||
36. D6 - Public Hearing to Approve as advertised, Science Textbook Adoption for Grades K-12 | ||||||||||||||||
HMH K-12 Science Proposal.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Goodheart-Wilcox Proposal-Anatomy & Physiology.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Board Member Gilhousen Handout.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Public Speaker E. Laurence Science Standards Rebuttal.ppt.pptx.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Minutes: The public hearing was opened. The following individuals were present to speak to the item:
Following public comments, the public hearing was closed and Board discussion took place. Board member Ashley Gilhousen distributed a handout to Board members. There was lengthy discussion in which Board members were given the opportunity to voice their opinions and ask questions. Terry Connor, Chief of Secondary Schools, clarified that the state standards, indeed, refer to evolution as a "scientific theory" and that the district must have a major tool, referring to the textbook under consideration, for teaching state science standards. David D'Agata, Board Attorney, reviewed cases pertaining to evolution and referenced Florida Statutes which set forth the Board's duties regarding instructional materials.
Operations-Facilities | ||||||||||||||||
37. D7 - Public Hearing and Adoption of Attendance Boundary for Discovery Oaks Elementary School. | ||||||||||||||||
DOE attendance boundary ppt in pdf format.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Minutes: Chairman Studdard opened the public hearing. With no one present to speak to the item, the public hearing was closed. |
38. D8 - Clay County Utility Authority (CCUA) Resolution and Real Property Purchase and Sale Agreement for Tynes Elementary School | ||||||||||||||||
CCUA sale of property at TES ppt in pdf format.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Resolution 18-08 Tynes Elementary & CCUA.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
CCUA Tynes Real Property purchase agreement 2018.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Exhibit A - Plant Site.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Exhibit A - Easement.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
CCUA Tynes Elem CCSB Presentation Final.pdf | ||||||||||||||||
Minutes: A representative from the Clay County Utility Authority (CCUA), Jeremy Johnston, was present to speak to the item. Mr. Johnston used the attached PowerPoint to present the site advantages to CCUA as well as the benefits of the sale to the School Board. Brief Board discussion followed.
School Board Attorney Remarks (None) | ||||||||||||||||
School Board Member Remarks | ||||||||||||||||
39. Board Comments | ||||||||||||||||
Minutes: Board member comments included general remarks about the busy month with numerous district events. Mrs. Kerekes gave notice that she plans to agenda the House Bill 7069 lawsuit again next month in an effort to reverse tonight's rescission. Mrs. Gilhousen asked if there was interest by the Board to add additional resources to the science curriculum. Discussion followed about the district curriculum guides, their purpose and how they are developed. No action was taken to add additional resources.
Adjournment (11:29 p.m.) | ||||||||||||||||